Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

Why Should You Try Umami Mushroom Seasoning?

Monday, March 29th, 2021
shiitake mushrooms

Seasoning is an integral part of cooking. That’s because seasoning enhances deep flavors and brings together several ingredients to form a flavorful and balanced food. Seasonings can be bitter, acidic, spicy, sweet, or savory. Umami mushroom seasoning is quite prominent and is quickly becoming a favorite ingredient of many chefs. Therefore, if you don’t like the taste of your dishes, it’s high time you tried mushroom seasoning.


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What’s the Difference Between Biltong and Beef Jerky?

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020
biltong and beef jerky athlete

When it comes to snack foods, you will find that you have quite a lot of choice. There are many different snack foods out there for you to explore, and they all have a unique flavor and composition that makes them a good idea for when you have those munchies.

Biltong and beef jerky are just two of the different options that you could pick if you wanted a meat-based snack that tastes quite nice. However, a lot of people think that biltong and beef jerky are the same things, whereas in reality, they are two different options.


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How to Cook Healthy During the Pandemic

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020
cooking healthy

This entry into our quarantine series focuses on everything we might be lacking in the kitchen while we’re locked down. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led all of us into isolation. The visits to grocery stores and in turn resources for cooking have been minimized. This is the real testing time for your cooking skills; cooking healthy and nutritious meals with what is available can be quite a challenge.

If you feel like you need to seek online couples therapy following exposure to your partner’s cooking, this blog post might end up saving your relationship!


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Easy Meal Plans for Busy Moms

Saturday, March 21st, 2020
meal plans for moms

Today’s piece is presented by our Swole Mom contributor Jen. In these brutal coronavirus times, it’s more important than ever to stick to a meal plan and keep your diet on track. Swole author Jen has come to us today to present a daily meal plan that can easily be followed while working from home, homeschooling, carting toddlers around, or even while following a regular workplace commuter schedule.

Hopefully, these tips can help all the Moms rearrange their meal planning.


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Introducing The World’s Best Keto Friendly Bar

Thursday, December 19th, 2019

best keto bar

Are you the type of athlete who just can’t keep away from carbs? Is your sweet tooth always aching for a sugary treat? Well, I feel you, brothers and sisters! There’s nothing like a pink glazed doughnut or a chewy, chocolate chip cookie dipped in creamy chocolate fondue as an after-work treat during a very busy week. 

Oops, sorry! Did I just make your mouth water?

Okay. So that was really cruel of me. I’m a follower of this diet myself so you can just imagine what torture it is for me to be typing that intro. I haven’t held a cookie (the kind grandma makes) in my hand since forever. After all, I purposely try to remove myself from these sinful pleasures. I admit I cheat every once in a while but I get a bite, at most. I’m telling you; not being able to eat your favorite things is one of the worst feelings ever. Read more about this dreadful feeling here:


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How Meal Prepping Can Help with Bodybuilding

Saturday, November 2nd, 2019
bodybuilding meal prep

Whether you are a professional bodybuilder or simply a novice bodybuilding enthusiast with an interest in the sport, it is vital that you are feeding your body enough to make sure that you are correctly adding muscle mass. Here are some tips for how to make sure you are nutritionally benefitting from everything that you eat, and getting the correct sustenance before, during, and after your workouts.


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Tips To Making Your First Smoked Barbecue

Thursday, August 1st, 2019

Barbeque parties are hit during summer, and even during spring when the sun is out. There are instances wherein smoked barbeque are served in these parties. But not everyone has the patience to sit through the entire process of smoking meat, even if the traditional form of barbeque is done by smoking. This is because the entire smoking process can take even up to twelve hours, wherein the meat is slowly cooked over low temperature, but if done correctly, the outcome is definitely worth “eat”.

smoked bbq

The technique of serving perfectly smoked meat can be mastered through three “P”s: practice, perseverance, and patience. So if you want to try smoking meat, follow these tips:


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Making Your Own Healthy Drink

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019
healthy drinks

With so many options right now for beverages and drinks, we no longer know what is healthy and what can damage our body. Sodas and utterly huge servings of frappuccino or caramel macchiato can definitely bring us some unhealthy results, however, they were made to be delicious thus people still buy them.


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Supercharge Your Keto Diet With This One Special Food

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

For thousands of North Americans, the keto diet has proved to be one of the fastest and most effective ways to lose weight and develop a healthier lifestyle. 

By focussing on dramatically reducing carbs, the keto diet puts the body into a state called ketosis, in which its primary source of fuel becomes fat rather than carbohydrates and sugars. This, in turn, leads to rapid but healthy weight loss, and many keto eaters also claim to have more energy and a greater ability to focus. 


Eating keto is all about finding good, healthy sources of fat, however, and for people just starting this diet for the first time, this can be a bit of a challenge. The North American diet tends to be very carb heavy, and while increasing fat intake may sound easy, in practice it takes a lot of careful calculation. 


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10 Most Popular Add-ins for Protein Smoothies

Monday, May 13th, 2019
Protein Shake Woman

When you want to supercharge your body before your morning workout or after it, there’s nothing better than a glass of homemade protein-rich smoothie. Though there are protein powders that you can buy and mix with water or milk, some are highly processed and may not give you all the basic amino acids that you need to power up your body. Additionally, they may be packed with heavy metals and unhealthy chemicals.

So, what do you do to ensure that you take healthy smoothie? It’s simple – prepare your own smoothie from scratch. In this case, you’ll need some protein-rich ingredients to add to your smoothie.

Here is a top 10 list of the most popular add-ins to consider:


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Is Fruit Juice A Good Pre-Workout Drink?

