Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

How to Choose the Right Personal Training Certification Program

Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

How to be a Personal Trainer

Female PT
* Don’t miss part 1: How to Get a Degree in Exercise Science

* Don’t miss part 2: How to Get a Degree in Physiology

* Don’t miss part 3: How to Get a Degree in Kinesiology

If you enjoy trying all different kinds of physical fitness and you like to keep your own body in peak condition, then perhaps you’re interested in finding a career that allows you to engage in physical activity and impart your knowledge of fitness to others.

Getting Certified in PT

As a certified personal trainer, you can not only meet these professional goals, but you can also put your outgoing personality, communication skills, and motivational strategies to good use by helping others to realize their true potential and meet their fitness goals through targeted training programs.

But before you can get started transforming your clients one physique at a time, you need to obtain the proper certification to practice. If you want to find the one that best suits your personal and professional goals, there are a few things you should consider before you choose.


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What You Need to Know About LA Fitness

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

LA Fitness

If you are tired of postponing your workout or finding reasons to skip the gym, you should think about how important it is for you to look good and stay healthy. Even if it’s not easy to find the right gym that goes hand in hand with your busy schedule, you have to make an effort in order to stay in shape. You want to look for a gym local to your home or work, that has adequate equipment, lenient rules, helpful staff, and workable operating hours.  (more…)

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Dexter Jackson’s Tips for Constructing a Chest Workout

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

Dexter Jackson chest training

Dexter Jackson, also known by his cool name “The Blade” is a legendary bodybuilder and is known for his perfect body symmetry and conditioning.

Dexter has won multiple titles namely Mr. Olympia, Arnold Classic, and New York Pro. He has also won 28 IFBB professional bodybuilding awards to set a unique world record.

With only about 10 weeks left for Olympia 2018, The Blade has hit the gym hard and has been extensively doing chest workout.

Dexter started with incline bench barbell press and worked up his way to flat bench presses. He also did one other variant of bench presses.

The next exercise was Incline-Bench DB Flyes and Hammer Strength Incline Machine following that. He did some core exercises to finish off the routine and took some supplements to help recovery from the workouts and repair his muscles. (more…)

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5 Easy Ways to Have a Strong Upper Body

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

Many people who hit the gym tend to concentrate more on the lower body exercises and the body parts with muscles that tend to bulge easily, and they can end up forgetting about the back and shoulder exercises.

strong upper body girl

You should know that working out your upper body is very important if you want to maintain an all-round fit body. Being well rounded and robust from your back, shoulders and the rest of your body gives you a good posture and an excellent body shape.


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6 Habits You Seriously Need To Drop To Lose Weight

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

We all have bad habits that hinder our quality of life. When it comes to weight loss, we need to reconsider our habits and eliminate those that keep us from healthier bodies. Our bad habits might relieve us of stress temporarily but in the long run, it is not the best for us. For example, fast food is convenient after a long workday but it adds to our waistlines gradually.

Poor Health Habits

Here are a few bad habits you must ditch if you want permanent weight loss.


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Elliptical Vs Treadmill – Which Is Better For You?

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

treadmill vs elliptical
There are several types of workouts which you can do at a gym. Some of the most effective and useful workouts for weight loss and overall health are cardio exercises. You will find several workout machines and pieces of equipment that can help you get a proper cardio workout. Two of these include a treadmill and an elliptical trainer.

These machines can help you get a solid cardio workout within just a few minutes. You will hear several myths about these two types of exercise machines. However, the truth is that if you use them the right way they can both be highly effective for your body. Elliptical trainers and treadmills are especially beneficial for those of you who are interested in losing excess body weight while putting minimal stress on their joints. (more…)

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7 Pieces of Home Gym Equipment Every Bodybuilder Needs

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Home Gym GirlAll of us would prefer to be in better shape, but in today’s hectic world, it isn’t always easy to find the time to do so. It is much easier to get the necessary exercise and to stay in shape when the equipment you need to is in your home. But with so many options for gym equipment out there, it can be hard to know where to begin. The following are the most essential pieces of gym equipment for any home gym setup.

Adjustable Dumbbells

No home gym is really complete without a set of adjustable dumbbells. Whether you are going to be trying to build or maintain your muscle growth, a set of adjustable dumbbells will see you through. Not only are dumbbells an already versatile piece of equipment, by adjusting the weight, you can increase or decrease the difficulty and, therefore, effectiveness, of your workout routine.

Of all the most common pieces of gym equipment found in the home, dumbbells produce the most reliable and consistent improvements. The nature of dumbbell exercises means that they require a significant amount of effort from muscle fibers to maintain stability. A good set of adjustable dumbbells is a worthwhile purchase for any serious bodybuilder.

