Posts Tagged ‘mattress’

How Your Mattress Affects Your Sleep and Health

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Not only does insufficient sleep make us less productive, but it also makes our bodies weaker. Because of this, a comfortable mattress is essential for our health. Once you get the best mattress you can take solace because you will soon know how your mattress affects your sleep and health.

Your back and joints may have pain, but your mattress should help put you to sleep. You can also alter your sleeping habits to assist in alleviating back pain. A comfortable mattress can help if you can’t sleep because of discomfort.

Here are ten unexpected ways your bed influences your health and sleep.


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Is a Memory Foam Mattress Bad for My Back?

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

Memory Foam is Big Business – But Is It Good For You?

You’ve heard it, time and time again, that memory foam is your ticket to the best night’s sleep you’ve had in ages. This is definitely true for some people who swear by the material, but many others remain skeptical. One of the most common questions we hear is whether various memory foam mattress options are good for your back, posture, and bone health.

mattress female athlete

How Memory Foam Works

Memory foam materials have their origins in 1960s NASA flight experiments. The institution needed very soft material to keep high-speed flight pilots protected against g-force. The same characteristics that make this material ideal for those flights also make it a very comfortable mattress material.

Since it conforms to the shape of your body, you can sleep in any variety of positions without feeling encumbered by stiffness. This softness is what really makes memory foam stand out, but not everyone is convinced that this is what’s best for the human body. (more…)

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