Posts Tagged ‘gym equipment’

How to Choose the Best Exercises at the Gym

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
examples of the best exercises at the gym

Exercise is a great way to improve your health and overall fitness.  There are a wide variety of workouts to choose from and these will vary depending on your age, health status, and fitness levels. Not only is there an overwhelming choice of equipment, there is the question of which are the best exercises at the gym, and which exercise modalities will properly help you reach your goals.

Check out these different workout strategies to help you choose the best exercises at the gym.


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John Reed Fitness Review

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022
man doing a John Reed Fitness workout

Taking the global gymscape by storm, John Reed has singlehandedly upped his clientele to a new level. As we’ll learn in this John Reed fitness review, this gym chain is hot, hoppin’, and full of vigor. You’ll get a little bit of everything you could hope for, in a nightlife-vibed fitness community. As they say at John Reed, “Finally, a GYM that doesn’t suck.”

Boutique studios have become a hot commodity in affluent cities worldwide, with people opting to invest in their well-being instead of anything else. John Reed Fitness has many established spots in London, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands, and the US. This is his 40th international Space for classes, bringing a new meaning to fitness culture. 

girl on the glute drive machine

Utilizing innovative soundtracks to keep up motivation levels -John Reed offers radio content featuring energetic beats from every genre-electronic, hip-hop, urban, and pop. Twice weekly, they host live DJ sets from local artists and visitors, giving listeners a chance to see what they’re made of! 

The wonderful 2000-square-foot studio features a huge functional group training space, boxing arena, PT zone, free weights and equipment, hot yoga studio, sauna, and more. State-of-the-art equipment is found in every corner of the gym floor, ensuring you have some of the best workouts. 

Lots of specialist kits you won’t find at most gyms are here, such as this amazing Glute Drive Machine we loved, and many other things that we had never seen before too! 


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What to Consider When Choosing a Gym

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021
choosing a gym

Gyms are everywhere, and you could even be having more than five in your location. But not every gym will give you the results you need. When choosing a gym, consider the offerings and the facility amenities. From hours of operation, the instructors, to guest privileges and equipment – these features could make or break your experience at the gym. 

Here are a few factors you must consider before starting at a gym, fitness center, or training facility.


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Essential Features for Your Dream Gym

Friday, October 8th, 2021
dream gym

Fitness is your life or at least a big part of it. This means the gym is exceptionally important to you. Whether you’re a pro athlete or a weekend warrior, there are certain pieces of equipment your dream gym must have if fitness is a priority to you. I don’t just mean kettlebells, dumbbells, and barbells either. We need to also consider accessory work, conditioning, recovery, and the overall atmosphere.

Here are some of our thoughts on building out your dream gym to maximize efficiency.


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Have You Considered This List of Unique Home Gym Equipment?

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
unique home gym equipment

No time is better than the present to start looking after yourself and your health. If you want to feel good and energized, it is recommended to get in at least 20-30 minutes of exercise, five days a week for optimal performance. Exercise is a great way of sweating out those excessive toxins. It also releases a hormone called dopamine that can help elevate your mood. It fights against cortisol, the main stress-producing hormone, which is why more and more people are looking to fit in a quick workout these days. If you do not have time to hit the gym, you can always work out at home. We have curated a list of some unique home gym equipment that will change your life for the better.


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Smart Home Gym Equipment: A Complete Review

Sunday, May 9th, 2021
smart home gym equipment

If you are among the many people who enjoy keeping fit, working out, or simply exercising you will probably have a gym membership. Of course, it will not have been used much – if at all – in the last year or so during the pandemic lockdown, and you may have found another way to work out. Indeed, many people are installing home gyms with smart home gym equipment. Some are basic, some more sophisticated, and it might be a good idea to think about this yourself. 

In the review that follows we will look at why home gyms make sense, where you should consider putting and what you need in them. Let’s get started by laying out some of the main reasons that home gyms are booming in popularity.


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What Accessories Do I Need to Make a Decent Home Gym?

Thursday, January 30th, 2020
home gym accessories

Waiting until there is a free dumbbell or joining the queue to use the treadmill can be very frustrating. Aside from the sweaty atmosphere and testosterone-filled space, you have to deal with monthly subscriptions. I guess you are tired of it all and want to have your decent home gym. Good for you. Don’t raise your hopes just yet. Home gyms are not for everyone.

If perhaps, you draw motivation from the crowd, then a home gym might not be the best for you. Otherwise, a home gym is the perfect way to get in shape and stay in shape without the hustle and bustle of a commercial gym. You get to exercise whenever you want and in your own way. 

Here is a shortlist of what we consider to be the most important equipment to build a decent home gym. Most equipment, when possible, should be adjustable so you can get the most flexibility out of each piece.


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7 Tips for Selecting the Best Home Gym

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

Home Gym
Training at a commercial gym can be a frustrating experience. There’s nothing worse than losing your pump while you wait your turn in the queue for the bench press machine. If you want to get the workout of your life, then it’s time to consider investing in your own gym equipment.

However, where do you start your research into the best home gym that suits your training needs? There are many different set-ups to choose from that the task of selecting the right equipment can be overwhelming.

We put together these seven tips that can help you to choose the best home gym that suits your training needs, your budget, and your home.


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Creating an Olympic Style Gym in your Garage

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

So, you want to train at home. Great! Having your training on tap is going to make your life easier and your workouts more frequent. But, if you plan to train heavy in your garage, you had better make sure that you set it up right. In this article we pace you through the key steps required to set up a heavy duty Olympic style gym in your garage.

Olympic home gym

We’re assuming here that you have at least the size of a single car garage or basement to work with and that you have the freedom to install flooring and wall mirrors.

The first you need to do it is to clear out your potential workout space. Get rid of it all so that you have a blank space to work with. (more…)

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5 Ways to Save Money on High-End Fitness Equipment for Your Home

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Setting up a Home Gym on the CheapHome Gym Girl

The major benefit of signing up for a gym membership is that you gain access to a facility that houses the many large and expensive pieces of fitness equipment that you want to use, from cardio machines like the treadmill and Stairmaster to weight-training options that let you work specific muscle groups without the onus of lifting free weights. And yet, there are also drawbacks to going to the gym.

For one thing, choosing a popular and well-appointed facility means that you may have to wait in line for machines, or else frequent the gym during oddball hours, like the middle of the night. And once you finally get your turn, the machines could be a mess of sweat and germs. Yuck. Of course, you also have to go through the time-wasting hassle of actually driving to the gym, yet another deterrent to your motivation.

Wouldn’t it be better if you had the equipment you needed at home? It might be pricy, but there are definitely bonuses to having a home gym, and there are all kinds of ways to save when you purchase the high-end equipment needed to help you get fit.


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