Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Easy Stress Relief Solutions You Can Incorporate Today

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

In this world, stress and tension can seem inescapable. From the charged political climate to fighting for recognition at work, to struggling with the balance between self-care and the myriad of daily obligations,  a sense of overwhelm can easily set in. Factor in the Covid-19 pandemic and all the worries that go along with being completely remote from the lifestyle we are used to, and we have a recipe for stress and anxiety. It’s vital that we employ a series of stress relief solutions to try to stay healthy.

stress relief man

Luckily, there are many ways to find even just a moment of solace during the day. And in these moments, when we take a deep breath and settle back into our bodies, into the moment, the fog clears and we can start to remember what is most important in our lives.


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How Can I Stay Healthy During Quarantine and Keep My Marriage Strong?

Thursday, May 14th, 2020
Stay Healthy During Quarantine

This entry in the Swole quarantine series answers a few questions relating health to healthy relationships during the pandemic. I’m hearing this same question a lot lately, “how can I stay healthy during quarantine?

There are also quite a few people asking, “how can I keep my marriage strong during quarantine?

If you think about it, those answers go hand-in-hand. Staying healthy in a stay-at-home lockdown is equally important for survival as it is for maintaining a solid relationship with your partner.

In any relationship, it is important to maintain a state of balance between work, health, communication, activities, alone-time, and so-on. This is especially applicable even when it comes to marriage. As important as it is to spend time together, find common interests, and indulge in shared activities, the importance of personal space and having time to yourself cannot be undermined. Having to stay indoors all the time, it is normal to feel frustrated, cranky, and even depressed at times.

When you are not feeling at your best, your mental state will likely be reflected in your behavior and projected to your partner. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body and although it is very easy to get off track in the absence of a routine, make sure to take out time to do activities that will keep you and your partner physically and mentally fit resulting in a healthy relationship and even stronger bond.

Here are a few health tips that you should practice during quarantine in order to keep your marriage healthy and thriving.

Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet

A healthy and well-balanced diet rich in all required nutrients can keep you physically fit and also boost your immunity. Since you are more likely to adopt a sedentary lifestyle during the quarantine, portion control while ensuring the intake of all vital nutrients can keep you physically and mentally fit. It can also significantly boost your mood leading to a better relationship with your spouse.

Maintain a Workout Routine

It is easy to spend all day in your pajamas, eat junk food, and turn into a couch potato when you do not have anything to look forward to. However, it is important to keep a workout routine. You can partner up with your spouse and do a couple of workouts. Physical activity is also associated with a boost in the release of several neurotransmitters, the major regulators of mood and energy levels.

Look After Your Mental Health

As we are trying to adjust to the new reality of our quarantine life, it is normal to feel stressed and down. If these feelings are allowed to prolong, they can turn into serious mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Your behavior is often a projection of your mental state which is why you should look for any unusual changes in your or your spouse’s behavior. Reach out to them, talk to them, and keep them busy with healthy activities. Although distanced, we are still connected in more ways than not. Video chat with your friends and extended family and if the situation does not improve, seek online counseling.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

During quarantine, day drinking has become a norm for most of us. It is important to keep your and your spouse’s drinking frequency in check. In addition, do not take any drugs that have not been prescribed to you in an attempt to deal with anxiety, fear, or any other negative feelings. Excessive day drinking and drug use is certainly one way to ensure you do NOT stay healthy during the quarantine.

Seek Marriage Counseling

If it is getting too overwhelming and none of the tips are helping, do not hesitate to seek online marriage counseling. Check out this helpful information on the benefits of getting quality marriage counseling if you think counseling is the next best step: free-marriage-counseling-you-get-what-you-pay-for/.

As a matter of fact, quarantine is taking a toll on all of us. However, we are all in this together and although physically distanced, we can stay connected via technology. Maintaining a routine and keeping your spouse in the loop will not merely make you survive the quarantine but come out of it stronger.

