Posts Tagged ‘muscle gain’

The Arnold Schwarzenegger Protein Shake

Wednesday, July 10th, 2024
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger was a tank. He instinctively knew how to eat and how to train. His philosophy on whole food meals and snacks is accepted today as the best way to construct a weight gain diet, a fat loss diet, or even a regular healthy diet for a non-athlete. The famous Arnold Schwarzenegger protein shake will be sure to put muscle on anyone’s back.


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How to Deadlift

Friday, May 24th, 2024
man and woman learning how to deadlift

Deadlifts are one of the primary, fundamental exercises for all serious weight training programs. This important strength-based exercise works 100% of your legs and posterior chain, and it requires functional stability from 95% of the rest of the muscles on your body. Using proper form, a deadlift will help you get stronger, gain more muscle, and burn more calories than any other single exercise after the squat.

Deadlifts build lower back and hamstring strength, and they teach you to keep your lower back tight against a heavy load, which is critical to avoid injuries when lifting objects from the ground or floor. Unfortunately, this is also why deadlifts have gained a bad reputation for causing a variety of injuries, including spinal injuries and hernias.


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The Swole 3×5 Workout – A Fresh Approach to Strength Training

Monday, May 1st, 2023
The Swole 3x5 bent over rows

The Swole 3×5 Workout Routine

If you have been reading weightlifting materials for any length of time, you have probably heard of 5×5 training. It has worked for many trainees. We folks at Project Swole even made excellent progress on a 5×5 program. But with all this 5×5 hype, has anyone stopped thinking there might be an even more efficient way to train? You might want to take a moment to learn about The Swole 3×5 workout.

In my experience, at least for trained athletes, there are benefits to a Swole 3×5 workout routine which include added volume for accessory movements, core training, and conditioning due to the slightly lower workload.


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Twilight Workout Routine – Taylor Lautner Gains 30 Pounds of Muscle in a Year

Friday, August 5th, 2022

Updated slightly, here’s an oldie but a goodie from back in 200913 years later, the Twilight workout routine is still legit as ever.

Introducing Taylor Lautner and the Twilight Movies

If you are a Twilight fan, you have already seen The Twilight Saga: New Moon and you already know who Taylor Lautner is, aka Jacob Black the werewolf. And if you know about all that you know about the Twilight workout routine aka the Taylor Lautner workout routine.

I have seen the movie and I was not altogether impressed, although it was not a bad movie. I would give it a 7 out of 10, while IMDB has it at 4.5 out of 10. It is a thrilling romance/monster story for teenage girls. Almost everything about the flick is targeted at girls but I know a few bros who enjoy it and have watched it multiple times (including this author).

What I was more impressed by, is the evolution of Taylor Lautner. In nine months, this 17-year-old dude gained 30 pounds of muscle to better pull off his changing into a werewolf for New Moon. Granted, if he didn’t gain the weight the part of Jacob Black would have been recast.

Taylor Lautner Before
Taylor Lautner Before
Taylor Lautner After The Twilight Workout Routine
Taylor Lautner After

Taylor Lautner used to be a 5’10”, 140-pound fairly ripped martial artist, but now he’s a weightlifting beast. So, just how did Taylor Lautner gain 30 pounds of muscle so quickly?

He maximized his genetic potential, and you can too.


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Werewolf Training: A Weightlifting Routine to Gain Muscle

Monday, July 4th, 2022
Werewolf Training

Gain Muscle with Werewolf Training

This training routine is designed for you to gain muscle. That’s it.

If you’ve come here to lose fat, you are better off using the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Men or the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Women. This routine definitely has nothing to do with fat loss.

If you came to learn how to bench 700 lbs, you are better off reading Werewolf Training for Strength Gains. Although, truth to tell, you will get significantly stronger following this program.

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Werewolf training is not designed to get you ripped or “toned” (::barfs::), or even super strong, but you will get stronger anyway. This is much more of a bodybuilding routine than anything else, but with great strength benefits.


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What Are SARMS and Which Types Can You Choose From?

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
build muscle

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators – the full form of SARMs. They are known to offer similar effects as anabolic steroids. The best part is that they are much safer than steroids. This is because they do not interfere with your hormones and genetic makeup but work on your muscle tissues directly. 

This is the reason why people are considering SARMs more than steroids. BCAAs or creatine are less potent than SARMs.  The good thing about them is that they are more anabolic than androgenic. As androgenic offers more side effects, hence they are not preferred. Are you getting confused? Wait don’t get confused as we have jotted down the types of SARMs so that you get a clear picture of them. 


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How Can I Steadily Improve My Lift?

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021
improve your lift

Whether you are a weight lifter or weight lifting is part of your cross training regimen for your main choice of exercise, then you know just how rewarding and addictive the pursuit of growing stronger can be. If you are reading this article then that means you are thinking about or have decided that you want to start increasing your abilities in the weight room. This is a great thing to do! Lifting weights can increase your muscle mass and decrease your fat stores, which increases your metabolism and makes you healthier in general.

