Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

How to Fix Your Posture: Shoulders Rounded Forward

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022
Your Questions

I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form. In particular, this topic of how to fix your posture is intriguing to investigate from a fitness programming standing for myself and for all athletes.

Generally, I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.

The category, Your Health Questions is a more proactive approach to answering your questions so that everyone can benefit from the Q & A.

Dick wrote:

“I need to concentrate on the rear head of my shoulder.

I think I have overtrained the front head with all the benching and what not.

Someone told me my shoulders stick out of the front which wouldn’t be a problem if they stuck out of the back too.

What work out should I use to build them up?”


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Best Ways To Tell Your Child Has Head Lice?

Friday, November 25th, 2022
your child has head lice

Let’s just admit it, at least once in our school life, we got head lice or a close childhood friend got them. We took proper precautions because as a kid in school you can basically assume head lice = cooties, and though it went away after a while, head lice stigma and trauma, like bet-wetting, perpetuates and haunts us even into adulthood. So, if your child has head lice in their hair – don’t worry, as it is curable!

Keep reading to find out more information about this ridiculous plague called ‘head lice’, how to avoid it and how to make it go away!


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What is Fitness-Related Acne and How Can You Prevent It?

Monday, November 14th, 2022
Exhausted athletic girl tries to prevent fitness-related acne due to sweat.

People make promises to better themselves yearly at the start of a new calendar page. Most people want to improve their physical health by exercising more and eating healthier in the new year, but they definitely aren’t looking to develop a case of fitness-related acne. Physical and mental health greatly benefit from regular exercise. Reduced anxiety and depression levels, a healthier heart, and decreased blood pressure are just a few advantages. 

Exercising is good for your skin for several reasons. However, it can lead to unsightly breakouts if you don’t take care of your skin before, during, and after exercise.  

Worry not; the following are just a few suggestions to help you maintain clear skin when exercising to prevent breakouts caused by sweat.


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Kill Your Halloween Workouts This Year With These Terrifying Tips

Monday, October 31st, 2022
Halloween workouts

No matter how committed you are, the jam-packed festive Halloween season might throw your fitness routine off its gear. Starting in early September, many Halloween enthusiasts spend their nights and weekends decorating, picking apples, solving corn mazes, watching horror movies, and snacking on fun decorative desserts. This means we don’t always have time to complete our Halloween workouts with the same year-round discipline as we might be used to.

In spite of perhaps missing a workout or eating a pastry, try to remember not to feel guilty about it. The holiday season is the time of the year when we can live somewhat carefree. You get to spend time with your family and friends and gorge on festive treats. 

Halloween is the one time of the year when you actually get to justify eating that candy bar. So, you shouldn’t hesitate to eat it. Rather, you should make sure you limit your portion size and choose healthy, protein-rich snacks over calorie and guilt-laden junk food. Check out Project Swole’s “healthy” Halloween recipes for some fun protein-laced holiday treats.

Another thing that you should do is not let the Halloween spirit take complete control over your health. We all know that festive season weight gains are common across the globe but what we don’t realize is that most people fail to get rid of this extra baggage and then, the next festive season kicks in. 

Don’t let this happen to you. No matter how caught up you are baking cookies or buying gifts, make sure you take at least some time out for yourself.


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5 Ways Good Oral Hygiene Helps Strengthen Your Immune System

Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
man flossing for good oral hygiene

Did you know that oral hygiene is essential for more than just keeping your teeth clean? It’s one of the best ways to keep your immune system strong and healthy! Here are five reasons why oral hygiene is so important.


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How a UVB Light Can Change Your Life by Stimulating Vitamin D Production

Tuesday, October 18th, 2022
woman getting UVB light in a tanning bed

A UVB light is a great way to improve your life. It can stimulate vitamin D production, which is important for maintaining good health. Not only that, but a UVB light can also help regulate your mood and energy levels. If you’re considering purchasing a UVB light, be sure to read this article first!

We’ll answer some common questions and provide you with valuable information about UVB light bulbs.


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7 Tips About How to Fall Asleep Fast

Monday, September 26th, 2022
Man with soccer ball tries to fall asleep fast

A good night’s sleep will keep you healthy and allow your body to work efficiently. It can also give you peace of mind, regulate hormones, and even help memory formation. One important aspect of a good night’s sleep will be your ability to fall asleep fast in spite of whatever stressors are happening in your life.

