Finding time for exercise can be challenging. However, with the advent of compact and versatile workout equipment like the mini stepper, staying active has always been challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deeper into the world of mini steppers, exploring their benefits, mechanisms, and strategies for optimizing your calorie-burning potential.
(more…)Posts Tagged ‘home gym’
Crush Your Calorie Burning Goals with a Mini Stepper
Tuesday, May 21st, 2024How to Stay Motivated For Exercising In Your Home Gym
Thursday, September 28th, 2023
You can always do your thing somewhere outside, like in a park, by a river, or up on a rooftop of an apartment complex, if you have access. However, some days going outside is not an option. Maybe the weather is horrible, or maybe people stare at you. Many folks report embarrassment as one of the biggest reasons why they hate going to a regular gym, and you can read all about these different mind blocks here.
So, a home gym might be the way to go! But in the comfiness of your own home, it can be really hard to keep your motivation up. So, we prepared some tips for you to help solve that issue!
(more…)Choosing the Right Shed for Your Outdoor Storage Needs – A Comprehensive Guide
Friday, July 21st, 2023As most of our Swole homeowning friends know, when it comes to outdoor storage, choosing the right shed can be a valuable addition to your property. From building a home gym to storing garden tools and equipment to housing bicycles or creating a workshop space, a well-chosen shed provides convenience, organization, and protection for your belongings. However, with a wide variety of shed options available, selecting the right one can be a daunting task.
In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key considerations for choosing the right shed for your outdoor storage needs.
(more…)Green Carpet Cleaning – What Are the Health Benefits?
Sunday, December 26th, 2021Carpets are an incredible way of adorning your space and will transform the look of your home. However, they attract allergens and dust, and a dirty carpet will likely cause asthma and breathing problems for your loved ones. For this reason, carpet cleaning is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Although you can go the DIY way, hiring professional green carpet cleaning services has numerous health gains.
(more…)Benefits of Working Out from Home – A Beginner’s Guide
Tuesday, October 26th, 2021Exercise is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But it can be hard to find the time and motivation to go to a gym or fitness studio, especially if you’re not very good at socializing. Luckily, there are many benefits that come with working out at home. Let’s unpack what we mean by “working out from home.”
It doesn’t matter how old you are – your exercise routine should always include some form of physical activity such as walking or running (or even doing crunches) for at least 20 minutes per day. If this seems like too much work, think about all the things you could do during those 20 minutes! You could walk laps around your block, jog through your neighborhood, or even do squats and lunges in your living room. If you’re feeling motivated enough, you could create an entire workout routine using either online video exercises or checking out this article for some workout ideas.
(more…)Benefits of Exercising from Home – Your Ultimate Guide
Wednesday, October 20th, 2021How often do you find yourself with nothing to do, no one to hang out with, and nothing on TV? When those moments hit do you stop to consider how the benefits of exercising from home can improve your lifestyle?
The truth is that sometimes the best workout plan for us is just sitting around. That’s because when we’re bored at home, our bodies naturally move more than they would if we were completely entertained. And more movement means better health.
This article will help you figure out how to use your downtime as an opportunity to get some exercise. We all know it can be tough getting motivated enough to go outside for a run or head down the gym every day- so why not take advantage of those moments where you have time on your hands?
(more…)Essential Features for Your Dream Gym
Friday, October 8th, 2021Fitness is your life or at least a big part of it. This means the gym is exceptionally important to you. Whether you’re a pro athlete or a weekend warrior, there are certain pieces of equipment your dream gym must have if fitness is a priority to you. I don’t just mean kettlebells, dumbbells, and barbells either. We need to also consider accessory work, conditioning, recovery, and the overall atmosphere.
Here are some of our thoughts on building out your dream gym to maximize efficiency.
(more…)Have You Considered This List of Unique Home Gym Equipment?
Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
No time is better than the present to start looking after yourself and your health. If you want to feel good and energized, it is recommended to get in at least 20-30 minutes of exercise, five days a week for optimal performance. Exercise is a great way of sweating out those excessive toxins. It also releases a hormone called dopamine that can help elevate your mood. It fights against cortisol, the main stress-producing hormone, which is why more and more people are looking to fit in a quick workout these days. If you do not have time to hit the gym, you can always work out at home. We have curated a list of some unique home gym equipment that will change your life for the better.
(more…)Tips For Buying the Best Fitness and Home Gym Exercise Equipment
Tuesday, August 31st, 2021Building your home gym is an effective way to save money and still hit your fitness goals, by working out from the comfort of your home. The first step to building a home gym is always to evaluate the proper selection of home gym exercise equipment to maximize your time and space.
Working out at home has become a popular concept over the last couple of years, as we face one of the hardest challenges of our generation. This has shown people all over the world that you don’t need an expensive gym membership to get started with your health and fitness goals, instead, you can do it all from your living room, with the right set up of equipment.
It is recommended that we participate in at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, so building yourself a home gym can help you easily meet the recommended standard and mix it up with variety.
(more…)Smart Home Gym Equipment: A Complete Review
Sunday, May 9th, 2021If you are among the many people who enjoy keeping fit, working out, or simply exercising you will probably have a gym membership. Of course, it will not have been used much – if at all – in the last year or so during the pandemic lockdown, and you may have found another way to work out. Indeed, many people are installing home gyms with smart home gym equipment. Some are basic, some more sophisticated, and it might be a good idea to think about this yourself.
In the review that follows we will look at why home gyms make sense, where you should consider putting and what you need in them. Let’s get started by laying out some of the main reasons that home gyms are booming in popularity.
(more…)5 Home Gym Essentials
Friday, January 29th, 2021Lots of people are thinking about turning a part of their apartment or a room in their home into a gym. There are plenty of benefits. If the gym is closed for whatever reason, you can keep up with your training plan. If you’re super busy, it’s a lot easier to find time for a workout if the gym is at your house instead of down the road. If you’re thinking about putting some kind of gym in your home, here are the basics for building a better home gym.
(more…)How to Prepare Your Home Gym for the Next Wave of Quarantine
Thursday, July 2nd, 2020
Staying fit during quarantine doesn’t have to be complicated. After all, you’ve already gone through quarantine once. You may not have worried about preparing your home gym for quarantine before, but now with multiple waves destined to hit us, it is a good time to give your equipment a little boost.
While the first time may have caught you off guard, there’s no reason the second lockdown should too. This entry into the Get Swole During Quarantine series provides some great tips for shoring up your home gym NOW, in case another pandemic hits in full force.
Having a well-equipped home gym can be the key to success! Don’t worry! You don’t need fancy, expensive things.
Basic equipment, such as dumbbells and resistance bands is enough, but even those can be replaced.
Sounds interesting? Keep reading to find out how to prepare your home gym for another quarantine.
(more…)5 Undeniable Benefits of Installing a Home Gym
Monday, March 2nd, 2020
Finding the time, motivation, and money to make the most of your gym membership can be a hassle. However, you can stay on top of your fitness goals with ease by installing a home gym. Get yourself an online personal trainer from the likes of Caliber Strong and you will be onto a winner!
From time and cost savings to added convenience, here are five undeniable benefits of installing your own fitness center at home:
5 Tips for Getting Fit Without Expensive Gyms
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019
Fitness is now in trend, and while this is a good thing to help promote healthy living everywhere, not everyone can keep up with the costs of a staying fit. Sometimes we can all use a handful of alternative tips for getting fit.
The average gym membership costs around $40 a month in the U.S., and this is just the most common. There are people who pay up to $100 a month simply for a place to work out. Some folks choose to rig up a simple home gym or exercise in the outdoors.
If you’re looking to get toned, ripped, strong, or swole, on a budget, here are five tips for working out without having to start an expensive monthly gym membership.