You can not improve your gains at a rapid pace because you might risk injury which would completely defeat the point of your goals. Instead, you should focus on steadily improving your lift over time. Here are some tips on how to do just that.


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Why Ayurveda Treatment is Best for Weight Gain

Saturday, December 12th, 2020
Ayurveda weight gain

Let us face it- being skinny and underweight is no fun. Sometimes, people lose too much weight due to different medical conditions and become lean and unhealthy. They start looking underweight, and there are several reasons for it. When an individual starts losing excessive weight, they start looking for effective ways to gain weight. Although there are many remedies, tips, and popular diets, you can find that promise you to gain weight quickly. But if you are looking for a safe and secure way, Ayurveda has something most effective. This post highlights the ways in which Ayurvedic treatment is effective for weight gain. So, let us get started.


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6 Reasons You Need to Be Using BCAAs

Friday, January 17th, 2020
Skinny Muscle

Branched-chain amino acids, which are commonly referred to as BCAAs, include amino, isoleucine, valine, and leucine. Your body cannot make them out of other amino acids, which means you must ingest them via nutritious food or BCAA supplements.

BCAAs make up 40 percent of your essential amino acid requirements each day and for good reason. Amino acids are responsible for facilitating most of your bodily functions including muscle growth, digestion, and hormone production.

Ingesting enough BCAAs, via food or supplementation, leads to the following health benefits.


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What Happens If You Drink Whey Protein Without Working Out?

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
Protein Shake Woman

Many people are easily deluded that they can increase their muscles’ level by simply drinking whey protein without working out. Yep, the lure of protein is that strong. You would be more likely to find someone who enjoys exhausting him/herself reaching their goal. Everybody wants to have a perfect body, while only a few enjoy the idea of sweating in the gym.

Protein shakes, on the other hand, are a convenient and affordable way to the desired biceps and triceps. But you might read a review that you stumbled upon on the internet, and it turns out that those shakes have a lot of downsides. So, let’s check out what happens when you drink protein shakes without sweating in the gym.


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8 Tips on How To Build Your Muscle

Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

build muscleMost people who exercise do so for two main reasons – to lose weight or to build muscle. Sometimes these can be done concurrently. In order to lose weight people do cardio exercises which help in shedding the fat. They also focus on burning more calories than they are consuming. Building muscle is a bit more complicated because it requires eating and exercising in the right way. A lot of lean men and women fail to build muscle because they think it is as simple as lifting some weights and waiting for the results. Building muscle takes hard work, consistency, and most of all knowledge on how exactly you can pack on the muscles.

So here are 8 tips to get you started on your bulking journey.

1. Eat Enough

As you work on increasing the size of your muscles you must provide your body with enough food to support this growth. It is important to consume enough calories to ensure that you are taking in more calories than you are burning. A calorie deficiency leads to weight loss so aim for the opposite. Taking in more calories leads to weight gain and when coupled with weight-training this will result in muscle growth. (more…)

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5 Bad Habits You Need to Quit Now if Sustained Muscle Growth is Your Goal

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018

build muscle

Here is an interesting guest post by a good friend of Project Swole. He wishes to remain mostly nameless (aside from mentioning his name is Andy), but trust in me he is smart and experienced, and I think this piece will really connect with most Swole readers.

It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.”

“What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?”

“You ask a glass of water.”

– Douglas Adams, British author, and humorist


Human beings like habits, as a rule. It’s like that old phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” So, if we do something, and it works out ok, we’ll do it again.


Good or bad, habits allow us to predict the future – if I do this (exactly as I did yesterday), I know what will happen. Habits equal proven outcomes. Get on this train at this time in the morning, and I’ll be at work on time.


And if those habits are linked to a reward of some description, anything from a hit of dopamine in the brain by achieving a specific goal or, heaven forbid, one of a human being’s primary rewards – either food or sex, we’ll be back same time tomorrow, guaranteed, with our plate in our hand, as it were.


Habits provide routine, and for us, routinely provides security.


Unfortunately for us, some habits don’t sit well with others, and the rewards each brings actually off-set against one another, which kind of defeats the object. Take, for example, the diabetic cake-shop owner. You get my point. In fact, like the rest of our existence, it’s all just one big juggling act, seeing what works, what doesn’t, what affects something else, and so on, and hoping for a happy medium somewhere along the line. (more…)

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A Simple Guide To Build Muscle In 90 Days

Monday, July 30th, 2018

You have to remember that you can start to really change your life when you are working out and trying to build muscle as fast as possible. Someone who is trying to build muscle needs to have a plan, and it is much easier for you to start following a plan. This plan helps you get the best chance to have the muscles you have always wanted, and you can do this if you are young or old. You look your best, and it all happens in about 90 days.

fitness superman

Follow these steps, make a plan, stick to it, and live healthy for 90 days. When you see what you accomplish and how you feel, you might never stop. (more…)

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The Only 7 Exercises You Need To Do If You Want To Get Muscular

Sunday, February 11th, 2018

muscle gains

I don’t know about you, but when I first started working out I was confused as hell. The typical commercial gym has around 100 different machines. How on earth do you know which ones to use, which are more important than others and which are not as important? Or better put, not optimal for your personal goals.