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The Top 7 Reasons Everyone Should Bike to Work

Monday, April 27th, 2020
bike to work

Today, the biking infrastructure has tremendously improved in most cities across the globe. However, most people still don’t bike to work despite these improvements. If you are among them, you will be surprised to know what you are missing out by not riding to work. Cycling to work can have splendid benefits, from helping you keep fit, achieve your weight loss goals to helping conserve the environment. 

While the benefits of biking to work are endless, here is an exclusive look at the top 7 reasons why everyone should bike to work.


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Importance Of Testosterone – Can You Really Buy The Male Sex Hormone?

Monday, April 20th, 2020

The human body requires a good balance of hormones in order for everything to function properly. One of those is, naturally, testosterone. It is known as the primary male sex hormone, but producing sperm is not its only purpose. The importance of testosterone for maintaining good health, particularly in middle-aged and older males, should not be ignored.

Get yourself informed:


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Drinking Water is Absolutely Crucial to Your Health

Monday, March 9th, 2020
Drinking water

If you want to stay healthy, it is absolutely mandatory that you are properly hydrated. Unfortunately, most people from around the world do not consume as many fluids as are actually needed. Remember that 60% of your body is made out of water. You need to be sure that you drink as much water as the body needs. Check out our popular post that talks about how much water you should drink to be sure your hydration plan is on point.


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6 Rules to Prioritize Your Health and Improve Your Training For the New Year

Wednesday, January 1st, 2020
Happy New Year

Ever heard the song that goes:

“Your toe bone connected to your foot bone,
Your foot bone connected to your ankle bone…”


This is an old spiritual song whose chorus is used to teach children about the human skeleton. It can also remind us workout fiends that everything in your body is connected, and if just one of those bones, or organs, or systems gets sick, it can throw off the whole body.

If any single function on your body is not working correctly, it will affect the rest of your body. For instance, these tips will help keep 6 important factors of your body in check and help you improve your fitness in the new year.


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The Effect of Metabolism On Weight Gain

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019
Effect of Metabolism On Weight Gain

For those who have been struggling to shed a few pounds and get down to a healthy weight, the journey might seem harder than it is supposed to be. Even if you’re trying to gain weight, sometimes the process seems nearly impossible. After all, you have tried to monitor your caloric intake, you’ve increased your activity levels, and you are trying to keep up a positive, can-do attitude. So which factors can help you control the effect of metabolism on weight gain?

If the scale isn’t budging or if it seems to be going in the opposite direction, you might want to start looking at the silent work of the microorganisms living in your gut. Most people blame their metabolism for unexplained weight gain, weight loss, or plateau, but it might be directly related to the health of your gut. That may be true, but we need to look at the health factors that help lower and increase metabolism and affect your lifestyle.

You may have thought you were in this weight struggle on your own, but the truth of the matter is that there are trillions of tiny bacteria in the digestive system that have a very strong influence on your metabolism and weight fluctuations. Let’s examine how gut bacteria can affect your digestive system and metabolism, making it harder to make the scale move in the desired direction.


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Top Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels This Festive Season

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

It can be hard sometimes keeping your energy levels on a high; especially during the festive season when family members are back home, your toddlers are running around the house and visitors are streaming in and out of your home. In these stressful times, you need to find a few healthy ways to boost your energy levels… and quick!

boost your energy levels

Family holidays like this, where Christmas and New Year festivities are just a week apart, can be stressful. From decorating, to the wrapping of gifts and even thinking about your New Year resolutions, many people can become overwhelmed by the festivities.

Despite the holiday pressures, we should strive to focus on our physical, mental and spiritual health. As such, today we are going to discuss various ways you can maintain high energy levels this festive season and make unforgettable memories with your family.

Let’s delve into specifics.


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5 Natural Solutions to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

Thursday, November 28th, 2019
Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

Climacteric, midlife crisis, mental pause, or the “big change”– whatever you call it, the term itself frightens women who are slowly approaching the menopausal stage. With different stories of hot flashes, mood swings, low sex drive, night sweats, and weight gain, more and more women are somehow getting terrified to reach this stage in life. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can reduce menopausal symptoms with fitness, diet, yoga, and a few other health strategies.


