Posts Tagged ‘bariatric surgery’

How to Deal with Loose and Sagging Skin From Weight Loss

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

belly skinLosing a huge amount of weight in a short time-span may not be the healthiest practice out there, but it sounds as no short of a dream come true to many. Still, one of the things that they often tend to forget is that the fat in their body is not the only thing that has expanded over the course of the years. In order to follow up, your skin has probably significantly stretched, as well, which might turn into a huge issue once you lose all that extra weight. With this in mind, here are few ways of dealing with loose skin and getting that beach body you always dreamed of having.

Why Is This Such a Problem?

Ok, so you lost weight, have some extra skin, what’s the big deal, right? It is a serious issue, as reported by NBC news, faced by many bariatric surgery patients or really anyone who has lost 300+ pounds of fat. Keeping sagging skin long-term is even reported to directly affect the longevity of the weight loss.

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