Posts Tagged ‘men’

Men’s Health: Major Health Issues Men Face

Friday, August 9th, 2019
men's health issues

The statistics regarding men’s health in the UK are shocking, to say the least. As reported by the Men’s Health Forum, 67% are either overweight or obese. Furthermore, one out of every five men dies before the age of 65 probably because they are more likely to:

  • Eat too much red meat and salt
  • Smoke a lot
  • Drink to dangerous levels due to which they have twice the chances of having liver disease as compared to women
  • Consume very little amount of vegetables and fruits.

In addition to all these factors, men are also found to be reluctant to visit the doctor until there is something very serious due to which they can develop certain illnesses and not know about them. This is why men are ahead of women in 14 out of 15 leading causes of death – the only exception is Alzheimer’s disease.


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Do Test Boosters Really Work?

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
do testosterone boosters work

All men at all times require their testosterone to be at an optimum level. We single out men as testosterone is a sex hormone usually associated with them. Women have small amounts and are not so much affected by changing levels like men.

Proper levels of testosterone lead to:

  • Production of adequate sperm
  • Proper development of muscles and bones
  • Deepening of the voice in puberty and hair growth

With reduced levels of the hormone, you will develop problems like low libido, hair loss, reduced body and muscle mass, low energy levels, extra. It then becomes essential to know why your hormone levels are falling. The problem may’ be caused by stress, anxiety, or depression. In this case, you can see a doctor to address your psychological or lifestyle issues.

On the other hand, the problem might be your testes are not producing enough testosterone. The problem is called hypogonadism, which can be caused by aging factor or genetics. That can be worrying requiring urgent action. That’s when Testosterone boosters become necessary. It’s essential you get the supplements from legal and safe places.


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Tips On How to Stop Early Age Baldness

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

the rock hair loss

Baldness is not just something that older adults deal with. Even young adults might suffer from baldness, but the good news is that it can be treated. Many young males experience androgenetic alopecia, and it is common for teens and young adults to experience it. Genetics is the main factor that drives this trend. Baldness in younger persons might also be temporary since there are various treatments available. In this article, we will discuss a few of them. (more…)

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Can Men Safely Take Biotin for Hair Growth?

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

hair loss

Hair loss is not an alien phenomenon to us humans, as everyone loses hair at different degrees every day. As strands of hair fall out, new ones grow back to replace them, and the cycle continues.


However, in some men, these hair strands fall out, and none sprouts to replace them. As many as 85% of men will have a kind of hair loss at least once in their lifetime. Hair loss affects both men and women and the older we get, the higher our risk of developing it.


Recent studies have shown that hair loss affects 40% of men by the age of 35, 60% of men at 60, and 80% of men at the age of 80.


Hair loss may just be a physical symptom, but it may lead to emotional and psychological problems such as reduced self-esteem, depression, and social anxiety. That’s why it is a serious issue to men. (more…)

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How Does D-Aspartic Acid Boost Testosterone?

Friday, August 3rd, 2012

Testosterone Guy

Q: What is D-Aspartic Acid?

A: The Supplement Behind Testosterone Boosters

D-Aspartic Acid is a vital ingredient contained in a lot of testosterone boosters, commonly used by body builders and athletes seeking to build muscle mass. We know that to develop muscle it takes a routine of weightlifting and a proper diet, but not all body types will develop muscle the same.

Different Body Types

Individuals classified as ectomorphs, or thin body types, do not easily pack on the muscle mass due to their lean builds. These individuals will not naturally develop the sculpted results that the fuller mesomorph and endomorph body types will easily achieve. When additional diet and workouts are no longer contributing to getting the additional gains in the gym, supplements may be the best option to promote faster and more developed body results.

There are numerous muscle building supplements on the market, but it is important to research the products before taking them.


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Married Men are Healthier Than Bachelors

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011
Sexy Wedding

A study by Canadian researchers has deflated the hopes of lifetime bachelors every where. 4400 subjects; some single, some married, some widowed; participated in the study, so it is seems pretty legit. The researchers determined that the married men are officially healthier than single men. Why?

When asked why, male participants in the study gave credit to their wives. Wives are really good at reminding us about doctor appointments, making sure we take medicine, resting when we are exhausted, getting medical help when we are hurt, and don’t forget that sex is a major anti-stress technique.

Faster Emergency Medical Treatment

On average, married men who are victims of a sudden heart attack, arrive at the hospital 30 minutes quicker than their single counterparts. Not only can that fact explain why men are healthier, it could explain why married men have a longer lifespan than bachelors. A 30 minute delay in treatment for a heart attack, quite often means the difference between life and death.

Interestingly, the wives don’t even have to be present to elicit this caregiving effect. Some study participants noted that even if their wives were not present, they would hear the female voice of reason telling them to seek medical attention immediately.

It is unfortunate to note that there is no difference in the time it takes women to get to the hospital, whether they are married or not. Come on guys! Pick up the slack!

Women Will Find the Answers

Wives also ask lots of questions. You would know this if you ever got ‘lost’ on a road trip with a female. Married women reportedly ask their own doctors for advice on behalf of their husbands. After all, isn’t pretty much every wife also a nurse? You kind of have to be a nurse when you have a pack of young children and one really big really hairy ‘kid’ to take care of on a daily basis.

This post is an excuse to post a picture of a super sexy wedding dress (yes, obviously it is the dress that is sexy), which you can see at the top of the page. But I also want to take a moment to say, “Thanks!” to all the wives out there who remind us that good health is sometimes more than benching and squatting triple bodyweight.

Effect of marriage on duration of chest pain associated with acute myocardial infarction before seeking care

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