Archive for the ‘Medical’ Category

It’s Hard to be Swole if You’re Drunk

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

Athletes drink. A survey that followed 6,000 teens into their mid-twenties found that while young athletes use fewer drugs than non-athletes, they drink far more alcohol.  Beer steins

Fitness buffs, why is this so dumb?

In addition to the obvious short-term health risks — like drunk driving — alcohol impairs muscle growth and prevents muscle recovery. In fact, according to research conducted by Matt Barnes of New Zealand’s Massey University, muscle performance loss was doubled in participants who drank alcohol.

That wouldn’t be a huge deal for a non-exerciser, but it could be a game-ender for an athlete whose future relies on physical fitness. (more…)

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Does Creatine Help Prevent and Reverse Muscle Wastage?

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

Muscle AtrophyCreatine is the most researched and well understood training supplement.  Creatine is also one of the most widely used, and trusted, sports nutrition supplements for weight trainers wanting to maximize muscle mass.

Creatine helps increase the speed and force of muscle fibres and helps them repair more quickly and scientific studies have found that taking a regular creatine supplement increases the reserves of creatine in muscle fibres. This means that the benefits of creatine supplements could be further reaching than just being used as a sports supplement.

Catabolic muscle wastage, cachexia and sarcopenia

If you’re suffering from a catabolic wasting condition where your muscles are starting to decrease considerably in size (muscle atrophy), then creatine supplements could help you. The term ‘catabolic’ refers to the breakdown of muscle tissue, and is the opposite of the term ‘anabolic’ which means the building up of muscle tissue.

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The Muscle Building Effects Of Steroid Use: Pros and Cons

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016

Steroid BenefitsFor years athletes, movie stars, and gym rats have been falling in love with performance enhancing products to get stronger, faster, or bigger. Bodybuilders in particular love the kinds of results that these products provide them with but there are some serious drawbacks to prohormones, which usually forces people to turn to real anabolic steroids.

Most people who want to build serious muscle mass often resort to using such oral or injectable steroid products as testosterone, trenbolone, anadrol, anavar, winstrol etc. If you’re interested cycling these types of substances, you’re going to want to finish this article. Going into a cycle without proper knowledge wastes money, time, and can make you really sick.

The Pros and Cons

Please note that all of the products discussed in this article and more, can be found at one of the better online resourced based on online reviews and word of mouth. The SteroidsFax anabolic steroid website is one of the best places to get these products, but be careful as most steroids are not legal in many countries. Check your country’s laws and postal restrictions to find out more.

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8 Bodybuilding Supplements that Allegedly Contain Steroids

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

Build MuscleA Project Swole PSA blast from the past, still relevant today though most of the products mentioned are discontinued and considered ‘illegal’ today. It is interesting to see over time how things evolve, and in some cases how they stay the same.

Original Article:

This is a public service announcement to be careful when choosing bodybuilding supplements that claim to make you huge in a short amount of time. We need to constantly be aware of these faux steroid muscle-building supplements. They are as prevalent today as ever, and they have proven time and again that they can do more harm than good. But we still need to ask, is it really any of the FDA’s business what we choose to put into our bodies?

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned the public not to use bodybuilding supplements advertised as steroids, or claiming to contain steroids or steroid-like substances.

The CNN article is here: FDA warns against body-building products claiming steroids

Thanks for the warning FDA, but please stop telling me what supplements to buy or not to buy.

Back in the day, the FDA sent a letter to American Cellular Laboratories Inc., alleging that some of the supplement manufacturer’s products, which are sold as dietary supplements, violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act because they do not meet the FDA’s definition of a dietary supplement.

To be considered a dietary supplement, a product has to contain one or more dietary ingredients, such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, or amino acids, which some of American Cellular Laboratories products do not.

In fact, the FDA alleges that many of the products are sold as dietary supplements, but are actually unapproved and misbranded drugs. Let’s see which products were targeted by the probe.


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Gaining a Better Understanding of Obesity

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

The Obesity Epidemic

Weight Loss TipsOne of the biggest problems in our society today is obesity. This is caused due to a variety of different problems, and this is also leading to a number of different treatment options. As such, finding the best weight loss Westchester NY has to offer depends on a variety of factors. Either way, we must accept that obesity is a true epidemic and that it requires more than a quick fad diet in order to be resolved. Not only must we come up with ways to help the people who are obese, we must also make sure that we prevent further people from becoming obese.

We know that obesity is dangerous. We know that it is a huge health risk. Yet we still don’t seem to truly understand what it all means.

