Posts Tagged ‘balance’

How to Choose the Best Exercises at the Gym

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
examples of the best exercises at the gym

Exercise is a great way to improve your health and overall fitness.  There are a wide variety of workouts to choose from and these will vary depending on your age, health status, and fitness levels. Not only is there an overwhelming choice of equipment, there is the question of which are the best exercises at the gym, and which exercise modalities will properly help you reach your goals.

Check out these different workout strategies to help you choose the best exercises at the gym.


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The Importance of Balancing Workouts with Periods of Rest

Monday, April 16th, 2018

rest and recovery
It’s been a long cold winter and you’ve noticed you’ve gained a few inches, all in the wrong places. When the days are warm and sunny you’re out there running daily, hitting the gym and going to extremes trying to compensate for those lazy days where you didn’t feel like braving the cold.

Even a trip to the gym in below freezing temperatures keeps you indoors and unfortunately, overdoing it to compensate could be (and probably is) doing more harm than good. Here is some of what you need to know about the importance of periods of rest between workouts – strenuous exercise of any kind.

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Ideas for Balancing Your Workout via Flexibility & Mind-Body Exercises

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

balance sports flexibility
Weight lifters often put themselves at risk of injury by overdoing extreme sets. Likewise, runners are more prone to injury if they are constantly pounding the pavement but fail to strength train and build lean muscle mass.

We all have different ideas on what constitutes a fun form of fitness. We’re dedicated to what we find most enjoyable, but without finding a good balance and functional fitness, it can all fall apart.


So, what is your workout routine missing? Here are a few suggestions for balancing your workout more naturally by paying attention to flexibility … of the body AND mind.

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Best Workout Routines: How Does It Help You Keep Your Body Healthy and Fit?

Friday, April 26th, 2013

Muscle Ups ChickOne of the best things that you should consider when you want to stay healthy and fit is your workout routines. You should not only focus in the food that you are consuming because the body needs some activities that can help regulate the blood and strengthen the muscles.

Being fit means having the ability to perform different things without getting tired easily. On the other side, being healthy means being able to live everyday with the absence of different sicknesses. Many people are living without knowing that they are no longer healthy because they do not have active lifestyles.

If you try to get away from the daily routine and try to engage yourself in different activities that requires strength and agility, you will notice that you are not fitted for such activities because you lack the needed strength for such activities.

Simple Exercises for Conditioning

With the scenario given above, you will realize that being healthy is not just about being able to survive. In order for you to know that you are truly healthy, you should be able to function well no matter what type of activity you face.

In order to make sure that you are healthy and fit, you should look for the exercises that you can do regularly. Here are two of the best workout routines that you can choose from:


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Are You a Beginner? What the Seasoned Lifting Pro Knows That You Don’t

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Epic Quads ChickWe all have someone that we envy. You know what I mean — the lifter with the toned abs and softball-sized biceps you can’t help but covet.

If you’re a beginner, getting from point A to point Bodybuilding Pro is just as hard as learning to ride a bike blindfolded. Fortunately, there are many successful weightlifters willing to share the tricks of the trade.

Here are a few tips from the pros to get you started on creating your own envy-worthy body.

If You Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

“Lack of planning” is among the top 10 reasons beginner bodybuilders fail to achieve their goals. Planning daily workouts takes time, dedication, and some exercise research. It’s definitely not the most exciting part of training. But you won’t build bulging biceps and washboard abs by sporadically visiting the gym and dinking around on random equipment.

A good plan — like those experienced builders follow — doesn’t have to be elaborate.

Here are 4 basic elements to get you started:

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5 Tips for Improving Your Strength and Balance

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Strength and Balance Conditioning

Sezy Balance
When it comes to exercise, people often find one type of workout they like and focus on it almost exclusively. For some people this means jogging until they can run a marathon. Others engage in weight training in order to build muscles, bulk up, or bench press their own body weight. Still others rely on yoga and Pilates to help them increase flexibility and muscle tone while restoring a mind-body connection or adding a spiritual element to their workout routine.

The point is that it’s easy to get stuck in a rut with one type of exercise. Sometimes we’re seeking specific results, but more often than not we simply end up doing what we like. But this may not be the best way to increase your overall fitness since the practice tends to focus on only one benefit of exercise at the expense of others.

So if you’re looking to improve both your strength and balance, here are a few tips that can help you to reach your fitness goals.


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