P90X Male Weight Loss Testimonials

Posted March 16, 2011 in Conditioning 1 Comment »

Order P90XWith so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.

Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!

Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!

Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.

P90X Has Transformed These Five Men

Dale Bramall, Altaf Rahamatulla, Kellend Brookover, Nick Baker, and Derek Wheatley all have written testimonials about their motivation for and their journey using P90X workout DVD and their full weight loss program, which is a 90 day program with an exercise DVD, training in how to portion foods, which foods to choose, and a coaching system that has worked very well for all five of these men.

Dale Bramall

Dale Bramall P90X Results

Dale Bramall’s biggest problem was overcoming a passion of fast foods. It wasn’t unusual for him to buy 12 at one place and then go another for 12 more. He jumped into P90X and went to work when a physical showed him developing major medical problems. He knew he had to change his typical day of eating, going to work, eating, watching TV, eating, and sleeping.

This pattern is similar in all of the five men mentioned above. All of them took the P90X program seriously and lost weight to accomplish better health.

Altaf Rahamatulla

P90X Altaf Results

Altaf Rahamatulla was a very active person until he was involved in a car accident that left him in severe pain. He took to his bed literally. He was so depressed that he would stay in bed for days at a time, and required numerous pills and medical equipment to get through his days.

This man had been physically active prior to the accident, and wasn’t sure he could handle the exercise required of the P90X program, but when he hit rock bottom, the commercial intrigued him by the difficulty and intensity of the workout. He made a commitment right there, and also jumped into the program and shocked his body into losing.

He wasn’t sure he could do the exercises with his bad back, but he kept it up anyway, and lost 40 pounds, along with much of his pain. He no longer had to rely on the meds of the past.

Kellend Brookover

P90X Kellend Results

Kellend Brookover, was younger than the others, but he had been obese most of his life and had even be ostracized in school. He had tried to eat right by adding fish to his ice cream, chips, cheese and empty carbohydrates. Not knowing how to portion his foods and which ones to eat were his main problems.

Kellend tried weight training and became obsessed with lifting weights, and this led him to become more popular because his weight was an advantage in football and wrestling.

Eating correctly, became the basis for his losing 35 pounds on the 90-day program. For the first time in his life, he could look at himself in the mirror and be proud of his body.

Nick Baker

P90X Nick Baker Results

Nick Baker was always a big guy known for his ability to eat massive quantities of food. He was active competing in track and field in high school and playing football in college.

Nick not only used the exercise program to its fullness, but when he would falter, he called on his program coach to teach him how to eat in moderation while eating those foods he enjoyed.

Nick was busy with a full time job, and going to school for his MBA, and needed motivation to stay on tract. He got it from the WOWY community of P90X and his coach. When he first started exercising, he was amazed at his lack of stamina, but after the first 30 days it picked up and he was able to finish the program successfully.

Derek Wheatley

P90X Derek Results

Derek Wheatley had less weight to lose than the other four people here, and his main goal was to have a flat stomach and great abs. He found more energy to play with his son, and his total body transformation left his jumping out of be in the morning instead of reaching for the snooze button, and he comes home from work with the energy he needs for himself and for his boy.

Besides he gained the flat stomach and abs he wanted.

These five men are great examples of what P90X can do for you.

Lessons Learned

All five of these men had to learn how to eat moderately, in correct portions and using the right foods. They had to start and stick with a stringent and demanding exercise program. They all achieved at least part of what they needed to do in the 90 formal days of the program, but they all plan to continue with the program to keep the weight off and maintain their good health and energy levels recovered by participating in P90X.

There is so much to be achieved than just weight loss with the P90X program, all of these five men demonstrated that. Not only did they achieve losing different amounts of weight, they accomplished goals that had eluded them for some time.

These goals were achieved by:

  • Learning to eat so that they enjoy what they are eating. This helped them to lose and keep off lost weight.
  • Following an exercise program on a DVD that they purchased from watching a P90X infomercial.
  • Faithfully contacting their mentors and coaches at P90X when they needed motivation or some instruction.
  • Finding more energy right away from exercising, helped them to keep motivated.
  • When it got tough to follow the program, they pushed through and kept going anyway.
  • These men utilized the strength around them in their wives, families and children.

Any obese or even mildly overweight can benefit from the P90X program because it is comprehensive. The program is structured to work with any weight loss level, or body type. The program will increase muscle and decrease your BMI while providing you with the energy you need to succeed at your dreams.

Do you want a better-looking body, abs to die for, and the energy to do all that you want to do without being tired? Do you want to impress your friends, with your new found interests? What about being better able to handle your stress?

All of these things can be accomplished with the P90X program, you don’t have to wait until you are fat either, you can do them at any time and learn to eat properly, exercise for maximum energy and be more healthy. This program can help you to improve at your job because you have more spontaneous energy, more enthusiasm.

Try P90X today and you will see how great a workout you can get from a little DVD.

Buy P90X Today!

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One Response to “P90X Male Weight Loss Testimonials”

  1. I’ve been a follower of the P90X website for a while now – but I’ve not read any testimonials like this before – great stuff!

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