When Does Obesity Happen?

Obesity can happen at any point during your life. It can, sometimes, escalate very quickly, and take on truly dramatic proportions. This is known as ‘malignant obesity’. Malignant obesity usually occurs after the early 20’s when we have stopped growing up, get too ‘busy’ to exercise, and when we still aren’t paying attention to what we’re putting in our bodies.

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6 Natural Testosterone Boosting Ingredients

Monday, March 7th, 2016

How to Boost Testosterone Naturally to Make an Impact on Your Training 

Low testosterone manWe hear about it all the time in commercials for “Low-T”. We certainly have read about it many times in the context of fitness articles, considering we are always reading fitness articles. I am talking about Testosterone. Something that affects each of us deep to our core, forms the foundation of our health and makes us…. well, Men!

Recently I’ve noticed TV commercials dealing with class action suits against medical testosterone replacement therapy products. So steroids are illegal and unsafe, and testosterone replacement products may or may not be dangerous, so what recourse do we have to boost our T? At least you should learn the most effective strategy to boost your Testosterone levels naturally through food, exercise, and intelligent supplementation.

What’s The Deal With Testosterone?

Testosterone, what is it? I mean, we know what it is, but… what, IS it? Let’s get scientific here for a moment. Testosterone is a steroid hormone. Hold on, before we go on… The term steroid here is referring to natural hormones produced in the body. These are the things that help control metabolism, inflammation, immune system, and sexual characteristics. Ok, now back to where we left off.

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Quit Smoking Cigarettes! 64% of Deaths in Smokers are Attributable to Smoking

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Healthy CoupleI have never smoked cigarettes. My dad smokes, many of my extended family members smoke or used to smoke, several of my friends in high school and college smoked, but I don’t. Given all the teenagers that pick up cigarettes to ‘fit in’ or ‘be cool’, I am just glad that I didn’t succumb to the peer pressure at a time in my life when I was probably one of the most unpopular kids in school.

Recently I read this study about smoking, which is really not all that different from most of the other studies. Essentially it can be summed up like this:

“If you smoke, you have a much greater chance of dying from smoking related diseases. If you quit today, you will be 50 percent better off in 5-10 years, and 100 percent better off in 20 years.”

That’s reason enough for me to tell you to quit smoking today.

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The Effects of Medicine on Your Fitness

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

A major topic in sports medicine is understanding how drugs can effect athletic performance and how to avoid unwanted complications. Many drugs have side effects that might be exaggerated by strenuous exercise.

Strenuous Exercise

Prescription drugs are controlled because of their side effects. The topic can be divided into drugs that affect the body versus drugs that affect the mind.

Pain Killers

Mood altering drugs and pain killers, like NSAIDS, can affect performance. A person who is advised to avoid driving or operating machinery should also be careful around exercise equipment and free weights. These count as heavy machinery, so any drugs that affect coordination should make a person rethink some of the exercises that they do.

A power step machine is safer than running on a treadmill, and weight lifting machines are safer than free weights.

Blood Pressure

Drugs that affect blood pressure might disqualify a person from intense cardio. Some people need medicine that raises their blood pressure, but cardio further increases blood pressure. Someone suffering from high blood pressure as a disease is also at risk. It is better to ask a doctor for a routine and stick to walking until then.

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Real Facts about Testosterone and Testosterone Boosters

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

Boost TestosteroneToday we talk about testosterone, which is the “male hormone” in the human body. It may be hard to believe, but the hormone is present in both men and women’s body, so everyone has it.

This article will cover the following key points: correlations between behavior and testosterone, the psychological effects on the human mind, the internal and external changes in both men and women, a series of myths and reality facts and of course, a series of conclusions.

This will not be a post designed to sell any supplements. My purpose is not to defend steroids or testosterone boosters, not to bash them. These are the facts. This is the truth.

Testosterone and Behavior

In terms of behavior, there are some who believe high testosterone levels can cause aggressiveness and irrationality. But the truth is that, like any other hormone found in the human body, it influences our brain activity. This particular hormone intensifies the brain activity and the adrenaline levels in our body, so we become more and more agitated and we lose track of our peaceful calm side.


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Gluten – Should It Be In Your diet?

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Should you eat Gluten

Gluten Fit Boy
One of the hottest topics in the nutrition world in the last 3-5 years has been gluten-free diet. As usual, the media and a general population acting like sheeple have once again blown something out of proportion.

