Whether you are in the gym day in and day out or just a few times a week, there are days when it can be extremely difficult to muster up the strength and energy needed to complete the most intense workouts. This is exactly where pre-workout supplements can come in handy. However, if you have done any research on the topic whatsoever, you have probably discovered that there are tons of people out there saying that these supplements contain dangerous carbs and fillers that just cause bloating and severe fatigue. Sure, this might be true in some sense, but there are healthier alternatives on the market. Below are the ingredients that you need to focus on the most.
(more…)Posts Tagged ‘Supplements’
Exploring The Key Ingredients Used In Pre-Workouts
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Supplements: All You Need to Know
Thursday, October 28th, 2021
There are many kinds of supplements on the market. You may see individuals at the gym with water bottles filled with a shake, and you may even see an advertisement at the gym selling a supplement powder.
Supplements can help to improve your performance in the gym, but they can also help to maintain your body outside of the gym. It can be intimidating to know what supplement to use or what kinds of supplements even exist.
This guide should help you begin your research by offering insight into the differences between pre and post-workout supplements.
(more…)5 Best Supplements For Health Benefits, Bodybuilding & Sport Performance
Friday, October 15th, 2021If you’re into bodybuilding, working tirelessly in the gym daily can only get you so far. Maybe this is also why victorious players and bodybuilders don’t depend on dieting and exercising only. They’ve learned to work smart so that they don’t waste even a single effort. Bodybuilders and experienced athletes gear their efforts towards workout success and progress by manipulating nutrition and lifestyle habits. Nutritional supplements can assist in the procedure, but how can we determine which are the best bodybuilding supplements for health without trying them all first?
Let’s examine and hows and the whys, so we can try to figure out the whats.
(more…)11 Tips For Finding The Right Supplements Online
Monday, January 4th, 2021
Supplements provide a lot of notable health benefits to the body. Benefits including cellular repair, regeneration, renewal, and protection. Supplements, such as vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, can help maintain specific nutritional needs for different groups of people.
For instance, people who have dietary restrictions and have demanding lifestyles need to take supplements to avert certain health problems. Likewise, people who do not have access to a regular balanced diet (e.g. poor families) may need particular vitamin pills to support their health. Moreover, some individuals need supplements due to deficiencies as a result of illnesses. Supplements can help correct all of these nutritional concerns.
Nonetheless, although supplements can bring positive results, bear in mind that they function only as additives to elevate and protect your health against potential problems. With all of these, it is important to look for quality supplements that will truly do their job.
However, how can you ensure that they are the best supplements in the online market? Here are 11 tips to consider when looking for supplements online:
(more…)The Best Omega 3 Snacks (Other Than Flax Seed Oil – Yuck!)
Monday, August 24th, 2020
Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition related conferences; and published countless articles online.
His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago, provided me with the basis for everything I know about nutrition today. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.
Today’s Topic – The Best Omega 3 Snacks

You already know how important it is to have a healthy Omega 3 : Omega 6 ratio in your diet. More Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) means a healthier heart and decreased inflammation, which is especially good for those of us who inflame our muscle tisses by detroying them with resistance training.
(more…)6 Reasons You Need to Be Using BCAAs
Friday, January 17th, 2020
Branched-chain amino acids, which are commonly referred to as BCAAs, include amino, isoleucine, valine, and leucine. Your body cannot make them out of other amino acids, which means you must ingest them via nutritious food or BCAA supplements.
BCAAs make up 40 percent of your essential amino acid requirements each day and for good reason. Amino acids are responsible for facilitating most of your bodily functions including muscle growth, digestion, and hormone production.
Ingesting enough BCAAs, via food or supplementation, leads to the following health benefits.
(more…)The 3 Best Supplements to Help Build the Best Body
Sunday, November 10th, 2019
Making the Most of Your Gym Time
Anyone who has dedicated themselves to bettering their physical condition knows that the benefits far outweigh the struggles. You feel stronger and have more energy when you stick to your workout schedule, and you notice that your clothing fits better when you stretch and strengthen your muscles. But even the most experienced gym-goers can use a little boost to increase their results. Here are the 3 best supplements to help you to take your efforts to the next level.
(more…)The 5 Best Supplements that Boost Testosterone Levels
Wednesday, August 21st, 2019
Testosterone gradually decreases with age, and it might seem that nothing can stop it. But it is not entirely true. By introducing more exercise into your life, you can boost your testosterone as it adapts to your body’s needs. But the best way would be to choose testosterone boosters in pills, that taken regularly can remove deficits.