Olympic Barbell Set

Much like the dumbbells, a barbell will put the same kind of strain (a good kind) on your body and muscles as dumbbells. The barbell is essentially a single long dumbbell, and most of the exercises done with the barbell are two-armed variants on dumbbell exercises. A barbell set is a worthwhile addition to any home gym setup, but if you already have dumbbells, and there are other pieces of equipment you are missing, you might want to invest in another piece of equipment first. (more…)

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Four Great Tips for Reducing Anxiety

Saturday, May 5th, 2018

stress anxiety womanWe recently published a post at Project Swole about treating many comment mental well-being complaints with Xanax, and of course, we all know how well exercise helps with anxiety.

Here are some additional tips for battling anxiety and other mental health issues, ranging from sleep to meditation to alternative supplements.

Keep your mental health strong and your physical health will follow! (more…)

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Debunking 4 Persistent Cardio Myths

Sunday, April 22nd, 2018

When it comes to cardio, there’s one thing no one can deny: cardio is the ideal stress relief after a hard day of work and stress. Whether you prefer riding the stationary bike or running on the treadmill, cardio can make all your worries go away, at least for some time.

Cardio workout

Cardio is also great for your heart, which is how it got its name in the first place. But the reason people most frequently turn to cardio is to burn those pesky calories and excess weight. And while most of the benefits of cardio exercise cannot be denied, there are a lot of myths and false truths that if you believe too blindly might lead to disappointment in the end.

The thing is, there are a variety of different classes and exercises you can enroll in at your local gym, and the best one is usually the one that makes you feel most comfortable. That said, even if you enjoy doing cardio the most, you need to know the truth about these 5 persistent myths if nothing just to adjust your expectations accordingly. (more…)

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The Importance of Balancing Workouts with Periods of Rest

Monday, April 16th, 2018

rest and recovery
It’s been a long cold winter and you’ve noticed you’ve gained a few inches, all in the wrong places. When the days are warm and sunny you’re out there running daily, hitting the gym and going to extremes trying to compensate for those lazy days where you didn’t feel like braving the cold.

Even a trip to the gym in below freezing temperatures keeps you indoors and unfortunately, overdoing it to compensate could be (and probably is) doing more harm than good. Here is some of what you need to know about the importance of periods of rest between workouts – strenuous exercise of any kind.

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How to Maintain Your Motivation for Workouts

Sunday, April 15th, 2018

People decide to hit the gym for various reasons. The majority do it to keep fit and healthy, others try to lose weight, and others for personal reasons which include health reasons. After you set your goals, such as aiming to shed a specific number of pounds of weight or achieving certain levels of body strength, you may feel highly motivated, but the motivation may be short-lived. To achieve your goals, you must be consistent doing workouts and check your diet. 


Getting yourself to the gym or your working-out place is the most difficult part of exercising. So, what is the secret to get yourself motivated to go for the workout?

The following are some steps to keep your motivation alive: (more…)

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The 4 Best Sports for People Suffering from Knee Pain

Friday, April 13th, 2018

If you once were very active and now have to deal with constant knee pain, it can be difficult to re-adjust your lifestyle to this new reality. However, having bad knees shouldn’t completely stop you from engaging in physical activity. There are tons of great sports out there that can not only be practiced by people with knee problems but could actually improve their condition. Here are a few of them.

excercise for knee pain (more…)

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What are the Real Benefits of Nugenix?

Sunday, April 8th, 2018

Nugenix is a supplement that boosts testosterone production, increases muscle mass, and improves sexual stamina in males including libido and sexual desire, performance, and confidence. It has also been reported to improve energy levels thereby enhancing the quality and length of exercise, improve endurance and increase the ability to exercise for longer periods of time.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone (more…)

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Lesser Known Benefits of Weight Lifting

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Crossfit girlWeightlifting requires an exceptional amount of motivation, endurance, and discipline. Pushing through the pain and sweat requires a lot of mental strength in addition to physical strength. As such, the things you learn by lifting weights can be translated into other important areas of your life. Think about creating and sticking to a budget or even writing your first novel (the best stories come from personal experiences after all). Having the discipline, endurance, and strength it takes to train your body and mind are invaluable skills you can implement into your daily life.

Here are a few lesser-known ways weightlifting can benefit your life:

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The Importance of Proper Recovery From Your Workout

Thursday, March 29th, 2018

While getting in enough exercise is essential to keeping healthy and in shape, the same is true of making sure you take time to fully and properly recover from your workouts. It might not always feel like it, but your muscles grow and your body’s health improves while you aren’t running, doing push-ups or lifting weights. It’s important to understand the specifics about what you have to gain by allowing your body to bounce back between workouts.

post workout recovery

Understanding What Happens While You’re Recovering

When you stop working out, what happens is that your body starts to adapt to the rigors of your exercise routine. Recovering properly ensures your body is able to build up your energy reserves so that the next time you exercise, you’ll be able to finish your desired workout rather than feel worn out 10 minutes into your routine. You might also damage tissue as you’re exercising, and taking enough time off allows your body to repair those tissues.

