Posts Tagged ‘exercise’

8 Things You Need to Be Doing to Develop 6-Pack Abs

Friday, September 17th, 2021
Mermaid Abs

The desire to have a fit, toned physique and defined 6-pack abs may seem out of reach, but it’s actually an attainable goal – if you’re willing to put in the work to reach that goal you too can develop 6-pack abs. Washboard abdominals do not come easily to most, and the straightforward fact is that you’ll have to work hard to achieve and maintain that chiseled midsection.

Here are 8 lifestyle and training strategies you can use to make the trip to Shreds-Ville that much easier.


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How to Better Support Your Workout Routine

Monday, September 13th, 2021
Support Your Workout Routine

Are you trying to get in the habit of working out but just not feeling motivated? Or, maybe you’ve been working out for a while and you’re not seeing results. There are many factors that can lead to that sluggish feeling and to a lack of results. Here are a few tips and tricks to better support your workout routine.


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How to Get Started with Weightlifting

Thursday, September 9th, 2021
Get Started with Weightlifting

Weightlifting is extremely good for you. It helps your body remain strong as you age, helps increase sports performance, helps maintain muscle mass while trying to lose weight, and even helps prevent blood clots and stroke. That being said, lifting, especially lifting heavy weights, can be intimidating if you don’t know where or how to get started. Here are some starting points if you’re thinking about how to get started with weightlifting. 


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Why Should I Go To the Gym?

Wednesday, September 1st, 2021
Go to the gym!

To some, going to the gym is just like having a cup of coffee. But others (maybe this is you?) will need to gather the last of their energy to do it at least every week. Sometimes even if we go to the gym for some 20 minutes on Thursday or any other day, we feel like composing songs to our praise.

Let’s be honest, you already know so well many reasons as to why you should go to the gym. You’ve probably even sworn to be consistent and disciplined with your fitness schedule. Such reasoning sometimes goes out the window after a day of work or studying, and you’d rather instead enjoy a night on the couch with Netflix.

By the time you finish reading this, you will have a few more reasons why you must attend the gym and hopefully get motivated to start a new routine.


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Can High-Intensity Rebounding Workouts Transform Your Body?

Friday, August 6th, 2021
rebounding workouts

Rebounding is an aerobic exercise that entails jumping on a trampoline. It is an ideal option for all ages, especially as you can go for gentle rebounding or up it to high intensity following your needs and situations. From kids to older adults, rebounding workouts can transform the body, making it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Much like any workout, the more you put into it, the better results you’ll realize. The best part is that rebounding is fun. You can hardly mask that smile as you jump on the trampoline, making it an ideal option even for those who don’t enjoy working out. High-intensity rebounding workout’s popularity continues to grow by the day. Let’s look at how it can transform your body, making high-intensity rebounding workouts a favorite among many.


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6 Types of Exercise You Shouldn’t Skip

Monday, April 19th, 2021
Exercise Chick

Everyone knows exercise is essential to good health, but the types of exercise you do matter almost as much as choosing to exercise in the first place. If you neglect to exercise certain parts of your body, those parts will suffer for it. Plus, doing the same kind of exercise all the time can get repetitive. Here are six types of exercise you shouldn’t skip.


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Benefits of Boot Camp Workouts

Friday, February 5th, 2021
boot camp workout

Fitness boot camp workouts provide you with an opportunity to build your endurance, strength, and, in many cases, resilience. However, before diving in head-first and signing up for a boot camp experience, you need to know what you are getting into.

These classes help you build your endurance, agility, and strength while ensuring you have the energy and focus on tackling whatever the day sends your way. The question is – are you up to this challenge? Find out by reading the information below.


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How Badminton Can Take Your Conditioning To The Next Level

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020
badminton athletes

If you’re bored of interval training, running on the treadmill or riding the bike, badminton might be something for you.

Though many people know badminton as a fun backyard game, it is an intense olympic sport with roots dating as far back as far as Ancient Greece and Egypt 2.000 years ago.

Just like with other types of cardio, you can play at any intensity you like, starting from a low-intensity equivalent of a brisk walk, all the way up to your VO? max.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the pros and cons of playing badminton for cardio, when your main goal is getting stronger in the gym.


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Why Ayurveda Treatment is Best for Weight Gain

Saturday, December 12th, 2020
Ayurveda weight gain

Let us face it- being skinny and underweight is no fun. Sometimes, people lose too much weight due to different medical conditions and become lean and unhealthy. They start looking underweight, and there are several reasons for it. When an individual starts losing excessive weight, they start looking for effective ways to gain weight. Although there are many remedies, tips, and popular diets, you can find that promise you to gain weight quickly. But if you are looking for a safe and secure way, Ayurveda has something most effective. This post highlights the ways in which Ayurvedic treatment is effective for weight gain. So, let us get started.


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Does Exercise Help You Detox?

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020
Does Exercise Help You Detox?

Detoxing is a healthy cycle that one should go through at least once a year. How long the detox cycle may go is up to you. However, the best duration is not more than 30 days. 30 days are enough to flush your system clean while having a minimal impact on your fitness level.

But where does exercise come into play when detoxing?


