What is Fitness-Related Acne and How Can You Prevent It?

Posted November 14, 2022 in Appearance, Health No Comments »
Exhausted athletic girl tries to prevent fitness-related acne due to sweat.

People make promises to better themselves yearly at the start of a new calendar page. Most people want to improve their physical health by exercising more and eating healthier in the new year, but they definitely aren’t looking to develop a case of fitness-related acne. Physical and mental health greatly benefit from regular exercise. Reduced anxiety and depression levels, a healthier heart, and decreased blood pressure are just a few advantages. 

Exercising is good for your skin for several reasons. However, it can lead to unsightly breakouts if you don’t take care of your skin before, during, and after exercise.  

Worry not; the following are just a few suggestions to help you maintain clear skin when exercising to prevent breakouts caused by sweat.

Top Strategies for Avoiding Fitness-Related Acne

When you work out, your blood flow increases, which carries oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells. This stimulates the formation of new skin cells and increases collagen production in the skin, both of which contribute to the skin’s healthy glow.

Sweating is a natural byproduct of exercise but can also help bacteria grow and cause more acne. Acne is relatively common, so don’t feel bad if you have it. It’s believed that up to 50 million Americans deal with this skin issue yearly.

Dietary Strategies to Prevent Fitness-Related Acne

Fitness-Related Acne develops as dead skin cells or bacteria block the skin’s pores. This blockage also happens when the body makes too much sebum, an oil that prevents the skin from drying out. During puberty, the body produces more IGF-1, also known as insulin-like growth factor 1.  

The IGF-1 levels can also be increased by eating certain kinds of food. Acne sufferers may find relief from their symptoms and prevent future breakouts by avoiding these.  

If you’re consuming a pre or post-workout supplement, you should read the research that talks about it. Ensure that all your food and beverages benefit your skin and body. Keeping a healthy diet is just as vital, if not more so, than having a healthy body.

Workout Strategies to Prevent Fitness-Related Acne

If you suspect you’re getting fitness-related acne from the gym, you must be more attentive and cautious. Here are some tips and guidelines to help you increase your chance of avoiding any future breakouts.

Before Your Workout

Before going to the gym, you need to take note of the following.

  1. Always use fresh workout gear. Bacteria thrive on clothing soaked in perspiration. A tank top from yesterday’s workout may not smell lousy today, but the bacteria it harbors could block your pores as you warm up. Clothe yourself in breathable materials like cotton that keep you dry and comfortable.
  2. As exercise opens your pores, bacteria and dirt that were already on your skin will be able to enter more quickly, making breakouts worse. 

Wearing makeup while working out is not the best idea as well.  You perspire when you work out. Sweat on the brow or elsewhere on the body where makeup has been applied can lead to the foundation being pushed into and clogging skin pores.  Because of this obstruction, skin oils have more difficulty reaching the skin’s surface. Makeup, face lotions, and sunscreen can clog pores and trap bacteria if not removed.

  1. To protect yourself from the sun, put on some oil-free sunscreen. Sunscreen is easy to avoid clogged pores and breakouts if you plan on working outdoors during the day. As the sun dries out your skin, it can cause fitness-related acne. The result is an increase in oil production, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. It may be in your best interest to learn more about skin detox and skin care to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to take care of your body.

During Your Workout

While working out, whether in the gym, doing resistance training, or riding your bike for a couple of miles, try to follow these tips.

sanitizing the ab wheel
  1. Clean all equipment before each use. Bacteria and oil will be found on every piece of equipment, whether shared or personal. Acne-causing germs and oil can easily be transferred from equipment to the skin once you use it. Whether it be dumbbells in the gym or your bike levers, always clean and disinfect them.

    Sanitizing exercise equipment before each use can reduce the spread of germs that can lead to skin irritation and breakouts, whether you use the equipment at home or in a public facility.
  2. Towels are lovely to have around during exercises due to their ability to absorb perspiration, but this also means they’re going to soak up bacteria, oil, and dirt. When you’re working out, it’s a good idea to wipe away sweat, but it’s also essential to use a clean towel for each session. Acne can get more severe if you rub your skin, so remember to be gentle when using it.
  3. Remind yourself to avoid touching your face during a workout session. Whether or not you clean and sanitize your equipment, too many elements and factors can easily contaminate your hands. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and it’s a great habit to remember, whether you’re in the gym or not.

After Your Workout

You might be tired from your grueling workout, but you must remember that this will be a crucial part of decreasing any chances of breakouts; carefully read and follow these bits of advice to avoid skin issues like fitness-related acne.

  1. Take a quick shower if you can. Cleaning your body and face with water will remove bacteria that might cause breakouts.
  2. In the absence of a shower, it’s essential that you immediately wash your face and change into clean clothes. Immediately return to your house, or find a place to take a bath and rinse thoroughly.

Final Thoughts

Staying active is essential, so fitness-related acne shouldn’t stop you from working out. To stay healthy, keep up with your regular diet plan and your habit of washing your hands after touching anything. However, in spite of the recommendations here, you should see a doctor if your acne worsens. They can determine what’s wrong with you and create a treatment plan just for you.

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