If you don’t get enough sleep at night, there is a higher chance that you’ll catch colds or even worse diseases which will make living difficult.

Despite the importance of sleep, there are several reasons why people struggle to fall asleep fast

Sometimes these reasons are minor – such as consuming caffeine too close to bedtime or trying to sleep in a noisy environment. 

Other times it may be something much more serious like depression or even one of many different types of sleep disorders. 

Learning different ways to get a good night’s sleep can greatly reduce the unrest often experienced when trying to fall asleep. 

We explore how long it takes for most people to fall asleep and what activities like meditation or reading before bed can help us fall asleep faster. Let’s explore seven easy ways below. 


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Does Exercise Lower Cholesterol?

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022
does exercise lower cholesterol for these athletes?

Cholesterol and its role in our body is not something most people think about regularly, but it should be. High cholesterol can lead to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States today. Project Swole readers like to exercise, so let’s ask the question, ‘does exercise lower cholesterol?

If you want to know how to lower your cholesterol with exercise, here are some great workouts that can help you start dropping those dangerous fats today! Let us know what you think about these suggestions in the comments.


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Why Should I Start Going to the Gym?

Wednesday, September 21st, 2022
bodybuilder is glad he chose to start going to the gym

There are several reasons why you should start going to the gym. These include health benefits, community, and cost. In addition, going to the gym regularly can prevent osteoporosis. Furthermore, it can lower your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes. Finally, lifting weights is also an excellent way to lose weight.

Let’s take a deeper dive into each of the benefits of starting a new exercise routine.


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Should I Exercise When I Am Sick? 

Tuesday, September 13th, 2022
this athlete should have asked, 'should I exercise when I am sick?'

Exercise has many benefits and works wonders for your body.  Regular exercise can lead to major health improvements, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer, and even prevent diabetes from happening in the first place.  In trying to stick to your routine at all costs, you might ask yourself, ‘should I exercise when I am sick?‘ The answer to that question is complicated so we have to consider several factors including the type of illness you’re experiencing.

There are two sides to this question, and both have merits depending on your situation. While some would say there’s no reason not to exercise if you’re ill, arguments against it can be valid depending on your circumstance.  

The following article will look at both sides of the issue to help you make an informed decision on whether you should exercise when you’re sick or not.


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5 Ways Acupuncture Improves Performance

Friday, August 19th, 2022
Acupuncture Improves Performance for this fit man

Do you have problems with your daily tasks? Are you having trouble getting to sleep or waking up in the morning? If these or any other symptoms affect your productivity, you may want to learn how acupuncture improves performance. These are 5 of the best ways based on studies and feedback from both coaches and athletes.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat all ailments, from anxiety and pain to addiction and stress. In today’s world of hectic schedules and stressful lifestyles, it’s no wonder that so many people turn to acupuncture to improve their daily performance. Here are ways acupuncture can help you achieve your goals.


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What Can The Sauna Do For Athletes?

Friday, July 29th, 2022
young couple relaxing shows what can the sauna do for athletes

Full of physical and mental benefits, a sauna regimen can be amazing. So you ask, what can the sauna do for athletes? Well, the sauna offers benefits to your skin, body, and mood. People use saunas for a variety of reasons, whether at home, at the spa, or in the locker room at the gym. In Finland and other Scandinavian countries, the sauna has an important cultural role. It’s not uncommon for co-workers to hang out in the sauna, as workers in the US get a happy hour and many homes are built with home saunas.

Well, saunas can be of great help. In this post, we will explore the different types of saunas and the benefits of saunas after training. Read on to learn how saunas work and how they can boost your workout results.


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How to Find a Life Time Fitness Near Me

Wednesday, July 27th, 2022
Life Time Fitness pool scene

Going to the gym can be a great investment in your health and fitness or it could be a huge waste of money. If you have a small budget, you need to think carefully about whether you should invest in a gym, especially a world-class lifetime fitness gym. Seeing as you’ve come to this page, you’re likely wondering how to find a Life Time Fitness so let’s try to answer that question as well as take a look at the perks and drawbacks of this great gym.

In this article, we will talk about how you can find the best LifeTime Fitness gyms in San Antonio, Massachusetts, California, Florida, even Canada, or any other location near you. There are over 100 locations, so your location shouldn’t pose much of a problem unless you live in the boonies.

What are the things that you must consider while looking for a lifetime fitness gym near you?