People are needlessly following a gluten free diet just because they heard about it in the media or read about it on the Internet. Some of these people have even lost weight. But why? Most likely because they cut down on carbs altogether, or at least started eating healthier carbs.

But the question is, do YOU need to be a on gluten free diet? And the answer is, probably not. Here’s why


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3 Exercises that Give Diabetics a Fighting Chance

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Old Man FitnessDiabetes impacts people at various times in their lives.  Most adults are struck with type 2 diabetes as they grow older.  How do you adjust with eating habits, exercise routines, and improve your overall quality of life to live longer?  That’s a valid question for most adults diagnosed with this disease later in life.

One thing is for certain.  You weren’t living a perfect healthy life before.  Yes, diabetes may prove to be a genetic tendency found in your family, but eating habits contribute substantially to your chances of being diagnosed.  Vociferous eaters with little control often find themselves fighting the disease later in life.  Are there any solutions that help adults gain control of their eating habits?

The first step involves consulting the best doctors who help you manage your diabetes.  They may suggest dietary tips and provide exercise restrictions for you.  Knowing your limits as an older adult is tough, but you still possess the ability gain control of your disease and get into shape to be the healthiest you can be.


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The Most Effective Ways to Rid Yourself of Gynecomastia

Friday, May 24th, 2013

How to Lose Your Man Boobs

Gynecomastia—or male breasts—is a very common affliction that affects men all over the world. Though not life threatening—or even dangerous—male breasts can have a psychological effect that many would rather not experience, a fact made even worse by how difficult they can be to get rid of.

Fortunately, however, if you suffer from male Gynecomastia, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Though difficult to get rid of, Gynecomastia is not something you have to worry about for life. Man boobs are easier to get rid of if they are made primary of fat. If you got gyno by using or abusing steroids, diet and exercise will probably not be able to remove them completely.

Without further ado, here are the best ways to get rid of those male breasts.


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Can You Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Through Diet and Exercise?

Monday, May 20th, 2013

A Workout a Day Keeps the Cancer Away

Running Chick
Athletes know that lifting weights and exercising feels greater than anything (OK, almost anything) on Earth, but did you know that it can also reduce your risk of cancer?

Yes, it’s true – not only have you been working out all this time to get that stunning physique, but you have also been effectively reducing your chances of getting some of the most life threatening cancers.

One Third Reduced Risk of Cancer

Researchers say that regular physical activity and a healthy diet – two things that usually go hand in hand – can reduce the effects of colon and other cancers by up to 30%.

Moreover, diet and exercise can reduce the risk of many gender specific cancers too, like prostate and cervical cancer, largely because physical activity can decrease the amount of certain dangerous cell altering hormones.


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Diet & Exercise Reduce Diabetes More Effectively Than Drugs: Study

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

What is The Most Effective Treatment for Diabetes?

Reduce Diabetes
Diabetes affects more than 1 in 10 adults in the United States, and the number is only growing—thousands of patients will be diagnosed this year, and most of these patients rely on medications in order to keep their blood sugar levels manageable.

The medications marketed for the treatment of diabetes allowed drug companies to rake in many billions of dollars, but it has become clear that the medications are not very effective against heart disease – the number one killer of diabetes patients.

Read more about other diabetes related complications and some of the best ways to manage diabetes with the help of a healthy diet by visiting,


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How Athletes Can Prevent Bruxism

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

What is Bruxism and Why Should You Care?

Fitness Smile
In case you didn’t know, bruxism, more commonly known as grinding your teeth, is a fairly common condition that affects nearly every person at some point in their life.

For many the condition is temporary and mild, presenting no real health threat. But whether you do it while you sleep or it occurs during waking hours, you may not realize that it’s happening until you start to notice headaches, pain in your jaw, or wear and tear to your chompers. And by then the situation has likely gotten a little more serious.

As a bodybuilder or athlete, you could be more prone to this issue than most. If you want to keep your smile full, healthy, and white, like the fitness chick to the right, take these tips into consideration sooner rather than later.

A Few Causes of Bruxism

Although many attribute the condition to high stress levels, which can certainly be a contributing factor, the truth is that bruxism is a habitual activity, even though you may do it subconsciously, like twirling your hair, tapping your foot, or jingling change in your pocket. And when you’re lifting you likely clench your teeth, which can definitely lead to the formation of bruxism.

Athletes using performance enhancers are also at a greater risk, especially if you use a strong cycle of steroids or human growth hormone (HGH). Feeling of aggression and stress are exaggerated when you are cycling, are are nighttime conditions such as sleep apnea and, as you may have guessed, bruxism.


