Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’

Motivation is Important

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Stay Motivated Using Apps Like Watch Me Change

Motivation. It’s the silent workout partner that every successful diet or muscle building program must have to succeed.

When you build a workout plan you probably spend a lot of time deciding what supplements to take and what routines will do you the most good. It is just as important to build a motivation plan to help you power through the plateaus and lulls that are part of reaching fitness goals.


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HIRT and Swolen

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

HIRT and Swolen is a High Intensity Resistance Training routine that you can use to either burn fat, build muscle, or maybe even both. It is a circuit of compound exercises performed back-to-back-to-back without rest (sometimes called a giant set), followed by a taxing abdominal superset.

You can use HIRT and Swolen twice a week with light weight in addition to your standard workout routine, if you are looking to get ripped. If your only goal is to build muscle, then use more weight and opt for 90 seconds rest between sets, but be careful not to overtrain if you are still performing your standard workout routine.


  • 5 sets
  • 5 reps per set
  • no rest during the set, that means no rest between exercise and no rest between reps
  • 1 rep means you have to complete each of the exercises back-to-back-to-back once
  • Level 1: 90 seconds rest between sets
  • Level 2: 60 seconds rest between sets
  • Level 3: 30 seconds rest between sets


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Jillian Michaels RIPPED in 30 FREE DVD Giveaway

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011
Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30
Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30

I still have 8 of these babies to give away to YOU for free!
1 winner will be chosen every Friday from 9/23/11 – 11/11/11!


That’s right, I gave away a dozen or so of these DVDs back before it ever came out. Now, 6 months later, everyone loves the DVD and I seem to have uncovered another 8 copies! They don’t do anyone any good sitting around my computer, so instead of selling them, I’m going to give them away.

All you have to do is follow the simple qualifying instructions, and you could win a copy too. All previous entries are null and void, so lets restart this campaign and give some DVDs away for free.

I’m sure plenty of you will enjoy working out at home in your living room instead of dragging your butt to the gym. Actually the Jillian workout would be great for anyone looking to take a day off from weight training, and it would be perfect for anyone who regularly works out at home, especially those who use DVD workouts.


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Important New Medical Innovations

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

I don’t have the time or patience to write a new article today or for the past week, so here are a couple links you can read with decent info about recent medical advances that might help keep you healthier. These new gadgets range from stem cells that can rebuild damaged heart tissue, to intestinal liners that restrict the absorption of excess calories, to bacteria that will keep you from ever getting tooth decay. As you read this great news, just imagine the kinds of devices and genetic tools we’ll have in just 10 more years.

5 Medical Innovations That Will Build Muscle or Burn Fat
5 Medical Advances That Sound too Good to be True

Also, I’m sorry I haven’t been answering questions lately or posting any good new content. As always I have many great plans in the works, but life is just taking precedence over maintaining a blog right now. Hoping to get back at it full time really soon.

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10 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight Part 2

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011
Female and Male Abs

A couple days ago I posted the first 5 reasons you are not losing weight. Here are 5 more reasons you are not losing weight. Check out the first article if you missed it: 10 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight Part 1

Peep these second 5 five items in my list of 10 possible ways you could be sabotaging your diet.

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10 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight Part 1

Monday, August 8th, 2011
Woman with abs

A Simple Diet Reminder

Everyone likes a good diet post once in a while. Something to remind us about those small dietary habits that ultimately sabotage our efforts to look good naked. This is one of those posts.

You want to drop a couple dozen stubborn pounds of fat. You know what to do and how to do it. You figure in about 2 months you can complete your transformation by eating healthy foods but fewer calories, and adding an extra hour of exercise each week. On paper and in your brain it all makes sense. But how’s that working for you?

Typical Diet Progress

Let me guess. After two months of eating fruits and veggies, and hitting the treadmill with fierce dedication, you step on the scale and find that you’ve lost a whopping… 2 pounds. What could possibly have happened? Would could have gone wrong?


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The Problem With Cookie-Cutter Diet Plans

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Why You Can’t Stay Lean When You Get Off Your Structured Diet

Fad Diets

We have all heard of The Atkins diet, The Warrior Diet, The Paleo Diet and every other nutritional plan that promises to burn fat, build muscle, and allow you to achieve your physique related goals with minimal effort.

They make big promises, sound good in practice, but fail to deliver. Even if you do reach your goal, after you discontinue the diet, the fat piles right back on and you are back where you started.

What a waste of time.

Why does this happen?

It’s really simple. The proverb “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” comes to mind…


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Dietary Fat is Bad for You

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Should Bodybuilders Restrict Their Intake of Dietary Fat?

