Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

The Best Exercises to Build Endurance

Monday, July 1st, 2024
this girl got ripped abs partially by adding exercises to build endurance

Athletes have become bigger and stronger and are in better shape nowadays, and the trend to build endurance through specific training has only accelerated this phenomenon. Athletes are getting leaner and more ‘ripped’ than ever, in nearly every sport.

It used to be that a baseball player, for example, would focus on exercises specifically designed to improve the specific skill set that they needed to succeed on the baseball field. The same sport-specific training was true for every sport. But as people began to see the broad-spectrum benefits that came with endurance training for events like the triathlon, it became evident that an individual with greater strength and endurance in any sport could benefit from a more well-rounded circuit of exercises.

It didn’t take long before regular people started to realize that they could benefit from endurance training, too, and it quickly became more and more popular. Today, its appeal is at an all-time high. Even weekend athletes, as a result of endurance training, are becoming almost indefatigable.

Here’s why.


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What is My Body Type? Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
a group of men asking what is my body type?

You could be wasting your time with a great workout routine and proper nutrition if you don’t know how to train and eat based on your body type. When I first started training and reading about body types my first question – what is my body type, was hard to answer. It seemed I was the combination of 2 of them so initially, I struggled to categorize myself. Honestly, your body type category doesn’t matter enough for anyone to be stressed out about categorizing the body type but knowing the details of how to eat and train for each type, at least gave me some direction as I set goals for fat loss and strength gains in my earlier years.

Hopefully, this guide will help you find some answers if you ask the question, ‘What is my body type?’


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Top 6 Ab Training Mistakes

Friday, June 7th, 2024
this ripped couple avoided ab training mistakes

Want thick, dense abs that stand out like a washboard? Want a ripped midsection with veins and shredded striations? No? How about this: Want to look good naked? If you answered yes to any of those, you’ll want to be sure you’re not making any common ab training mistakes.

You will never achieve any of the above goals or personal goals if you train your abs once a week with three sets of crunches for 100 reps, or if you eat like a horse. Avoid these 6 common abdominal training mistakes and your abs will dial in. Whether you are a bodybuilder, an athlete, or a novice, chances are you are making several of these ab training mistakes in your training right now. Take heed!


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Tips to Protect Your Knees While Working Out

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
powerlifter shows how to protect your knees with proper form

Are you experiencing unpleasant pain in the knee while training your legs? In this article, we are going to tell you how to protect your knees from any unpleasant injuries as they are very common.

Your legs are one of the most important parts of your body. As athletes and/or gym rats, we must train our legs regularly, even though it can be quite unpleasant at times. Training legs is not always fun, and is sometimes a bit painful, causing many beginners and even novice athletes to neglect them. Personally, I love deadlift day, I don’t care much for squat day, and I abhor lunge day for the reasons mentioned above.

Today we will share some tips and tricks of the workout trade, used by coaches and athletes that you can use to protect your knees from inflammation and injury.


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The Ultimate Goal: Training Longevity

Thursday, May 30th, 2024
older male training longevity

A few years ago, Josh Hanagarne, aka The World’s Strongest Librarian, sent me this great piece of work on training longevity. Enjoy!

How to Train for Your Future

We hear about weight training goals all the time.

  • I want more muscle.
  • I want less fat.
  • I want to look good naked.
  • I want to deadlift more.
  • I want to bench press 500 pounds.

What about training goals that wily matter when you spot your first gray hair or when you buy your first pair of bifocals? Granted fat loss is always a concern as you age, but what can we, as dedicated strength athletes, focus on NOW that will help us stay healthy as the years tick by?


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Grip Training: Hold On With A Bulldog Grip

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024
massive forearms due to heavy grip training

A few years ago, Josh Hanagarne, aka The World’s Strongest Librarian, sent me this great piece of work on grip training. Enjoy. (BTW, the quote in the title is from Abraham Lincoln).

I got into grip training for two reasons:

Number one, it looked fun and people I liked were doing it. Monkey see monkey do.

Second, I was getting strong enough that my hands were starting to become my limiting factor. This was a sobering realization which took place at the intersection of Lame and Weak.

Like most things I like right off, once I jumped in, I jumped in all the way. Grip training was addictive for me. Better yet, it gave me one more way to make progress, which is usually the major ingredient in how happy I am. I could either set aside dedicated days for grip work or, the more I learned, I could squeeze it into my normal workouts without much of a headache.