Boosting your testosterone level takes care of your muscle mass, libido, and it helps to burn body fat. But these are the most known and apparent functions of this hormone. There are many more processes in your body that are affected by testosterone.
(more…)Do Test Boosters Really Work?
Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
All men at all times require their testosterone to be at an optimum level. We single out men as testosterone is a sex hormone usually associated with them. Women have small amounts and are not so much affected by changing levels like men.
Proper levels of testosterone lead to:
- Production of adequate sperm
- Proper development of muscles and bones
- Deepening of the voice in puberty and hair growth
With reduced levels of the hormone, you will develop problems like low libido, hair loss, reduced body and muscle mass, low energy levels, extra. It then becomes essential to know why your hormone levels are falling. The problem may’ be caused by stress, anxiety, or depression. In this case, you can see a doctor to address your psychological or lifestyle issues.
On the other hand, the problem might be your testes are not producing enough testosterone. The problem is called hypogonadism, which can be caused by aging factor or genetics. That can be worrying requiring urgent action. That’s when Testosterone boosters become necessary. It’s essential you get the supplements from legal and safe places.
(more…)Vitamin B12 For Good Health and Weight Loss
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019Losing weight is one of the most problematic things for anyone. When you see the scale doesn’t move after strenuous exercise, it is understandable to feel stressed out or frustrated. One has to stick to the exercise regime persistently to achieve the desired results.
Ever wondered why you didn’t lose weight even after following the regime perfectly for an extremely prolonged time? You could be the victim of a vitamin deficiency. This would definitely make your weight loss journey the most difficult.
How does Vitamin B12 play a role in repairing your nutrient deficiency?
(more…)10 Benefits of Collagen for Skin, Muscles, and Gut
Monday, May 13th, 2019
You probably have noticed most people going for collagen injections and supplements as a way to fight aging effects. This makes you wonder: What’s so special about it? For starters, collagen is a complex protein that exists almost everywhere in the body. It’s present in the blood, in the bones, and under the skin among other parts.
It’s basically what holds your body together. So, being insufficient means the likelihood of aging effects and other complications. Though the protein is naturally produced in your body, the levels drop gradually as you age. This is why you should consider its supplementation. Generally, collagen supplementation comes with the following 10 benefits:
(more…)Four Certified Facts About Creatine
Wednesday, March 6th, 2019
Overview: What is creatine and how does it work?
Creatine is an organic compound primarily found in vertebrates, which is an overwhelming biological division that comprises close to 70,000 species, humans included. The reason why creatine is mostly found in these animals is because the substance is crucial to the recycling of energy at a molecular level, especially when it comes to muscle and brain tissue. Despite the fact that we have known about the compound’s beneficial effect on physical performance for over a century, creatine only came to our attention in the 1990s, when several Olympic medallists disclosed that creatine loading was part of their dietary protocol.
Five Little Used Supplements to Help Improve Your Life
Sunday, January 27th, 2019
A person’s health is one of their most important assets, and it should be protected at all costs. We are all only given one body; another one will not magically appear if we mistreat or neglect the first. Sometimes eating balanced meals and exercising regularly isn’t enough, and you may need an added boost to stay in your prime.
Keep reading to learn about some lesser-known supplements that can help you to live your life to the fullest. Each of these supplements is entirely natural, and several of them have been used for generations and enjoyed for their optimal health benefits.
(more…)Top 7 Tips For Choosing a Probiotic Supplement
Tuesday, December 18th, 2018
If you’ve decided that you want to try taking a probiotic supplement as part of your daily routine, and to reap the benefits, good choice. Probiotic supplements have long been reputed to bring overall health and wellbeing advantages, as well as helping with gut health and the smooth running of the digestive system.
Of course, it isn’t just the gut which benefits from probiotics, as the main advantages of taking probiotic supplements are:
- Smoother running of the digestive system
- Improved gut health
- A boost for the immune system
- Lowered cholesterol levels
- Decreased anxiety and depression conditions
- Less chance of developing ulcers
- Healthy balance of good and bad bacteria within the body
- More energy
These are just some of the main benefits associated with probiotic use. Of course, the supplement world in general is flooded with choices, and every brand is different. When it comes to probiotics, there are countless strains available too, and if you want to get the best out of your daily supplement, you need to make sure that you’re choosing one which is tailored towards your needs.
