Posts Tagged ‘Social Networking’

Making a Meme: How to Create Your Own Fitness GIF

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

If you go on to the internet right now, you’ll find loads of comical pictures and videos about so many different things. In the fitness community, many content developers are making a meme about exercises performed wrong, silly workout outfits, or even serious memes like a max effort PR attempt. Some general memes cover politics, others cover social attitudes, and some are dramatic like the infamous Will Smith slap.

woman making a meme about planks

Making a meme or a GIF is fairly simple, especially when you have the right software or apps to aid you in this process. There are several ways you can go about making your own gif or meme. But what are a GIF and a Meme? What are the differences?

Here is a quick guide to these two popular aspects of social media and the internet at large, and how you can make them yourself.


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Why Kayla in the City is an Amazing Fitness Blog

Thursday, June 30th, 2022
Kayla in the City is an Amazing Fitness Blog

Blogging is a new motivation. From food and restaurant inspirations to gaining that dire motivation that people need to step up the treadmill, people look up to blogs on social media and deliberately make changes in their lives. One blog, in particular, Kayla in the City, is an amazing fitness blog. Want to know why?

Whether you are at the start of your fitness journey or need the motivation to continue, want to discover great books, and restaurants, or need some lifestyle inspiration, you can surely find it on this amazing blog “Kayla in the City”. Its content is enlightening, inspiring, enchanting, and empowering. Let’s take a look at Kayla and all that she does.


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The Top 10 Female Fitness Instagram Influencers 2022

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022
Top Female Fitness Instagram Influencers

The fitness sector is prospering more than ever in the face of the worldwide pandemic. Millions of individuals across the world are motivated to get in shape by their favorite fitness celebrities from the comfort of their own homes. Both male and female fitness Instagram influencers are known for being disciplined and driven, which inspires their followers to live more active lives.

Female fitness influencers are also on the increase in the fitness sector. They are well recognized for designing exercises that can be performed at home. The top female fitness influencers are professionals at designing intensive training programs that produce quick results without the use of heavy weights or machines. The fitness business is full of prominent women who impact the lives of their followers, from athletes and bodybuilders to models and yoga teachers.

Let’s take a peek at the top 2022 female fitness influencers.


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Top 10 Male Fitness Instagram Influencers 2022

Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
Male Fitness Instagram Influencers flipping a tire

Instagram has become the go-to platform for fitness fans to follow the finest in the industry. The unexpected explosion of the fitness scene on Instagram has given birth to several phony fitness experts that you should avoid. This list of Male Fitness Instagram Influencers consistently publishes valuable content, check them out if you’re not already.

Following the appropriate individuals on Instagram might help you achieve your objectives by providing daily encouragement. Not to mention, these athletes can teach you a lot about fitness and how to apply it to your training and diet.

Prepare yourselves for an abundance of abs! We’ve compiled a list of the greatest male fitness influencers, complete with crazy muscles and awesome athletes who make it simple to skip the sofa for a bench press! This list includes supermodels, CrossFit stars, and some of the most incredible bodybuilders you’ve ever seen! You will not be disappointed if you want to get in shape or just see what these guys are all about.


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Top 10 YouTube Male Fitness Influencers of 2022

Monday, March 28th, 2022
YouTube Male Fitness Influencers

Are stuck at home, waiting for the lockdown to finish so you can go to the gym? Are you worried about losing that hard-earned muscle? Or perhaps you’re a newbie who has chosen to make the most of your “stay at home” time by constructing the ideal lean, mean workout machine. Whatever your motive, you’ve chosen a new road-getting in shape at home. What is the greatest approach to reducing weight, growing muscle, and becoming fit in the comfort of your own home? Youtube can be your gym with this great selection of YouTube Male Fitness Influencers which can be paired with our previous list of YouTube Female Fitness Influencers

You could hire a high-priced trainer or coach to come to your home, but why not open your laptop and work with the best of the best Free, online, and anywhere you have Internet access? Youtube and fitness Youtubers make it easy for males to work out at home.

Check out the top 10 Youtube Male Fitness Influencers who might serve as your personal trainers, online or offline.


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How to Find An Effective Muscle-Building Workout on YouTube

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022
not an effective Muscle-Building Workout on YouTubes

YouTube is a great resource for free workout videos that anyone with a steady internet connection can use. Of course, it is important to know how to tell whether a video is more likely to help or hurt your workout routine. Below are some red and green flags to look for when trying to find an effective muscle-building workout on YouTube. You could obviously read some of the reviews to gauge the popularity and success, but these tips will help you formulate an initial first impression.


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GetInsta – The Best Tool to Get Free Instagram Followers & Likes

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Considering we’ve been posting a lot lately about using social media for workout motivation and to promote your gym or fitness business, I figured it would be a good time to post a review about the GetInsta App – a tool to hustle free Instagram followers. These followers will come in handy as you attempt to increase your status as an influencer and to give your profile more notice.

What is GetInsta?

Considered as the most captivating possibility, GetInsta is related to a wide change in broad correspondence. This wound up being a major in addition to Goliath for his next show. Assuming you’re a creative visionary or a convincing character in an organization, you truly need selective surveys and a fan base that loves and supports your appropriation.

The post you post is to some degree exceptional as far as assumptions however conspire and won’t influence how hard you work in these conditions. So there are devoted apps out there that can assist you with having various fans, as you would expect in the current circumstance.


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Use Social Media to Boost Your Fitness Business

Friday, November 19th, 2021
Use Social Media to Boost Your Fitness Business

Are you wondering how social media can effectively boost your fitness business? If yes, you have to make sure you get noticed while promoting your fitness business through social media platforms. You have to take care of specific facts and trends when attempting to take your fitness business to the next level.        