Monday, May 6th, 2019
fruit juice for inflammation

Quite a good number of people believe that one should refrain from taking food a few hours before a workout. However, the body requires fuel to provide adequate energy, whether one is going for weightlifting or cardio. It is, however, imperative to choose foods that are easily digested by the body. For example, foods like whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and pasta are good sources of energy, they take at least two hours to be fully digested.

Ideally, individuals should equip their kitchen with a juicer that is reliable for making instant energy boosting juices. Such blends should include strawberries, apples, pineapple, and avocado among other energy giving fruits. These drinks will not only help the user to maintain endurance and stamina but also reduce the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, fruits are readily available, easy to transform into juices and take only a few minutes to digest. Here are more compelling reasons for taking fruit juice before a workout.


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How is a Meal Delivery Service Any Different From The Food You Make at Home?

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Performance Meals

If you’re someone that has a full schedule, chances are you’ve thought of signing up for a precooked meal delivery service that will allow you to save some time by delivering meals to your house. However, before signing up for such a service, you might be inclined to wonder whether there really is any difference between the meals you cook at home and the meals that will be delivered to you in a meal plan.

Here are some of the clearest differences below:


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What is saffron and what are its health benefits?

Friday, April 26th, 2019
saffron health benefits

A reddish-orange small, bulbous spice, a member of a lily the family is known for its flavor, texture, and brilliant medicinal properties, Saffron is one of the most valuable and expensive spices known to this world. Saffron is unique in its texture and flavor, and that’s why one of the most costly spices. This spice was first cultivated near Greece and then gradually spread through countries like Eurasia to North America and then North Africa.  

However, over the years, the demand of this spice as lead to a gush in its cultivation across the famous countries like Greece, Iran, Spain, Morocco, Italy and India. Right now, Iran is one of the biggest producers of Saffron both, in terms of high quality and quantity.

Saffron is derived from the flower of Crocus sativus and scientifically is known as saffron crocus. The vibrant reddish stigmas of the plants collected and dried known as threads. These dried strands are then further used as a food seasoning.


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Top Peanut Butter Nutrition Facts – How Healthy is Peanut Butter?

Friday, January 18th, 2019
health benefits of peanut butter

It is hard to meet anyone that doesn’t like peanut butter. The spread has some of the most beautiful tastes, and the way it sticks to the roof of the mouth before it melts for your taste buds is just excellent.  Peanut butter defines the term delicious in a unique way.

But the question that many peanut butter lovers’ has on their minds is whether it is healthy. How does peanut butter help our bodies? We explore these questions below.


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A Basic Guide To Lectin

Friday, November 23rd, 2018

Every food that is consumed is made of very specific compounds. Most food contains proteins, fats, sugar, and carbohydrates among other things. Some of these things are good for the body while others are not. It is also worth noting that some things are good for the body if consumed in small quantities while other things should be consumed in larger amounts.

Over the years, there are have many new diets that claim to be the ultimate diet and each one center around taking certain things out of your diet and instead concentrating on very specific ingredients. Some of the most popular of these diets are low carb (carbohydrate), low sugar, low calorie, high protein, and high fiber. There are many more variations, but these are some of the most popular. Each of these takes something specific out of a person’s everyday diet (e.g. carbs, fat, sugar), but it also requires higher concentrations of something such as protein or fat.

There have also been certain things contained in foods that have been deemed to be overall bad for a person’s health. These ideas are numerous and constantly changing. Some are legitimate concerns while others are quite far-fetched. Recently, it has been discovered that a high intake of something called lectin may be bad for health. Unfortunately, lectin is present is a great many foods. Here you will find a basic guide to what lectin is, the types of food it is found in, how to determine how much is safe to consume, and much more. (more…)

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3 Superfoods to Help with Muscle Growth

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Healthy CoupleToday, we live in the age of the superfood. Foodstuffs long-forgotten or simply ignored emerge from the deep to offer their consumers a variety of health benefits from killing cancer cells to helping the body become more efficient at absorbing nutrients and keeping itself in a peak form.

While superfoods are by no means wonder-drugs that can take away all the issues our body can have, they are useful and helpful in maintaining our health and even to help our body build a larger muscle mass. So, here are 3 superfoods that can aid it to do just that.

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10 Healthy Sauces Ideal for Weight Loss

Monday, June 4th, 2018

Delicate, spicy, fruity – our sauces will make your dishes extremely delicious and healthy.sauce recipes

  1. Delicate sauce with feta cheese

Calories: 83 kcal in 100 g.

Tastes with: sandwiches and salmon.


  • 50 g of feta cheese;
  • 1 glass of yogurt;
  • 1 fresh or canned cucumber;
  • a little dill.


Blend all the ingredients. Use yogurt to adjust the thickness to your personal preference. The sauce will taste better chilled. Dill can be replaced with any other greens. A great option if you and your partner prefer healthy food. (more…)

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Protein Guide On Low Carb Diet – How Much Protein Is Required And Where To Get It

Friday, May 11th, 2018

low carb foods

For gaining the most out of keto diet, it is imperative to cut down on the carb consumption while maintaining the protein supply in your body at the same time. But people often make the mistake of consuming excess protein while on a low carb diet which brings them face to face with the question about the optimum amount of protein which is required by their body while it undergoes the process of ketosis. (more…)

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5 Keto Snacks That’ll Help You Lose Weight

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Snacks are a popular part of our daily meal routine. Most people resort to eating them for different reasons, whether it is to satisfy a craving for something sweet or for nutritional purposes. However, if you are trying to lose weight, not every choice of a snack is ideal for you. While some will only increase the fat content in your body.

ketogenic avocado fitness

The following are snacking treats that will help you achieve your weight loss goals using a keto diet:


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