If you’re at all unsure, it’s best to have a chat with your doctor before you purchase your supplement of choice. This will help you decide whether probiotics are right for you, and will also help you find the right one for your needs. To give you an idea of what you need to be on the look out for, here are 7 tips for choosing a probiotic supplement.
Foolproof Ways to Bust Out of a Fitness Rut
Monday, December 17th, 2018In every person’s life who’s devoted to their fitness regime, there comes a time when you just can’t do it anymore. It all goes around in circles, and you become fed up with your work out sessions. Instead of lifting your spirits and making you feel good, you just end up walking away more frustrated.
This is the point where most people give up and undo all their hard work. The truth is, all you have to do is overcome this point and you’ll be more productive than ever. Thankfully, there are some foolproof ways you can do this without wasting any time or energy.
(more…)Health Considerations for Bodybuilders
Wednesday, November 28th, 2018
The sport of bodybuilding increases your strength and changes your physique. The demands of sculpting your body are tremendous. It takes time and a lot of hard work to reach goals in bodybuilding, but it’s very rewarding when you do.
Bodybuilders push themselves and their bodies hard. The stress they exert on their muscles and bones requires specific health maintenance routines particular to a bodybuilder. What works for most of us, won’t work for someone who pushes the limits of working out to greater and greater heights.
Gains come in small increments, but if you take care of your body while building it, you have a better chance of faster returns. Here are some ways aspiring bodybuilders can ensure their bodies stay healthy and robust as they develop more muscle and drop body fat percentage.
Proper HGH Dosage And What to Expect
Saturday, November 24th, 2018Due to the number of questions we frequently receive about human growth hormone, we’re taking this opportunity to pass along some knowledge. Keeping in mind that you should always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement and especially before using HGH, we can at least share what we’ve learned in passing throughout our years of studying personal training and sports nutrition. Do not blindly start using HGH without first consulting your doctor.
Often called a “miracle drug,” human growth hormone is known for its numerous health benefits, including weight loss, muscle gain, anti-aging, and more. Those who have used it say that it can help you look and feel younger, improve your sexual performance, and help you build muscle as nothing else can.
Is human growth hormone right for you? And how does one safely take this impressive hormone to experience its benefits? Let’s look into what human growth hormone is and what the safe HGH dosage for your bodybuilding goals are. (more…)
Choosing the Best Supplements for Bodybuilding
Friday, October 26th, 2018
When it comes to bodybuilding and improving your physique there are many things that can help you. Your workouts and diet are obviously a big part of this but another thing that can help is the right supplements. There are many different supplements you can choose from these days if you want to build muscle and lose fat – all you need to do is determine the best ones for you so you can achieve the strong and healthy body you have always wanted. For instance, one well known and popular supplement is beta-alanine, a non-proteinogenic amino acid that’s naturally produced in the body. However, there are many versions of this supplement from many manufacturers so it’s hard to determine which is the best.
It’s vital to read and learn about these supplements to be well informed about what you need. Whether you are looking for vitamins, testosterone boosters, protein supplements, or HGH, you need to be sure you make the right choices. Choosing the right supplements is vital for many reasons.
This is not just in terms of achieving the results you want when it comes to your body but also ensuring you don’t adversely affect your health into the bargain. For many people, the cost is important because they want to spend as little as possible but when it comes to supplements there are many other factors you have to consider in addition to the cost.
(more…)7 Things To Consider When Making a Meal Replacement Shake
Monday, October 15th, 2018People drink meal replacement shakes for a multitude of reasons. Some of the more popular reasons are weight loss, an inability to consume solid food or simply not having enough time to prepare a full meal.
No matter what your reason for using a meal replacement shake, there are certain rules of thumb that you should remember and apply so that your shake not only keeps you full but also provides you with other nutrients to keep your body functioning optimally.
Most commercially prepared meal replacement shakes (the best ones, at least) already have these considerations in place but if you are making your own, here are some ways to get the most out of it:
Don’t skimp on protein
Protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer by increasing the production of satiety hormones (such as GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin) while also reducing the levels of ghrelin(a hunger hormone) in the body. This leads you to crave less so you can stick to your weight loss plan much easier.
To boost the protein levels in your homemade shake, you can use a protein powder or add a tablespoon or two of peanut butter to the mix. You can also use milk instead of water – milk has about 8 grams of protein per cup.
Nonfat Greek yogurt is another protein-rich food that you can add to your shake. (more…)