Archive for the ‘Nutrition Tip’ Category

The Impact of Fiber Consumption on Muscle Health

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
fiber and fitness girl

It’s common knowledge that eating more protein and working out is beneficial to muscle tone and growth, but there are other things you can do to promote muscle health, too. A healthy, well-balanced diet including lots of dietary fiber is equally important, for example.

Here are some of the impacts fiber consumption has on muscle health.


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Evasive Maneuvers to Battle the Avalanche of Holiday Sweets

Friday, December 13th, 2024
Santa eating holiday sweets

Today, our guest post author Josie wants you to ditch the weight loss gimmicks, deprivation of so-called “forbidden foods”, and severe calorie deprivation, in favor of Moderation, Discipline, Portion Control, and Commitment to exercising and eating healthy. Josie wants you to moderate those holiday sweets and opt for high-protein, healthier alternatives when possible.

Here are some ideas as to how you can try to stop yourself from binging on holiday sweets.


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How Diet Trends Affect Oral Health: Veganism, Keto, and More

Monday, September 23rd, 2024
fit man with good oral health

Diet trends have become increasingly popular as people seek new ways to improve their health, manage weight, and align their lifestyles with personal values. Whether it’s veganism, keto, paleo, or intermittent fasting, each of these diets can have a profound effect not only on overall health but also on oral health. While many of these diets are promoted for their health benefits, it’s important to understand how they may impact the health of your teeth and gums.

Understanding the potential benefits and risks of each diet can help you make informed choices that protect your smile while supporting your dietary goals.


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10 Scientific Reasons for Eating Sweets After Meals

Monday, May 20th, 2024
chubby athlete eating sweets after a workout

Accept it or not, we all have that craving, or say, a mandatory ritual to take a sweet dish once we are over with our meals! Consuming sweets at the end of meals is a popular practice influenced by many factors—such as physiological responses, cultural traditions, and individual preferences. It doesn’t matter if it’s a slice of cake, a scoop of ice cream, or a small portion of fruit, eating something sweet towards the end of a meal has an emotional as well as physiological significance for many.

From satisfying the cravings to activating the reward system in the brain, eating something sweet after meals contributes to the overall dining experience. It could also be a factor in blood sugar regulation as well as social bonds. Understanding the causes that drive this behavior sheds an understanding of its multiple aspects.

In this article, let’s examine several reasons for craving and consuming sweets after meals from a scientific perspective.


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How to Identify and Resolve Nutrient Deficiency

Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

If you’ve been having health issues, you may be wondering if you’ve got a nutrient deficiency. It isn’t hard to imagine these days. Documentaries and Instagram Reels alike share information about depleted soil and inadequate diets. You may be feeling fatigued and wondering if it’s a nutrition issue or just a lack of sleep. The subject can get confusing, to be sure. 


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How Much Protein Should I Eat in a Day?

Thursday, February 15th, 2024
How Much Protein Should I Eat

Hardcore bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters, and even most other athletes eat a ton of protein in a day. OK, they don’t eat a “ton”, but they do eat more than the average person. There are myths and stories about professional bodybuilders and strongmen who eat 300-500 grams of protein each day. Most of us can’t follow that prescription so we end up with the nagging question, “how much protein should I eat in a day?” This leaves us with a number of additional oft-debated questions, such as:

“How much protein do the professionals eat?”

“Exactly how much protein do I eat?”

“How much protein is appropriate for me?”

“Can I physically eat ‘too much’ protein?”

“If so, what are the side effects?”

“Exactly how much is ‘too much’?”

Let’s stop to consider all of the factors that go into determining how much protein we should eat.


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Should You Switch to Whey Isolate?

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
whey isolate protein smoothies

Taking whey protein can be helpful for anyone looking to build muscle, improve recovery after exercise, or simply boost their daily protein intake. There are two main types of whey protein: whey isolate and whey concentrate. This article will explore the difference between the two and help you decide which is best for you.


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3 Reasons Protein Intake is Vital for Muscle Growth

Friday, April 28th, 2023
building muscle with protein intake

Building muscle is part of every fitness journey. While strength training plays a big role in achieving ripped abs, strong calves, or Popeye biceps, sufficient high-quality protein intake is essential for weight loss and optimal muscle growth.  This is because amino acids in protein act as building blocks to repair muscle tears that occur during exercise, support muscle tissue, and help you feel full longer which fuels muscle mass development.  