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A Brief Look at the John Cena Workout Routine

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

John Cena workoutFor around 1.5 decades, John Cena was the face of the WWE.

Although he is now slowly stepping back and taking on more of a part-time role for the company, he is still a very prominent figure in the squared circle.

If rumours are true, at this upcoming Wrestlemania event, he will be taking on The Undertaker, in one of the biggest matches of his career.

One thing that is instantly recognizable about John, is his amazing physique. At 6ft 2 and over 240 pounds of solid muscle, he is a physical specimen.

That’s why we’ll be taking a quick look at the John Cena workout routine, to help you train like a multiple-time WWE champ with one of the best physiques in the business.

Why Study the John Cena Workout Routine?

Those that have seen John Cena, will know how big and jacked he is. Cena is vascular, he is ripped, he is always in shape, and he’s a very, very big dude.

If you’ve seen him in the ring, or watched his workout vids online, you’ll also know that he’s very strong. In the ring, he throws 200, 300, even 400+ pound men around like rag dolls. He has lifted wrestlers like The Big Show, on his shoulders countless times before, which, considering at the time The Big Show was a legit 500 pounder, that’s pretty amazing. Who wouldn’t want that strength?! (more…)

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How to Choose MMA Gloves

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

MMA ChickMMA is one of the toughest contact sports and having the right gear is extremely important for both your safety and the people you train with. In mixed martial arts, the main piece of equipment is your gloves. The type of glove you want to buy is dependant on the type of training you want to do since there are many different aspects to mixed martial arts.

In this article we are going to cover some tips and information to pick the best mma gloves for the type of martial arts training you want to do.

#1 – Style

There are a few different types of mma gloves that serve different purposes.
Bag gloves – These gloves as the name suggests are meant for bag training. They are tough and lightweight and are primarily designed for training with the speed bag.

They have a thin knuckle padding and therefore are used with hand wraps. These gloves can be used for hitting either a speed bag or heavy bag.

Training gloves – As the name implies these gloves are used for training and they are quite similar to boxing gloves. Their designs is much like that used for boxing though slightly different. (more…)

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Ideas for Balancing Your Workout via Flexibility & Mind-Body Exercises

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

balance sports flexibility
Weight lifters often put themselves at risk of injury by overdoing extreme sets. Likewise, runners are more prone to injury if they are constantly pounding the pavement but fail to strength train and build lean muscle mass.

We all have different ideas on what constitutes a fun form of fitness. We’re dedicated to what we find most enjoyable, but without finding a good balance and functional fitness, it can all fall apart.


So, what is your workout routine missing? Here are a few suggestions for balancing your workout more naturally by paying attention to flexibility … of the body AND mind.

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How to Build your Muscle Naturally

Monday, March 12th, 2018

Fitness WomanIf you are interested in bulking up, you probably are worried the only way this is possible is through consuming steroids and other drugs that help to accelerate the process. But this is not necessarily how you gain muscles. You can pursue a natural muscle development process, which calls for dedication and a bit of patience. In a few months, you can begin to see changes if consistency is upheld. While doing it, note that age is a factor that affects the process, so make sure to embrace exercises that are right for your age.

Adjust your Diet


Before you even think about any workout options, you would need to adjust your diet. First thing is to increase calorie intake, but not too much – just enough for your workouts. But while doing this, avoid junk as this will only make you to gain more weight and you don’t need that. Second ensure you are hydrated well. Consume enough water especially during workout sessions. Water keeps your energy levels up and gives you the lubrication you need for your joints.


It also supports digestion and absorption so you are able to get essential nutrients. Lastly, consider taking muscle building foods. Take more foods that are rich in omega-3s and omega-6s. Eat proteins, fiber, and carbs in plenty and also consider foods like eggs and nuts, which provide nutrients for muscle build-up.


Strength Training Exercises


To gain muscles, you need to work out. Nothing gives better results than strength training exercises. You have to be patient as this process might take time. Just do it daily and ensure to rest so you don’t exhaust yourself. Before you go into any training, it is advisable to first warm up so you don’t injure your muscles. Some jog or walk could help to prepare you for the practice. The objective is to get your heart rate up without burning many calories.


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Why Mobility Matters for Strength Training

Thursday, March 1st, 2018

It takes a lot of commitment to strength training to see consistent muscle growth. To be able to fit training into their schedule, people often cut corners. While some neglect to properly warm up before slamming the weight plates on a barbell, most decide to skip their post-workout mobility session when pressed for time.

mobility training

While mobility training can be time-consuming, tedious, and uncomfortable, it is also extremely important to incorporate into your strength training routine. When it comes to hitting the weights, here are a few reasons why mobility matters.


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