Before I tell you how I add grip training to your workout, I just want to give you a quick look at four different types of hand strength so that you don’t overemphasize anything or neglect anything that could be useful to you.


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Crush Your Calorie Burning Goals with a Mini Stepper

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

Finding time for exercise can be challenging. However, with the advent of compact and versatile workout equipment like the mini stepper, staying active has always been challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deeper into the world of mini steppers, exploring their benefits, mechanisms, and strategies for optimizing your calorie-burning potential.


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How to Fit In a Workout On Vacation

Friday, May 3rd, 2024
fit woman workout on vacation

Most vacations mean people take a break from their everyday life. Vacations can be great for health as well, by eliminating the daily stress from working 8-10 hrs, commuting, and having stressful responsibilities. They leave their routines at home and go away to have some fun. It’s great to get away and not think about work, but it may not be so great if you’re trying to stick with some daily habits. You’ll want to attempt to workout on vacation to keep your muscles limber and your blood flowing.

One of the most popular routines is a full-body workout. It can be difficult to keep up with this routine while you’re away for various reasons such as lack of equipment and training facilities. No matter the reason why you think you can’t get it done, here are a few tips to help see that you do.


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The Brain Benefits of Regular Exercise for College Students

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

Exercise is Great for Your Brain!

College Chick experiencing the Brain Benefits of Regular Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know about the brain benefits of regular exercise? Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity workouts 3-5 times a week as a way to ensure optimum cardiovascular health, and you know that you feel better when you’re getting your body in motion.

In addition, you might use exercise as a way to tone or build muscle, increase strength, flexibility, coordination, and endurance, lose weight, or even address the symptoms of chronic illness (like pain or arthritis).

Depending on the type of activity you choose, you could gain a wide variety of physical benefits from your exercise routine. But for college students enmeshed in their studies, the pursuit of physical perfection can be a hard sell.

Luckily, exercise also provides plenty of advantages on the mental front, as well. And for students seeking ways to boost brain power, the brain benefits of regular exercise could be a major boon.


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Harmony in Fitness and Style: Exploring Their Complementary Relationship

Tuesday, October 31st, 2023
fitness and style girl

The connection between fitness and style has grown more complex and linked than ever before in a culture that increasingly values uniqueness and self-expression. Our fashion tastes and commitment to living a healthy lifestyle are frequently both reflected in the way we dress.

This article delves into the harmonious synergy of fitness and style, highlighting how these two facets of life can coexist in perfect harmony.


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Trampoline Exercises and Workouts: Bouncing Your Way to Fitness

Thursday, August 17th, 2023
woman performing Trampoline Exercises

Are you looking for a fun and effective way to stay in shape? Look no further than trampoline exercises and workouts! Not just for kids, trampolining can provide a low-impact, high-intensity workout that engages your entire body.


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Top Considerations to Help Choose a Public Gym

Monday, July 3rd, 2023
choose a public gym like this fit couple

Deciding on a public gym can be challenging, especially if you are a beginner with little fitness experience. It is essential that you choose a public gym that makes you feel comfortable and at ease, with respectful members and helpful staff, as well as the proper physical amenities for security, cleanliness, and accessibility.

There are many options you should consider when bearing in mind accessibility and safety. In this guide, we will run through all of these options, giving you an insight into the amenities you should look out for.  


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Making a Meme: How to Create Your Own Fitness GIF

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

If you go on to the internet right now, you’ll find loads of comical pictures and videos about so many different things. In the fitness community, many content developers are making a meme about exercises performed wrong, silly workout outfits, or even serious memes like a max effort PR attempt. Some general memes cover politics, others cover social attitudes, and some are dramatic like the infamous Will Smith slap.

woman making a meme about planks

Making a meme or a GIF is fairly simple, especially when you have the right software or apps to aid you in this process. There are several ways you can go about making your own gif or meme. But what are a GIF and a Meme? What are the differences?

Here is a quick guide to these two popular aspects of social media and the internet at large, and how you can make them yourself.


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The Swole 3×5 Workout – A Fresh Approach to Strength Training

Monday, May 1st, 2023
The Swole 3x5 bent over rows

The Swole 3×5 Workout Routine

If you have been reading weightlifting materials for any length of time, you have probably heard of 5×5 training. It has worked for many trainees. We folks at Project Swole even made excellent progress on a 5×5 program. But with all this 5×5 hype, has anyone stopped thinking there might be an even more efficient way to train? You might want to take a moment to learn about The Swole 3×5 workout.