If you are just starting to get your feet wet with exercising, that may be overwhelming. I know it definitely was for me. But worry no more, this article will go right down your alley. I am going to give you a list of just 7 exercises you need to do in order to get muscular.

Yes, you can do it with just 7 basic exercises. It is more efficient, it takes less time, and most importantly, it works.

But let’s start with the very beginning, shall we? (more…)

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Boost Your Weight Loss and Fitness with HGH

Friday, December 1st, 2017

As you probably already realize, getting into shape and losing weight will always be more difficult than you could ever imagine. The good news is that you do not need to struggle with  it on your own. There is assistance out there. By taking the right supplements, you’ll be able to make progress much easier and quicker than you would otherwise.

Fitness HGH

Within this comprehensive guide, you will learn about human growth hormone supplements and how they can help you reach your goals.


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Impact of Hemp Protein on Weight Gaining Efforts

Friday, December 1st, 2017

Hemp protein is made from hemp seeds and it is considered to be a high-fiber supplement. Many people use it to enhance how much protein they get in their diet with other foods. Because it has higher than average digestibility, it is considered a good form of protein for athletes who are trying to bulk up and gain weight.

hemp protein muscle

What is Hemp?

Hemp is a type of crop that is very diverse and can be grown for medicinal purpose. The hemp protein made from its seeds is mostly made up of 45% hemp oil, 35% hemp protein, and 10% carbohydrates. Because of these amounts, hemp is a good source of nutrition and it can have a lot of benefit to your health. (more…)

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HGH for Muscle Growth: Can HGH Help You Gain Muscle?

Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Sexy Back MusclesHard work, proper training, and appropriate diet remain crucial for athletes willing to gain muscles, and it is difficult to succeed in sports without having these qualities. At the same time, various muscle growth enhancers, such as steroids or HGH, are becoming more and more popular among men and women who want to increase their muscle strength.


Among them, human growth hormone, or HGH, is one of the most widespread and arguably efficacious ways to help gain muscle mass. In this article, we will review the cases for and against HGH for bodybuilding and will conclude whether growth hormone should be used by athletes for muscle growth.


What is HGH?

HGH is a common abbreviation for human growth hormone, also known as somatropin. This hormone controls the processes of cell growth and regeneration in the human body. That is why it is undeniably crucial for our healthy and consistent development. Although the pituitary gland produces natural growth hormone sufficient for most people, some people can suffer from growth hormone deficiency.


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Does Coffee (Caffeine) Help You Build Muscle?

Thursday, March 30th, 2017

Your QuestionsI get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the contact form.

In the past I have address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally. I want to take a more proactive approach to answering Your Questions by posting them in the blog. This way we can be sure that everyone benefits from the Q & A.

Joe wrote:

“I have heard that too much caffeine can be detrimental to muscle growth because of its tendency to increase cortisol which has catabolic effects. That being said, it also stimulates testosterone production, so its actual effects are a little unclear. Here’s a little medical study I found on the web to back it up:

Dose effect of caffeine on testosterone and cortisol responses to resistance exercise.

Just curious if you’ve heard anything along these lines and I’m interested to hear your take on it.”


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6 Supplements for Increasing Strength and Muscle Mass

Monday, March 6th, 2017

6 Muscle Building Supplements

For those who workout endlessly in the gym looking to increase their strength along with their muscle mass, starting with the right workout routine and proper diet is the first step. After a while, even with the best conceived diet and exercise plans, many do find that they hit plateaus which is when they start to look towards dietary supplements.

There are a couple time-tested, scientifically sound muscle building supplements that can be used daily and a few that should be used in cycles. Protein supplements and BCAAs are two examples that can be used daily, while products like creatine and HMB are better used in spurts of 8-12 weeks before cycling off for the same amount of time. To find out more about these products, read on!

Strength Woman

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What Does Sleep Have to Do with Your Muscle Gain?

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

If you’re looking for muscle gain, you probably think that devoting more hours to the gym is your best bet. But you’re wrong. Your diet is also responsible for a high percentage of your progress, but it is not always the key to getting out of a training rut.

If you’re looking for the real secret to achieving the muscle development you want, it’s simple – get more sleep. That’s right. Sleep is likely the missing piece to your training regimen.

In fact, according to research, it just may be the most important component of your regimen as it helps to increase muscular strength and size and promote efficient recovery

Sleeping girl on a bench (more…)

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