Research shows that proper protein intake is important for muscle growth because it increases muscle mass, optimizes the metabolism when consumed at the right time, and burns fat layers under the skin to help with better muscle definition to show off those gains.

Check out the 3 ways adequate protein intake can boost your muscle growth.


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Healthy Grab and Go Snacks: From A Personal Trainer

Thursday, April 6th, 2023
Healthy grab and go snacks

Being a fitness trainer is an exceptionally challenging job that not only requires your expertise in helping others to achieve their fitness goals but also demands that you look after your physique on a daily routine. As a busy personal trainer, I am always searching for the best grab and go snacks that I can consume regularly to maintain my healthy appetite. 

The perfect diet does not exist but with an evaluated plan that effectively contributes to your health, you can easily manage to get your fitness right on track just like a personal trainer myself. Let me take you through my day-to-day snacks and meals that make me maintain a balanced diet while helping in my fitness journey.


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10 Tips to Manage Cravings with Healthy Foods

Friday, December 9th, 2022
girl running away from snacks

You are a hardworking person who gets up early, works a full day, exercises, and takes care of the kids at night. Life sure is easy, right? Riiiight… Something is already telling me you could use some tips to manage cravings during your weakest hours.

OK, maybe your story is a little different, but most likely you are living a busy life, full of stress, anxiety, and deadlines. While you sit at your desk or drive your car, your daydreams shift to thoughts of salty chips or a smooth, sweet chocolate bar. You most likely are not thinking about healthy foods.

Don’t fret, it’s perfectly normal to have food cravings. When you constantly give in to your cravings and overindulge, is when you pay the price. Go ahead and accept your cravings as part of life, but also be aware that you can take action to prevent going overboard.


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The Project Shred Diet

Sunday, October 16th, 2022

Just in time for the new year! Lose fat quickly and safely on this 21-day fat-loss shred diet!

Disclaimer: the author is no longer a certified nutritionist and has not been a certified nutritionist since the mid-2000s. Use these diet guidelines and meal plans at your own risk.

Mermaid Abs from the Project Swole shred diet

To spare you from having to read this entire post to learn the premise, here is a quick summary of the Project Shred Diet:

  • A PDF that you can print out, containing meal plans that you can easily follow.
  • A strict diet is used to lose fat in 21 days.
  • A guideline for your post-diet lifestyle eating habits.
  • A detox diet is used to clean out your system of processed garbage.
  • A higher protein diet potentially allows muscle gains while losing fat.
  • Input from no less than 2 certified sports nutritionists.
  • I personally tried it, and it works!
  • Skip all the bunk and check out the meal plans.

Judging by a recent Swole Poll, most Project Swole readers want to build muscle – 53% to be exact. However, 33% of you are looking to lose fat and I’d wager a guess that at least 50% of the muscle-builders will, at some point, switch their goals to losing fat. Therefore I can say that if you are one of the 60+% of Project Swole readers that will eventually want to lose fat, then this article is for you.

The Project Shred Diet is, in fact, a diet plan that you can follow for the recommended 21 days or longer. There are 7 days of carefully planned out meals – 3 full meals and 2-3 optional snacks per day. Each of the 7 days can be switched and swapped around as you prefer. To get the most benefit try to hit all 7 days before repeating. Some food substitutions can be made within reason. I’ll tell you all about the rules in a moment.


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What is Fructose – Can it Make or Break Your Dream Body?

Thursday, September 29th, 2022
man eats apple, wonders what is fructose?

There’s lots of sugar out there. Some are just plain unhealthy to consume, others, like fructose, should have a place in your diet, even if sparingly. So what is fructose?

Fructose is one of the three foundation sugars that are found in our foods. Fructose combines with glucose and galactose to form the sugars that we see on the ingredient lists. When fructose is combined with glucose you get traditional sugar which means that sugar is 50% fructose.

Fructose, aka fruit sugar, is what makes fruit taste sweet and helps to intensify the flavor of the fruit. However, the fructose in fruit varies depending on the fruit. The fruit with the most fructose is the common apple, though some people mistakening believe it to be the banana.


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How To Eat a Balanced Diet

Saturday, June 4th, 2022
balanced diet power bowl

Eating a balanced diet may sound cliché. Who doesn’t know that every meal should have carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins? Even the laziest of people can whip up a healthy balanced meal. 

Here are 5 tips you can use today to start transitioning your lifestyle to a healthier balanced diet.


