Health Hacks: 9 Budget-Friendly Ways To Combat The Flab

Posted November 6, 2018 in Fitness Tips No Comments »

Let’s face it, eating healthy is expensive. Not each and every individual can afford to spend extra $500 per month on groceries. That is why people often give up on losing weight due to budget constraints. There is, however, a solution to this problem. There are ways in which you can lose weight without inflating your budget. 

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Aside from tricks and tips, you can often find helpful supplements to facilitate your progress. In addition to contributing these helpful tips, Gary Preacher from HCG Triumph says that as you go through the phases of the HCG diet your success will depend on your commitment to the diet plan. Using a combination of the diet plan and our tips, you will be able to kickstart your weight loss efforts into high gear.

Here are 9 excellent ways in which you can combat the flab without breaking the bank.

1. Keep your body hydrated:

The most budget-friendly ways which you can adopt are the ones which require you to just change your lifestyle. One of them is to drink more water in order to keep your body hydrated. When your body is hydrated, the metabolic process is accelerated. This will reduce the deposition of fat in the body. This will also help you in removing the toxins from the body. These 2 factors will lead to healthy weight loss.

2. Buy your veggies in bulk:

Green leafy vegetables, as well as other healthy staples, often cost more. However, when you’re buying them in bulk, it is easier to save up to 20% to 30% of the overall cost. This will ensure that you are able to eat healthy rather than the cheap variants which do not pack the same amount of nutrients.

3. Reduce the portion size:

One simple tip which you can follow in order to combat the flab is to reduce the portion size. You can consume smaller meals throughout the day as compared to 3 larger ones. This will help you in satisfying your appetite in a much better way. As a result, the number of calories and fat which you will consume will be on the lower side which will help you lose weight.

4. Make your salads at home:

Salad bars are in the rage these days due to the healthy food options which they have on offer. The problem is that the salad options offered in such salad bars are pretty expensive. You will have to shell out at least $ 10 for a single salad at the salad bar. Instead of doing so, a better alternative is to stock up $ 10 worth of veggies. You can prepare your own salad set up which will help you not only save money but consume more vegetables as compared to what you get at the salad bar.

5. Get the price right while buying healthy foods:

Most of the people just look at the dollar price when it comes to buying healthy foodstuffs. You have to look at the weight of the foodstuffs in the package as well. Thereafter, you have to calculate the cost of healthy foods per lbs. This will help you compare them with other brands and discover which one offers a more affordable deal. When you make this a regular habit, you can easily save up to 10% while buying healthy foods.

6. Change your way of commute:

This trick to lose weight is not just budget-friendly, but it will actually save you money. Instead of using public transport or car In order to reach your workplace, it is a good idea to use a bike to reach your workplace. If it is nearby, you can also think about walking to your workplace. This will help you amalgamate physical activity into your daily schedule and also help you burn some calories.

7. Create a wellness center at your home:

You might be thinking how the creation of a wellness center at home is going to be affordable? The answer is instead of buying brand-new equipment, you have to scout for the necessary equipment at garage sales or on Craigslist. Also, rather than looking for any type of fancy gym equipment, you just need weights in order to opt for proper training. You can create a wellness center within a smaller budget by just buying used weights and dumbbells.

8. Shop right:

Have you ever wondered why the layout of most of the supermarkets is the same? Most of the processed food items are located at the front as well as the middle of the supermarket. If you want to avoid any temptation to buy these foodstuffs, a good idea is to shop at the perimeters. This will help you avoid the aisles loaded with processed foods high in sodium and sugar. In the longer term, this will not only save you money but also help you combat the flab.

9. Opt for low-fat desserts:

The biggest temptations for most of us are the desserts. Many of us are not able to eliminate desserts from our diet, even when we are on a weight loss regime. The solution to this problem is to opt for low-fat yogurt and other such low-fat dessert options. You can even consume fruit on a regular basis rather than the desert. This will help you eat healthy and cut down on sugar-based desserts. Dessert options like low-fat yogurts are more affordable as compared to sugar laced desserts like pastries and cakes.

So, if you want to cut the flab without having to break the bank, these are the 9 ways in which you can do so. You have to just follow them persistently and you will be able to see the difference within a few weeks

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