Dietary Fat is Bad

We all know sugar is bad. It is fun to eat but it is bad for your body. It belongs on the bodybuilding blacklist, I’ve got no qualms there. We all know protein is good for bodybuilding. That is a simple and obvious discussion. But what about fat?

Possibly left over from the 1980’s war on fat, a common myth is that fat calories have no place in a healthy diet, let alone a bodybuilding diet. Around that time fat was demonized and carbohydrates were praised. The myth still lingers, but isn’t it time to let that battle go?

The Myth

A bodybuilding diet consists of lean meats like turkey, chicken, fish, egg whites, and fat free dairy products. Bodybuilding newbies learn this practice almost immediately. We must keep calories low, so we must keep fat consumption low.

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You Can’t Gain Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Can Bodybuilders Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time?

Build Muscle then Lose Fat?
Build muscle then lose fat?

There are the hard-gainers, the obese slackers, the off-season bodybuilders, the weekend warriors, the overweight housewives, and a million other kinds of aspiring athletes. Everyone has a goal. Some goals are simply to lose weight, while others are mainly to build muscle, but for most people fat loss goes along with muscle gain for a variety of reasons – everything from general health, building a beach body, sports performance, competition prep, and even to combat aging.

The most popular fitness newbie belief is that you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Every personal trainer in the world then tries to convince the newbie that he or she simply can’t try to accomplish both goals at the same time. Why? Because gaining muscle and losing fat seem to be mutually exclusive.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Sticking to a Strict Diet

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

5 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Sticking to a Strict Diet

Your research is complete. You have a blank food log ready to go. You know exactly how many carbs, proteins, fats, and calories to eat each day. You even have an alarm set to go off every 3 hours to remind you to eat a snack or drink a protein shake. You’ve got anywhere from 10-20 weeks to reach your target body fat, but you know full well that cheating can be disastrous.

You know from experience that after 2 weeks your body is going to demand that you feed it some of your favorite tasty treats. But this time is going to be different. This time you are going to stick it out. So how are you going to stick to your diet for the required time? How are you going to hit your goals?

It is far from impossible. In fact thousands of bodybuilders do it every day, and you can too.

Here are 5 strategies to help you stay disciplined on a strict diet.

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Fast, Natural Weight Loss With The HCG Diet

Friday, April 8th, 2011

The HCG Diet Review

Why is everyone so excited about the HCG diet?

  • The HCG Diet works!
  • One of the safest and fastest weight loss solutions on the market.
  • Weight lost, stays off.
  • Oral supplements like HCG drops are just as effective as injections.
  • Save money at the grocery store with a very low-calorie diet plan.

The HCG diet is the world’s leading weight loss diet because it’s effective, safe, and easy. There’s no better way to shed unwanted and unhealthy pounds. Simply use a proven HCG diet supplement along with the recommended diet guidelines and your body fat will simply melt off your body. The HCG drops make it super easy to tolerate a very low-calorie diet. A moderate exercise routine is recommended.


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P90X Male Weight Loss Testimonials

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Order P90XWith so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.

Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!

Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!

Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.

P90X Has Transformed These Five Men

Dale Bramall, Altaf Rahamatulla, Kellend Brookover, Nick Baker, and Derek Wheatley all have written testimonials about their motivation for and their journey using P90X workout DVD and their full weight loss program, which is a 90 day program with an exercise DVD, training in how to portion foods, which foods to choose, and a coaching system that has worked very well for all five of these men.


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Staying Motivated to Lose Weight with P90X

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Order P90XWith so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.

Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!

Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!

Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.

How to Lose Weight with P90X

PX90 suggests that a ninety-day weight loss regime jumped into with both feet will start you on your weight loss journey. The program implies that shocking yourself with the first 30 days of their system will get your metabolism going, and because of the results you see, you will be gung-ho for the rest of their ninety-day program.


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I Have 10 More Copies of Jillian Michaels DVD Ripped in 30 to Give Away

Thursday, March 10th, 2011
Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30
Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30

If you don’t know, well now ya know!

Bad news first

The sixth copy of the new Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD that I had planned on giving away to a lucky Project Swole reader had gone missing. It was recently found to have been destroyed by a dog. It is not salvageable and will never be given away.

Now the good news

The publishing company has sent me 10… count them TEN… more Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVDs to give away for FREE.

Therefore, for the next 10 weeks I am going to give away one copy of the DVD every Monday night, starting on 3/14/11.

You can find the original post with all the qualifying instructions here:

Jillian Michaels DVD Ripped in 30 Giveaway

It is very easy to qualify… over 30 people have qualified to date. Just check out that post at the link above and follow the instructions.