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How to Manage Arthritis Pain When You Exercise

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Exercising with Arthritis

Fit Woman Kickboxing
If you have been living with arthritis for a while then you probably know that exercise is a key part of fighting the pain, stiffness, and swelling that accompany this chronic condition. And yet, hauling yourself to the gym, hitting the track for a jog, or joining your local sports league can be difficult when you are already suffering from the discomfort and fatigue of arthritis.

You might not want to move, let alone stress your already painful joints. And yet, without your daily workout to increase strength and flexibility, your condition only stands to worsen. This could lead to even less activity, accompanied by increasing stiffness, soreness, and weight gain, all of which could further derail your progress in the fight against arthritic symptoms.

Without exercise you could eventually become incapacitated by the ongoing degeneration of arthritis. Luckily, there are ways to manage your pain in the here and now so that you can continue to follow your workout regimen and hopefully improve your overall condition, ultimately reducing pain and other symptoms.

Here are a few tips you can try.


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Understanding the Pros and Cons of Weight Loss Surgery

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

Weight Loss SurgeryWeight loss surgery is becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and for a very good reason. It offers a solution to a problem that plagues millions of people worldwide. However, determining whether weight loss surgery is right for you can be difficult. There are many benefits to these surgical procedures, but there are downsides as well. It’s important to understand this issue from both sides to decide what’s right for you.

Pro: Guaranteed Weight Loss

If you’re like many people in the world today, you’ve had a hard time trying to lose your excess weight. Some people try everything under the sun in an effort to shed pounds, yet they still find themselves unable to achieve their weight loss goals. Surgical procedures like gastric bypass and gastric banding offer guaranteed results. Liposuction can get rid of excess fat instantly. Those who seek a guaranteed solution to their weight loss problems can find that solution with weight loss surgery.


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Suggested Rehabilitation for Common Types of Shoulder Injury

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Shoulder Rehab
Fitness Shoulders
Chronic Shoulder Instability and Impingement Syndrome are the most common types of shoulder injury. Chronic Shoulder Instability occurs when the ‘head’ of the upper arm bone moves out of the shoulder socket. This results in a shoulder joint dislocation and causes great pain. On the other hand, impingement syndrome is prompted by friction occurring between the shoulder blade and rotator cuff. The friction from the rotator cuff and the shoulder blade may be caused by inflammation in a tendon or muscle.

Preparations to Rehab an Injured Shoulder

It’s important to remember that any injury needs to be checked and treated by an accredited physician.  They may recommend medication and several rehabilitation techniques to encourage the shoulder to heal and function as soon as possible.  The Physician will also be able to see the specifics of your injury that may alter they way you would treat it. Here are some tips to consider when preparing an injured shoulder for rehabilitation.

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How Pregnant Moms-to-Be Can Weight Train Safely

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Here is another excellent fitness article for pregnant women. At Project Swole we care about everyone.

Exercising During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Weightlifting

Many women are concerned about exercising during pregnancy, but the fact is that the right kind of workouts during the natal period can be tremendously beneficial. The rewards of exercising while pregnant include fewer childbirth complications, reduced incidence of aches and discomfort, higher energy levels, and better blood circulation.

Benefits like these make both the pregnancy period and the birthing process much easier and promote an overall sense of well-being. Weight training is especially good for pregnant women, as pregnancy tends to bring on extra body weight while muscles shrink due to inactivity.

Be Considerate of Exercise Technique

Of course, the body of a pregnant mom-to-be is in a delicate state, and this should be a cause for concern when exercise is being considered. Any exercise that involves a face-down posture should be avoided to reduce pressure on the abdomen, and the muscle groups focused upon should be those that need extra strength during pregnancy.

Lighter weights are highly recommended.


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5 Benefits of Weight Training During Pregnancy

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013
Preggo Fitness

If you are expecting a child, it is important to know that doctors and specialists don’t discourage physical fitness and weight training like they used to do in the old days – they actually encourage it.

Physicians used to believe that any kind of rigorous exercise for a mother to be could potentially cause harm to the fetus, either due to miscarriage or a premature birth, but now it is widely believed that a routine fitness regiment during pregnancy can have a number of benefits, like lowering stress levels and increasing general well being.

Moreover, regular weight training is both risk-free and can have many benefits for a woman during her pregnancy, in all trimesters.

Here are 5 benefits of weight training during pregnancy.


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