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Body Builder Diet: 7 Secrets to a Successful Bodybuilding Diet

Monday, April 25th, 2022
Benefits of Bodybuilding

If you think that lighting heavy weights on its own is enough to build muscle and maintain progress, you couldn’t be more wrong! A successful body builder diet is crucial, some would say 75% responsible, for gaining/maintaining muscle while also losing fat.

Building muscle is hard, and maintaining your progress is even harder.

It’s not enough to just go to the gym a few times a week. You also need to make sure you have the right body builder diet if you want to see results.

But don’t worry. Keep reading because this article will teach you everything you need to know about bodybuilding nutrition so that you can finally achieve the physique you’ve always wanted.


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Top 10 Best Juices For Health and Fitness

Thursday, April 7th, 2022
Best Juices For Health and Fitness

In today’s world recovering from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare and wellbeing is a priority for everyone now. There’s been a sharp rise in awareness of our mental health and physical goodness. And therefore, we are doing our best to shift from an unhealthy lifestyle through small but significant steps. Nutrition is a huge part of staying healthy, we can use some of these best juices for health and fitness to add vitamins and minerals to our daily routine. Just be careful not to overdo it due to all of the sugars typically found in fruit and veggie juices.


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Top 5 Most Popular Intermittent Fasting Methods

Monday, March 14th, 2022
Popular Intermittent Fasting Methods to get you ripped

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a highly popular health trend. It’s claimed to reduce weight, improve metabolism, and even boost lifespan. Each of the most popular intermittent fasting methods involves a way of eating using regular short-term fasts. These fasts help you consume fewer calories and optimize hormones related to weight management. If your goal is to improve your eating habits this type of diet strategy could help you significantly.

Let’s take a look at 5 popular intermittent fasting methods and the benefits to your weight loss and your health.


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5 Nutrients To Help Overcome Addiction

Thursday, March 10th, 2022
Nutrients To Help Overcome Addiction

Over the years, I’ve been addicted to various substances. It was only natural for me to seek fast relief while my brain was malfunctioning and I was suffering from mental illness. Until I could find better, long-term, sustainable answers, I had to rely on substances outside my body – even if they weren’t beneficial for me. I set out to learn as much as I can about nutrients to help overcome addiction, and between research studies and feedback from recovering addicts, I attempted to put together this list to help others.

At the time, I honestly felt that I didn’t have any other options. And I’m sure there are a lot of other folks out there who are dealing with the same issue. You might feel as if you require something to help you get through the day. Then there’s something more to do to get to sleep at night.

It could be alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, or more potent drugs like cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamines. Perhaps you’re using antidepressants or benzodiazepines on a prescription basis. You may have no idea how you would survive without them.

You can do it, and I’m here to tell you that you can. 


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5 Reasons to Hydrate Before a Workout

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022
fit guy's reasons to hydrate

No matter how you work out or for how long, taking a water bottle with you and remembering to drink is important. You may wonder what exactly the health benefits are to staying hydrated. Learning more about the reasons to hydrate and the role water plays in your bodily health can help you remember to eat foods with water in them and drink after an intense workout.


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How Much Water Should You Drink?

Monday, February 14th, 2022
Dr. John Berardi

Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition-related conferences; and published countless articles online.

His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago provided me with the basis for everything I knew about nutrition in my early years as a personal trainer. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.

Today’s Topic – How Much Water You Should Drink

Water is important for maintaining proper health.

Drink Water

I have always advocated drinking at least a gallon of water a day, but then some media outlets over-hype the fact that drinking too much water can make you sick, so people sometimes dismiss the importance of drinking water. So whatever you believe, the all-important question must still be answered, how much water should you drink?

I think it all had to do with some radio contest to see who could drink the most water in the shortest amount of time. The fact is that you would have to drink many gallons of water in a short time frame to make yourself sick.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons why you should basically drink as much water as possible each day.


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5 Best Diets To Try in 2022

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
diets to try in 2022 - the cheeseburger diet?

You’ve finally decided that you want to take on the challenge to eat healthier. There are plenty of diets to try in 2022. Lots of research and experimenting with all different diet strategies means lots of different possibilities that can better suit your body and your lifestyle. 

Keep in mind when we talk about ‘diet’ we are not necessarily talking about a temporary fad diet. Diet strategies such as plant-based, ketogenic, and paleo can be the basis of a dieting phase, but it is recommended to take what works for you to incorporate into your overall nutritional strategy and lifestyle habits.

Here’s a great list of a handful of the best diets to try in 2022 to kickstart a healthier lifestyle.


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