Posts Tagged ‘knee’

The 4 Best Sports for People Suffering from Knee Pain

Friday, April 13th, 2018

If you once were very active and now have to deal with constant knee pain, it can be difficult to re-adjust your lifestyle to this new reality. However, having bad knees shouldn’t completely stop you from engaging in physical activity. There are tons of great sports out there that can not only be practiced by people with knee problems but could actually improve their condition. Here are a few of them.

excercise for knee pain (more…)

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When Should You Push Through Knee Pain?

Friday, June 30th, 2017

Knee pain can impact many people, especially if you’re the type of person that rarely skips a workout. That sort of dedication is priceless when it comes to achieving your fitness goals, but it can also be detrimental to your health.
knee pain
Many people who are that committed to their fitness often continue to push themselves long past when they should stop and rest. Knees are some of the first casualties of an overactive lifestyle or improper form.

Given that, how can you tell the difference between when you need to take it easy and when you can just keep going?

The Type of Pain

First of all, no type of knee pain should be completely ignored. Pain’s function is to let us know that something is wrong and to compel us to avoid that behavior in the future. However, different types of pain indicate different things. (more…)

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