Let us face it- being skinny and underweight is no fun. Sometimes, people lose too much weight due to different medical conditions and become lean and unhealthy. They start looking underweight, and there are several reasons for it. When an individual starts losing excessive weight, they start looking for effective ways to gain weight. Although there are many remedies, tips, and popular diets, you can find that promise you to gain weight quickly. But if you are looking for a safe and secure way, Ayurveda has something most effective. This post highlights the ways in which Ayurvedic treatment is effective for weight gain. So, let us get started.
Weight Gain and Taking care of Your Health
Gaining weight for a few individuals is a big challenge. Although anyone can gain unhealthy weight, it is a hard nut to crack when it comes to a healthy weight. Unfortunately, in today’s modern world, stress is growing every day. People eat unhealthy food, and there is a lack of movement. The majority of the population in the world suffers from obesity and weight gain. However, if you are underweight and think that you are healthy, you are probably wrong. It is also a sign of poor health. If you are among those who are trying to gain healthy extra kilos, then Ayurveda has everything you are looking for.
Ayurveda and Weight Gain
The Indian holistic medicine Ayurveda offers treatment for all types of conditions, and weight gain is no exception. When you visit an Ayurveda specialist for weight gain, they will ask you why you want to put on weight. If you have health issues and lose excess weight, the specialist determines your dosha. If it is Vata, then you may suffer from underweight. People with Vata Dosha are prone to weight loss and have a rapid metabolism. No matter how much they eat, they cannot gain weight. When Pitta Dosha increases, it reduces weight.
Recognizing Your Dosha
According to Ayurveda teachings, if the Vata and Pitta lose balance, Kapha Doshas result in physical appearance, general metabolism, and behavior patterns. So, it is important to find the major reason behind your weight loss. Sometimes, a thin body is a warning sign for you to take care of your diet and body, or it can be due to your body’s natural framework. Therefore, it is vital to consult an Ayurvedic physician to decide the type of Dosha you have and then move further.
The Ayurvedic expert will look for why you are losing excess weight, and if you are losing excessive weight beyond normal, they will recognize your dosha type. Vata Dosha is responsible for weight loss issues. It may prevent an individual from gaining weight, irrespective of eating well. In simple words, it makes gaining weight difficult.
Ayurvedic Supplements for Weight Gain
Ayurveda is the science of life. As one of the oldest healing sciences on earth, this term is the blend of Homeopathy and Naturopathy. Through the years, the medicines and practices of Ayurveda are quite popular across the globe. Although there are several eating diets and patterns you can follow for weight gain, there are still a few Ayurvedic dietary supplements you can consider having. These are:
In Ayurveda, Rasayana is crucial to growing the tissues and plasma. Also, it is quite effective in treating digestive issues. For skin repairing and hair growth, Rasayana plays a vital role. Rasayana has the power to make you feel and look healthy. It is quite useful for those looking for weight gain. They are available in the form of Lehyams and Jams. You can take it regularly to promote appetite and rejuvenate your body tissues (Dhatus).
For weight gain, Ayurveda often recommends it as this supplement helps promote the adrenal function of the body and supply nutrition. This supplement also comes with immunity, enhancing features, and an adaptogen that helps the body overcome stress. Ashwagandha is the main ingredient in Lehyams and works best for the Ayurvedic treatment for weight gain.
Asparagus is a tonic that is available in medicines to gain weight fast. It is suitable for both men and women. The cooling properties of this Ayurvedic supplement are good for rejuvenating the body. It enhances digestion and also strengthens mental as well as physical health. You can find it in the form of tablets, liquid extract, and powder.
Another Ayurvedic supplement for weight gain is Triphala. It has several medicinal properties and is quite effective in strengthening digestion and detoxifying the digestive tract. You can find Triphala in the form of tablets or powder.
Ayurvedic Recommendations To Gain Weight
Apart from the supplements mentioned above, there are also some other recommendations by Ayurveda to gain weight. These are:
- Massages- You can use sesame oil or coconut oil to reduce Vata Dosha of your body. A good massage helps in expelling the toxins from your body and increases your body’s metabolic process.
- Ayurvedic Therapies– Therapies like Shirodhara and Abhyanga help to put on weight.
- Detoxification- It removes excess collected toxins from the body, helping to gain weight and stay healthy.
- Exercise – Physical activities also play a vital role in healthy weight gain. You can try Ayurveda weight gain supplements with weight lifting exercises for the best results.
- Meditation and Yoga– As an essential part of Ayurveda, you should keep your body and mind balanced with meditation and yoga. It will help you in eliminating stress, result in weight gain.
Take Aways
Undoubtedly, gaining weight is not as easy as it seems. You need to follow a good diet pattern, follow the recommended lifestyle, sleeping pattern, and willingness to exercise. If you are looking for healthy weight gain, then Ayurveda has a solution. It is more about science and life. The century-old healing power of Ayurveda is quite powerful. Those who are looking for Ayurvedic treatment for weight gain should visit shuddhi.com. It is a one-stop destination for those seeking to gain healthy weight without any side effects.
Tags: Ayurveda, build muscle, exercise, gain weight, muscle gain