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How to Combine Yoga and Resistance Training

Monday, November 30th, 2020
 Yoga and Resistance Training

As with any workout routine, you need rest and recovery days; however, for some, kicking back with a book or a lazy beach day simply don’t cut it. If you are looking for a recovery program that can help not only the body but the mind too, then yoga is the answer!

Yoga is great for post-workout recovery; it can increase mobility and flexibility in your strength training program. Here is how to add some yoga to your fitness routine without having to sit through an hour-long class!


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How Working On Your Physical Health Can Improve Your Mental Health

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020
athletes jumping around

Dealing with mental health issues, whether it’s depression, anxiety or something else can be difficult. While it may be possible to keep them under control at times, at others they may feel hard to manage, and this can be overwhelming. The thing that many don’t realize, though, is that there are simple things they can do themselves to help improve their mental health.


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4 Reasons to Try a Boot Camp Workout

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020
boot camp workout

If there’s one thing in life that offers plenty of options, it’s exercise. The question is, why can it be such a challenge to find a routine that works and stick to it? It could be boredom from repetition, frustration from not seeing the desired results, or simply a lack of motivation. While these are all common reasons, they don’t have to mean the end of a fitness journey. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to change your perspective. Keep reading for four ways boot camp workouts can benefit your life as a whole. 


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5 Post Workout Nutrition Tips

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

To Make Optimal Gains, Never Neglect Post Workout Nutrition

Strongman Mariusz

Knowing what to eat after a workout is a big question mark for many active adults, even those who have been exercising for years. Over time you’ll no doubt figure out your own system of food consumption that helps you to stave off fatigue and other symptoms following a workout, but did you know that there are proven methods you might be missing out on?

If you think that there may be a better way to get nutrition and optimize your workouts by pairing them with an appropriate diet, here are 5 post-workout tips that could prove useful.


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New Year, Fit You: 5 Tips to Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020
reach your fitness goals

The New Year is here and many of us have our New Year’s resolutions set. More often than not, these resolutions include getting fit. While we commend those who are looking to amp up their fitness in 2020, many people don’t know where to start or how to stay motivated, causing them to abandon their resolutions. At Project Swole, we want to help you reach your fitness goals.

Follow these 5 tips to set yourself up for success with your fitness resolutions!


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How to Go from a Resolutioner to a Doer

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

If you follow anyone who is into fitness, you’ve probably seen a meme or two about the Resolutioner. For those out of the loop, this is a person who makes a New Year’s resolution to get into shape. They flood the gym in early January, and then most people lose interest in working out and the gym goes back to normal. 

There isn’t anything wrong beginning your new year wanting to improve your fitness, but the problem is that many people go in without a plan or fully understand fitness, and this is why they fail. If you want to get into shape, here are some common mistakes Resolutioners make, and how to avoid them. 


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Effective Ways to Warm Up Before Working Out

Sunday, December 8th, 2019

warm up for a workout

Warming up before a serious workout is very important. Choosing a good, effective warm-up before working out will help you avoid injuries that can delay your fitness progress. The right warm-up exercises can create an amazing difference in how quickly your fitness improves.

However, choosing the wrong warm-up can also have an impact on your overall performance. You could end up getting injured or not maximizing the workouts which you make time for in your busy schedule. Keep reading as we talk about the most effective ways to warm up before working out!


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3 Common Causes of Workout Back Pain (and How to Recover Fast)

Friday, November 29th, 2019

There is nothing more satisfying than a strong back. While bulging biceps, pecs, and quads might seem sexy, they aren’t nearly as effective as increasing strength and stability as robust rhomboids, lats, and traps. However, not only is it easy to inefficiently train the back, but it is incredibly easy to injure those muscles (and the tissues around them) with improper technique and inaccurate exercises.

Workout Back Pain

If you want a rope-covered back but you don’t want chronic back pain, here are a few common mistakes you should avoid – and if you are already laid low from a back injury, here’s how you can recover and prevent them in the future.


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Exercise After Lip Fillers – What You Need to Know

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019
exercise after lip fillers

So, you’ve made the choice to get a lip filler done. It’s a great idea and you can look forward to fuller, bigger lips and a resulting self-confidence boost. But now you might be wondering how to incorporate exercise after lip fillers.

The first thing to note is you’re not quite out of the woods yet. Don’t forget, you’ve technically just had a cosmetic surgery procedure, so you can’t just go rushing off as if nothing happened. There are rules to follow. 

When it comes to exercise, you’ll probably want to know when you can be back in the gym. Thankfully, we can help with that. 


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How Wearable Technology Monitors Progress and Keeps You Motivated

Monday, October 7th, 2019

Progress is a key influencer when it comes to health and fitness. It’s a great motivator, but it can also be defeated if progress isn’t happening fast enough or in the way you want — understandably so, considering that progress is how we know if our new diet, workout, and lifestyle are actually working in our favor. Still, frustrating enough, progress takes patience — a lot of it.

wearable- echnology

It can be easy to give up if you can’t see any sort of that positive change you’re looking for. However, new wearable technology monitors are here to help track, monitor, and most importantly, provide important insight of the progress you’ve been making, even if you can’t see it in the mirror yet.


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