In my experience, at least for trained athletes, there are benefits to a Swole 3×5 workout routine which include added volume for accessory movements, core training, and conditioning due to the slightly lower workload.


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Where to Find New Year Health and Fitness Motivation

Friday, December 30th, 2022
New Year health and fitness motivation for chopping veggies

There is no telling how many people will resolve to lose weight, get in shape, and pursue better health and fitness at the turn of the calendar year, but it’s a good bet that the number includes most of the people reading right now. The problem for most of us is in finding our New Year Health and Fitness Motivation. After the marathon eating and loafing characteristic of the holiday season, most of us enter the New Year feeling like sloths, and those few extra pounds around the middle are not helping the situation.

This might not be quite enough to motivate you to make a change that will reverse your situation, especially if you’re feeling a little depressed about it already. So here are just a few tips that will help you to find the motivation you need to set goals and improve your health and fitness in the coming year.


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5 Must-Have Fitness Coach Skills

Thursday, December 1st, 2022
important fitness coach skills

When you’re looking to change the physical composition of your body, it can take years of hard work, determination, and discipline to get results. You have the people who enjoy the luxury of a naturally sculpted physique. But that sadly can’t be everyone. You might have to at least consult top-notch fitness coach skills to learn the basics of refining your physique.

If you’ve decided to start shaping your physical appearance, it is hard to know where to start and if in fact, you’re heading in the right direction. The results speak for themselves but getting good results is the hardest part. 

  1. Honesty – in all aspects of business and personal relations.
  2. Accuracy and Flexibility – programming for specific individuals to get maximum results.
  3. Organization – for both paperwork and digital resources.
  4. Qualifications – degree, license or certification, and experience
  5. People Skills – motivation, sales, articulation, and closure

So if you’re looking to make a difference for yourself it may be worth investing in a fitness coach. Knowing what to look for in one is yet another challenge. So let’s peel back on what should you look for specific to each of the skills listed above.


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Why You Should Join a Gym in 2023

Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
Athletes Showing Why You Should Join a Gym in 2023

Gyms are a great place to be. They offer a wide range of classes, equipment, and amenities, so you can fit in your own time without worrying about where or when. Gyms also have plenty of social events that allow you to meet new people who share your interest in fitness. Without a doubt, if you haven’t already, you should join a gym in 2023 and make your near year’s resolution something achievable like consistently going, three times per week, for 3 months, no excuses.

Here are a few good reasons why we think you should join a gym in 2023.


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The 5 Best Exercises for Soccer Players

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022
the best exercises for soccer

There is something peculiar about all great soccer players including other athletes. Sports legends like Muhammed Ali, and Michael Jordan, and soccer legends like Pele, and Maradona have excelled because of this peculiarity. But what does this peculiarity entail exactly? Exercising. It’s no secret that these best exercises for soccer have remained an integral part of many legendary players’ success stories for more than a thousand years now, probably way more.

When soccer players hit the gym for exercise, the focus is either heavy resistance training to build size or strength, or balance training. It can also be said that some take on specific drills to increase athletic performance to an exceptionally high level. There are several other exercises that soccer players carry out. In all, the goal is to improve their ability as soccer players and perform well on-pitch.


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Xeela Fitness Review: Are These Supplements Worth It?

Tuesday, October 25th, 2022
Xeela fitness review strongman pushing a sled.

Xeela has been hailed as a new name in the fitness world for less than a year. What does Xeela offer that others don’t? What does it mean for those who want to lead healthier lives? What we need is an honest Xeela Fitness review to get informed.

Read on to find out all about what Xeela is and what it means for your future.


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Why You Should Have Personal Fitness Goals?

Thursday, October 20th, 2022
fit couple with personal fitness goals

The best time to stay fit is today. Human strength will deteriorate when becoming older. And now that you can still endure working out, better grab a fitness coach to get started. A coach will help you flesh out your personal fitness goals so you can get a head start on your healthy lifestyle. Most of the individuals who chose to exercise alone did not finish well due to a lack of accountability. You can have a glimpse of the attributes of a reliable fitness trainer in the rest of this post. 

One of the common reasons for failing fitness goals is setting unrealistic objectives. This won’t motivate a person to excel but will instead start to doubt their progress in the midst of training. Meeting a fitness goal should be a fun experience and if you feel exhausted, learn to take a pause. 


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