I’m closing the comments on this post because I don’t want any activity here. Whatever you have to say or ask about the FREE DVD, please submit a comment at the original post.

Thanks for playing!

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What is the P90X Home Workout System?

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Order P90XWith so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.

Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!

Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!

Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.

What is P90X?

You may already of heard of P90X (other names: Power 90X, X90 Workout, and PX90) either by way of TV and radio commercials or word of mouth. And you may be intrigued by the numerous reports of success enjoyed by people who have shed unwanted pounds, and by the images of people who have used the P90X program to work their way to a toned and attractive physique.

The collection of articles I will be presenting delves into the potential of the P90X program and whatit has to offer you as an individual. I consider it my job to provide sufficient information in this series to answer any and all questions you might have about P90X.

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Intermittent Fasting: Workout Planning

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Intermittent Fasting Part 3 – Training to Burn Fat

And so, faithful readers, we have arrived at the final installment of our intermittent fasting series. In part 1 I gave you a brief overview as to what intermittent fasting is and what some of the benefits are. In part 2, I laid out the guiding blueprint to help you create your own nutrition plan, but today we’re gonna talk about how to create the sexy via resistance training.

Intermittent Fasting Results - Front Intermittent Fasting Results - Back
Here are the results of Roger’s recent bout with Intermittent Fasting – Nice work Rog!


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Maqui Berries for Weight Loss and Good Health

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Maqui Berry: The Next Wonder Fruit

Maqui Berries

Maqui berry refers to a type of fruit, belonging to Elaeocarpaceae family, which is a native of Valdivian rainforests in Chile as well as adjacent areas of Argentina. Its botanical name is Aristotelia chilensis. The berries are small and purple-black in color and have a diameter of around 4-6 mm. Maqui is also known as Chilean wineberry, apart from several local names, such as maquei, koelon, queldrón, ach, and clon.

Macui is a dioecious tree, which is around 4-5 m tall, evergreen, and features smooth bark and a divided trunk. The branches are flexible, thin and abundant, whereas the leaves are pendulous, simple, opposite, glabrous, oval-lanceolate, coriaceous and have serrated edges, as well as red petioles. The flowers are white and small in size, yielding small edible fruits, which we know as Maqui berry.

With those boring details out of the way, let’s focus on the benefits of maqui berry so that you may learn how using maqui can increase your quality of life.


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The Importance of Meal Timing

Friday, December 17th, 2010

The Secret To Boosting Your Metabolism, Sticking With Your Diet, And Melting Fat Fast

By Shannon Clark

The Importance of Meal Timing
The Importance of Meal Timing

As you go about your weight loss diet or weight loss program, there are many different factors that go into the diet equation that will all influence how quickly you see results.

If you’re someone who wants to make progress as quickly as possible, one key factor that you cannot be leaving out is meal timing.

While what you eat is definitely going to have a huge impact on the progress you make, when you eat will also influence your results as well.

Let’s have a quick look at the most important reasons why meal timing is something that you absolutely must be paying attention to.

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Men Have a Distorted View of What Women Find Attractive

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Attention men! This just in: you don’t need to gain 30 pounds of muscle in order for women to find you attractive.

Women Swooning

I found this post from back in the year 2000 about a Harvard study in which college-aged men were asked to pick their ideal body from a group of images. Most men chose the body with 30 pounds more muscle mass than what they currently had.

A group of college females were then asked to choose which of the body images they were most attracted to. The majority of the women picked a body with 15-30 pounds less muscle than the men picked.

What a conundrum!

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Get Acai Berry in Spain

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Get Acai in Spain

The Project Swole Three Step Full Body Detox Plan is the most effective detox and weight loss plan ever. Combine the supplement plan with a full body fat loss exercise routine for record breaking fat loss results!

Step #1 Acai Berry Detox Get a Free Trial or Buy a Full Supply
Step #2 Colon Cleanse Get a Free Trial or Buy a Full Supply
Step #3 Fat Loss Routine full body fat loss for men or full body fat loss for women

For fat loss and good health, acai berries are one of the best foods you can eat.


Using an acai berry supplement will help speed up your fat loss considerably as long as you already follow a proper fitness and nutrition plan. Additionally, everyone can use the high concentration of antioxidants in acai to help stay healthy and young as the years pass by.

Read more about antioxidants at the Project Swole Antioxidant Bible.

I talk about acai all the time, so constantly I am asked the question:
How can I get a 14 day free trial of acai shipped to Spain?

Finally I can say to all my Spanish friends:
Get your free trial of Acai Berry shipped to Spain using the link below.

Acai Berry

Get a Free Trial of Acai Berry Shipped to Spain


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