You can apply several techniques to boost your brand promotion through social media techniques in a short time frame. Do not make your path any more difficult than it needs to be while taking your fitness business and online presence in the right direction. 

Here are some helpful tips to do just that.


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Does Social Media Motivate or Discourage You to Work Out?

Friday, October 22nd, 2021
does social media motivate her to exercise?


This question is often asked by people. Does social media motivate or discourage our workouts? The answer to this question stays unclear mostly. 

According to researchers, a new study has been found where for some people social media is very helpful when it comes to working out.

For some people, media posts that include images of other people or friends doing workouts motivate them. 

People get motivated when they see good working out clothes, or others checking into gyms, and also people sharing their fitness achievements.

The other half does not like or get motivated even though there are hundreds of posts about working out.

 It leaves a negative impact on them, and they start feeling bad about their body, as they think to fit in the society or earn the ‘perfect body’ tag is very important. 


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What Is Fabulive and Why It Is in Trend for Makeup Stuff?

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

cosmetics fit girlWith the passing of time makeup industry is reaching new heights. Today, it is no more confined to four walls of a salon, it has moved to the corners of every household. These days, anyone who is interested in learning makeup skills can do it without getting enrolled in any makeup school. It is enough for you to have a smartphone and access to the Internet to watch free online makeup videos. You can learn how to apply makeup professionally by sitting on a couch or lying on your bed. However, it is important to point out that the knowledge about how to apply eyeliner or lip color doesn’t make you a professional makeup artist. You need something more than this, and platform can offer it to you.

Let’s try to understand more about Fabulive and why it is the perfect option for you if you truly want to be a makeup artist.

What is Fabulive?

Fabulive is a website on which you can post and share your makeup videos. The two things that make it different from others is that it is free of cost and that it is meant especially for makeup lovers. This way you get a chance to connect with the right people and explore more about the trends that dominate in the makeup world.

This is not just a passive makeup video tutorial platform, but more of an online makeup school that allows the beginners to gain expertise and become a professional makeup expert. Here you get the chance to attain valuable skills that you cannot achieve anywhere else. All the makeup experts here are ready to share their skills in their own way.

Why is Fabulive in trend now?

Many reasons make Fabulive popular, and some of them you can find below:


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Friday, December 10th, 2010

I want to tell you about a pretty cool new website today. If you’ve been hanging around the health and fitness website industry for a while now, you might remember HealthRanker, a health news social voting site, where popular articles are voted to prominence and end up on page 1. Well, HealthRanker was bought and destroyed a year or so ago, my attempts to make a clone called FitWire failed miserable, and now there is a new player on the scene.

Introducing FitMarker!


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Project Swole Joins Hive Health Media

Friday, October 1st, 2010

What is Hive Health Media?

  • Hive Health Media is first and foremost a website that feels like a blog and acts like a newspaper.
  • A network of the best health, fitness, food, and nutrition bloggers online.
  • A source of unique, innovative content about your favorite health topics.
  • A tool that you can use to drive traffic to your website by submitting guest posts.
  • A tool that you can use to increase your visibility to Google and get more search engine traffic.
  • A way for the little blogger to compete with industry giants like Mens Health, Diets in Review, and Live Strong.
  • An avenue to make some extra money when you decide to join the network.
Alexa Graph
Swole vs. Mens Health, Live Strong, and Diets in Review: No Contest

As you can see from the graph, I can’t do everything myself. Sites with multiple authors get more traffic, get ranked quicker, and ultimately become more prominent in the highly competitive health-website niche.


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Guest Bloggers Wanted!

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Wanted: guest bloggers, guest posters, guest authors!

Attention everyone! I am looking for guest bloggers you can write intelligent content to post on Project Swole!

Promote yourself and your website to 10,000 unique readers a day, network with other bloggers within the industry, collect potent backlinks to your own online content for SEO benefits.

Guest Post
Write a Guest Post!

Who Should Submit Content?

Anyone really, but I would especially like to hear from people with experience in the industry:

  • experienced coaches
  • those who specialize in any sport, equipment, or technique
  • doctors
  • nutritionists
  • book authors
  • dietary supplement innovators
  • personal trainers who have a clue

I would also like to hear from anyone who owns a sports, health, or fitness blog. If you can contribute something, anything, useful to Project Swole readers, I want to hear from you! Got it?


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Project Swole on Facebook

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

I’m not 100% sure where I’m going with this, but Project Swole is now on Facebook with a very basic Facebook Page. Soon I’ll get around to pimping it out and I’m currently learning a bunch of different ways to post to it. To become a fan, go ahead and click on this link: Project Swole on Facebook.

The new design will have an easy-to-find Facebook badge so if you forget to join, there will be ample opportunities at a later date.

In the meantime, let me know how best I can utilize the new Facebook Page. I have some ideas, but would like to hear from you all as well.

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Project Swole’s First YouTube Video

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

It is a milestone for Project Swole! This is the very first Project Swole video anywhere. Unfortunately I outsourced it to someone in India and it just might be the very worst video I have ever seen in my life. Go ahead and watch it but I don’t blame you if you hit ‘STOP’ after just 10 seconds.

Let’s hope the next Project Swole video at least has music or a voice over. Yikes!

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Mobile Fitness: 50 Health-Themed iPhone Applications

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

iPhoneI don’t own an iPhone, but maybe you do. If you do, you should totally check out some of these healthy iPhone apps. The more reminders we have, the more likely we will be to stick to the plan.

You’ve got your nutrition apps – menus and meal planners, indoor and outdoor workout apps, health info apps – think Web MD, a couple social networking apps – who uses SparkPeople(?), apps for brain health, and a bunch of other random apps.

Read the whole list of 50 iPhone apps here: 50 iPhone Apps That Will Make You Much Healthier

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