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Why You Should Get Educated on MTHFR Gene Mutations

Tuesday, November 26th, 2019
MTHFR Gene Mutations

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or also called MTHFR is a particular type of enzyme that breaks down the amino acid homocysteine and folate (aka folic acid). Both of these substances have their pros and cons. Excessive homocysteine is not so good, while folic acid is a B vitamin that’s important for cell growth and metabolism. A person with MTHFR Gene Mutations will suffer from too much homocysteine and not enough folate.

Homocysteine is an amino acid found in your blood. Eating meat is the most typical way to get it through diet. High levels of homocysteine are linked to the early development of heart disease. In fact, high homocysteine is a specific risk factor for heart disease, and is associated with low vitamin B6, B12, and folate, and is commonly linked to renal disease.

MTHFR has the potential to mutate, and it can either interfere with the enzyme’s ability to function normally or entirely inactivate it. People have two types of MTHFR genes that they inherit from each of their parents. It can affect one heterozygous or homozygous of these genes.


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What Are the Benefits of Dental Services For Athletes?

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019
dental services for athletes

There are many reasons to maintain proper dental health. Having good dental hygiene can help prevent illness, specifically in athletes, as our bodies are constantly weakened when we put it through the rigors of vigorous exercise. In a recent post about dental health we noted, “According to the Academy of General Dentistry, more than 90% of all systemic diseases show oral signs and symptoms.” This is a fact and should not be taken lightly. We contacted a well-recommended dentist based out of Bethlehem, PA for some additional facts and tips about the benefits of dental services for athletes.


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5 Easy Ways to Reduce Belly Fat at Home

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019
reduce belly fat

Belly fat is embarrassing and affects your confidence level. It is a fact that this kind of fat is the easiest to gain and most challenging to lose. Also, belly fat can lead to many health problems. Excess belly fat can also lead to the formation of visceral fat around your liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and other organs. A high amount of visceral fat can cause health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia, and cancer. Therefore, it’s essential to lose belly fat. Get started by following these easy ways to reduce belly fat at home. 


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How Ayurvedic Medicines Can Help Boost Male Health

Friday, November 1st, 2019

A very wise individual has very rightly said, “Happy wife, happy life.” True, indeed. If you are successful in keeping your wife happy, the rest of the problems will fall in place, like magic. Smart men get this trick and are in a pursuit to please their better halves. Yes, the guy in your bay who glows all the time has a happy wife. It kind of shows on his face, right? Ayurvedic Medicines can help you glow too!

Ayurvedic Medicine

While some may be successful, others fail for unfortunate reasons. It’s essential to bear in mind that only materialistic things cannot buy one happiness in their conjugal life. You need that special connection that can only happen when you have a satisfactory sexual relationship. 

Some men fail in this regard as they suffer from low libido, which significantly impacts their sexual drive. According to Ayurveda, the loss of libido in men results from either erectile dysfunction issues such as premature ejaculation or excessive nightfall. But why does this happen? Maybe a few strong reasons will help you answer this critical question.


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Twelve Signs of Low Testosterone In Men

Monday, September 30th, 2019
Lean Man

What Exactly is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone produced by our bodies (yes men and women both have testosterone) that is responsible for most bodily functions including growth and sex drive. However, it’s mainly produced in men’s testicles. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for giving men a more “manly” appearance, and for their sexual development. Testosterone stimulates sperm production and increases a man’s libido or sex drive. It also helps in building muscles and bone mass. 

As men age, their body’s ability to produce testosterone gradually decreases. According to the American Urological Association, 2 out of 10 men over the age of 60 have low testosterone levels. On the other hand, 3 out of 10 men get lower testosterone levels once they reach the age of 70-80. But what is the median T-level, what levels are defined as high and low?


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Glutathione – The Secret to Skincare for Men and Women

Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

By popular request, we continue featuring health and beauty tips for our Swole ladies and we love it when our tips apply to men as well. In this case, one of our ghostwriters got a chance to try Glutathione (with added vitamin C) and wrote up this informative description of what it is, how it works, and where you can get it. Today we will introduce you to a breakthrough product for skincare for men that we’re betting you’ve never heard of before.

skincare for men

Being a powerful antioxidant, this substance is not just beneficial for skincare, it clears your body of free radicals and helps your body stay younger and healthier over time. Let’s be honest, most of us need stuff like this to help keep us healthy as we get older. Whether you’re male or female, if you care about your skin and you’re down with adding healthy supplements to your regimen, check this out.