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4 Powerful Meditations at the Beach You Can Try

Tuesday, June 28th, 2022
Girl practicing meditations at the beach.

As the sound of crashing waves and salty air fills your senses, you begin to feel yourself relax and let go of life’s struggles. The hustle and bustle of everyday life are replaced with a sense of peace when you visit the beach. The calming effects of meditations at the beach are undeniable, considering the beach is nearly the perfect place for meditation.

Whether it’s your first time meditating, or you want to try something new, these three simple meditations are perfect for anyone who wants to find peace at the beach without losing focus. Whether you’re just starting out and looking for some simple meditation techniques or you have more experience and want something a little bit more challenging, we’ve got you covered! Check out these three meditations that are perfect for anyone who wants to practice at the beach!


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Keep The Spark Alive In Your Long-Distance Relationship 

Friday, June 17th, 2022

“Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

–  Franklin P. Jones.
long-distance relationship couple

The first few things that might come to your mind when you hear about a long-distance relationship are video calls, text messages, and social media tags. Having a mobile phone and uninterrupted internet connections at your fingertips helps you keep the relationship going. However, lack of physical proximity often leads to emotional complications. 

A few things which are pretty common for regular couples, such as holding hands, hugging, and going on regular dates, are extremely special for a couple in a long-distance relationship (LDR). In some cases, the physical distance also results in communication issues and misunderstanding. In short, maintaining an LDR is easier said than done. 

Nevertheless, it does not mean you should just give up on trying. Remember that this distance is temporary; what you feel for your partner is not! So, you must give a shot to different ways of keeping the spark alive. Plus, we are also here to help you out! Read on to discover effective tips to make your LDR work. 


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5 Ways To Keep A Healthy Work-Life Balance For Busy Professionals

Thursday, June 16th, 2022
healthy work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be difficult for many professionals like land developer Damon Becnel. Juggling work responsibilities with personal obligations can often feel like an impossible task. However, it is essential to make time for your professional and personal life to stay sane and productive.

Let’s take a gander at five ways you can achieve a healthy work and life balance.


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20 Unhealthy Foods You Mistakenly Think Are Healthy

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Updated: 6/15/2022

the rock eating unhealthy foods

Let me preface this post by saying: “I eat these foods.” Yes, it is true, I do eat about 50% of the foods listed. Especially peanuts, Smartfood, and some of the carbohydrate foods listed at the bottom. Despite calling them all out as unhealthy foods, they aren’t all technically that bad for you, it’s just good to examine the nutritional details and figure out where we can make the best decisions.

If you take this list literally, it will just aggravate you, so take it with a grain of salt… or maybe a grain of whole wheat.

There are many terms that are misleading in the food advertising industry today. Think of how many times you see healthy phrases plastered all over food containers. Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by these words of trickery, none of these catchphrases mean ‘healthy food’ inherently – you have to read the labels.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common attempts to convince consumers a food is healthy when perhaps it’s really not.


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How Can Students Diet Healthy on a Budget

Monday, June 13th, 2022
Students Diet Healthy on a Budget

There is still a big misconception that a healthy diet – and a healthy lifestyle – is expensive. For many, buying organic food, high-end supplements, and maintaining a gym membership is not always an option. Students in particular often struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, despite the fact that students diet healthy on a budget all over the world.

Students tend to stay up late and engage in activities that are not necessarily good for the body and mind. The same problems are seen among online students, especially since they have more freedom with their time.

Whether you’re pursuing your bachelor’s degree or taking an online degree while working a full-time job, these healthy diet tips will help you maintain a healthy body on a budget.

Let’s get started, shall we?


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How To Eat a Balanced Diet

Saturday, June 4th, 2022
balanced diet power bowl

Eating a balanced diet may sound cliché. Who doesn’t know that every meal should have carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins? Even the laziest of people can whip up a healthy balanced meal. 

Here are 5 tips you can use today to start transitioning your lifestyle to a healthier balanced diet.


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How to Talk to Your Partner About Sexual Needs

Wednesday, June 1st, 2022
healthy couple talking about sexual needs

Intimacy and emotional connection depend on communicating with your partner, including outside the bedroom. Investing in excellent communication will ensure that you get the utmost from your partner, resulting in a healthier relationship in the long run. Yet, you must understand how to approach the topic of both your sexual needs, as it could be a little sensitive. The following insights will help ensure that the talk is successful.


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