(more…)All The Gear And No Idea? Gym Equipment You Actually Need
Monday, April 15th, 2019
Gym memberships aren’t for everyone, some people prefer to train at home by themselves. Having made that decision, it can be really difficult to decipher what equipment you actually need to achieve the goals you’ve set. Any good salesman is going to convince you that you need to set up an Olympic grade weightlifting gym in your garage. For most people, this is very unnecessary. Don’t get swindled into buying a bunch of gym equipment you don’t need. Sidestep the noise, and understand what gym equipment you actually need.
(more…)7 Pieces of Home Gym Equipment Every Bodybuilder Needs
Friday, May 25th, 2018All of us would prefer to be in better shape, but in today’s hectic world, it isn’t always easy to find the time to do so. It is much easier to get the necessary exercise and to stay in shape when the equipment you need to is in your home. But with so many options for gym equipment out there, it can be hard to know where to begin. The following are the most essential pieces of gym equipment for any home gym setup.
Adjustable Dumbbells
No home gym is really complete without a set of adjustable dumbbells. Whether you are going to be trying to build or maintain your muscle growth, a set of adjustable dumbbells will see you through. Not only are dumbbells an already versatile piece of equipment, by adjusting the weight, you can increase or decrease the difficulty and, therefore, effectiveness, of your workout routine.
Of all the most common pieces of gym equipment found in the home, dumbbells produce the most reliable and consistent improvements. The nature of dumbbell exercises means that they require a significant amount of effort from muscle fibers to maintain stability. A good set of adjustable dumbbells is a worthwhile purchase for any serious bodybuilder.
Olympic Barbell Set
Much like the dumbbells, a barbell will put the same kind of strain (a good kind) on your body and muscles as dumbbells. The barbell is essentially a single long dumbbell, and most of the exercises done with the barbell are two-armed variants on dumbbell exercises. A barbell set is a worthwhile addition to any home gym setup, but if you already have dumbbells, and there are other pieces of equipment you are missing, you might want to invest in another piece of equipment first. (more…)
7 Tips for Selecting the Best Home Gym
Thursday, November 30th, 2017
Training at a commercial gym can be a frustrating experience. There’s nothing worse than losing your pump while you wait your turn in the queue for the bench press machine. If you want to get the workout of your life, then it’s time to consider investing in your own gym equipment.
However, where do you start your research into the best home gym that suits your training needs? There are many different set-ups to choose from that the task of selecting the right equipment can be overwhelming.
We put together these seven tips that can help you to choose the best home gym that suits your training needs, your budget, and your home.
Creating an Olympic Style Gym in your Garage
Thursday, August 31st, 2017So, you want to train at home. Great! Having your training on tap is going to make your life easier and your workouts more frequent. But, if you plan to train heavy in your garage, you had better make sure that you set it up right. In this article we pace you through the key steps required to set up a heavy duty Olympic style gym in your garage.
We’re assuming here that you have at least the size of a single car garage or basement to work with and that you have the freedom to install flooring and wall mirrors.
The first you need to do it is to clear out your potential workout space. Get rid of it all so that you have a blank space to work with. (more…)
Work Out or Work In?
Tuesday, August 15th, 2017Squeezing a workout into a busy day can be near impossible, but whether because we need the reliable rush of endorphins or because our resolve cannot be challenged, we end up fitting it in there. Despite all the days where we don’t feel 100 percent, completing a grueling workout can turn around our mood for the better. As fitness becomes a habit and a lifestyle, the question shifts from “Will I work out?” to “How will I work out?”
Now, designing a routine takes a lot of research and effort, but if you’re not careful, you’ll overlook a very important step. Before you can maximize your workout, you have to know what equipment is available to you, and before you know what equipment is available to you, you need to know where you’re working out. Ultimately, your choices are an outside gym or creating one in your own home.
How to Create the Ultimate Home Gym
Tuesday, April 11th, 2017What Would Your Ideal Home Gym Look Like?
Away from the annoyances of a crowded gym, a workout space at home is a sanctuary that can be tailored to your every whim and desire. You can give the soulless house music a miss, mute the mindless chatter, skip waiting lines and travel times and really focus on what matters – getting fitter.
Creating the ideal home gym depends on your goals, but there are some must-haves whatever pre-conceived designs you have.