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5 Ways Proper Dental Care Can Help Athletes Avoid Illness

Monday, September 9th, 2019
Proper Dental Care

We tend to separate the health of our teeth and mouth from the health of the rest of our body. But in fact, taking care of your teeth can have a great impact on your general health, likewise ignoring good dental care can have a negative impact on your health. Furthermore, given that we beat up our bodies with intense exercise, proper dental care can help athletes avoid illness.

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, more than 90% of all systemic diseases show oral signs and symptoms. Systemic illnesses are those that affect the entire body and not just one particular organ, such as diabetes where a mouth infection can make it more difficult to control this disease.  

Taking care of your teeth means keeping bacteria under control so that it doesn’t reach levels of oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Here are 5 ways that dental health can affect your fitness and what you can do to improve oral hygiene.


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8 Healthy Kitchen Appliances for Homemade Cooking

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

Adopting healthier eating habits is on everyone’s list of goals, and it often feels easier said than done. Let’s be honest: we all lead very busy lives and it’s easier going with the flow of the day than actually planning healthier meals. We may try once or twice but fail to keep it up throughout the week. Instead of blaming it on yourself, you’re probably neglecting one important factor: your healthy kitchen appliances.

kitchen health appliances

Maybe what you’ve always needed to cook three healthy meals a day are appliances that can help you cook better, healthier, and faster. These 8 healthy kitchen appliances can help you create homemade healthy meals, beverages, and snacks you so often crave. 


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Men’s Health: Major Health Issues Men Face

Friday, August 9th, 2019
men's health issues

The statistics regarding men’s health in the UK are shocking, to say the least. As reported by the Men’s Health Forum, 67% are either overweight or obese. Furthermore, one out of every five men dies before the age of 65 probably because they are more likely to:

  • Eat too much red meat and salt
  • Smoke a lot
  • Drink to dangerous levels due to which they have twice the chances of having liver disease as compared to women
  • Consume very little amount of vegetables and fruits.

In addition to all these factors, men are also found to be reluctant to visit the doctor until there is something very serious due to which they can develop certain illnesses and not know about them. This is why men are ahead of women in 14 out of 15 leading causes of death – the only exception is Alzheimer’s disease.


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8 Ways to Stay Active During Your First Year of Retirement

Thursday, August 1st, 2019
stay active in retirement

Congratulations! You’ve reached the age of retirement! This is such an exciting milestone in any person’s life. You’ve worked incredibly hard to get here and you should definitely celebrate this new stage of your life. It’s not time to give up fitness but it probably is time to branch out and try something new, so long as you’re staying active. New activities can come in the form of active and inactive, physical and cerebral, don’t limit yourself just because you’re retired.

It isn’t uncommon to find yourself wondering what you’re going to do after retirement. It can seem kind of daunting and if you’re feeling uncertain about it, it’s going to be ok. There are a ton of different things you can try and activities that you can do that will add fulfillment and enjoyment to your life. 

Here are eight great ways to stay active during your first year of retirement.


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4 Outdoor Activities That Help Improve Mental Health

Thursday, August 1st, 2019

Outdoor activities

Whatever mental state you may be in, there is no shortage of benefits that you can get from being outdoors and doing short but rejuvenating exercises.

Exercise can give you that feeling of freedom and in play that most people who get that sense of being boxed in need every now and then. The simple act of getting out there and doing what’s good for you on a lovely day can energize you plenty.

Choose a doable one, something that you can easily insert into your daily routine. Go for the kind that you can ease into without having to put too much pressure on yourself to achieve it. Going to the gym may be a practical choice since you’re bound to find one nearby.

If you prefer to be on your own so you have all that time for yourself and for your thoughts, there are a couple of solo but equally fun activities you can try.


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