Posts Tagged ‘workout 101’

Benefits of Exercising from Home – Your Ultimate Guide

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021
Exercising from Home

How often do you find yourself with nothing to do, no one to hang out with, and nothing on TV? When those moments hit do you stop to consider how the benefits of exercising from home can improve your lifestyle?

The truth is that sometimes the best workout plan for us is just sitting around. That’s because when we’re bored at home, our bodies naturally move more than they would if we were completely entertained. And more movement means better health.

This article will help you figure out how to use your downtime as an opportunity to get some exercise. We all know it can be tough getting motivated enough to go outside for a run or head down the gym every day- so why not take advantage of those moments where you have time on your hands? 


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7 Common Mistakes Made By Workout Beginners

Tuesday, October 19th, 2021
workout beginners

If you’re looking to get into shape and bump up your level of physical fitness, that is great news! Deciding to get started on improving your physical fitness is your first step in your journey. But, there are a few common mistakes that you may find yourself making along the way. By learning about typical mistakes made by workout beginners, you can get a head start on workout out the right way. These mistakes can hinder your progress and delay the goals you have set for yourself.

Here are seven of the most common workout beginner mistakes to watch for and extinguish before they become a habit.


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Working Out and Eating Healthy: 5 Tips I Give My Non-Body Builder Friends

Monday, August 10th, 2020
Working Out and Eating Healthy

The way you eat can have a serious impact on your fitness outcomes. Let’s be honest up front: not everyone in the gym is looking to build mass. For those of you who are trying to slim down, increase definition or improve overall health, your nutritional needs will be different from a bodybuilder’s. Following a few basic tips will help you meet your needs and propel you closer to your goals. 


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