Is Fruit Juice A Good Pre-Workout Drink?

fruit juice for inflammation

Quite a good number of people believe that one should refrain from taking food a few hours before a workout. However, the body requires fuel to provide adequate energy, whether one is going for weightlifting or cardio. It is, however, imperative to choose foods that are easily digested by the body. For example, foods like whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and pasta are good sources of energy, they take at least two hours to be fully digested.

Ideally, individuals should equip their kitchen with a juicer that is reliable for making instant energy boosting juices. Such blends should include strawberries, apples, pineapple, and avocado among other energy giving fruits. These drinks will not only help the user to maintain endurance and stamina but also reduce the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, fruits are readily available, easy to transform into juices and take only a few minutes to digest. Here are more compelling reasons for taking fruit juice before a workout.

Energy Boosters

Fruits are great sources of simple carbohydrates, which will come in handy when looking to fuel the muscles. Take bananas, for example; these fruits contain high levels of simple starch and natural sugars. The nutrients are quickly broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream, which increases glycogen and blood sugar levels. Bananas also contain potassium, which helps to build muscles and prevent cramping during an intense workout session.

Moreover, bananas blend remarkably well with high-protein foods like peanut butter to make a strong pre-workout juice. Ripe bananas can also be mixed with water to create a simple juice or with milk to produce a smoothie. One can also choose to add strawberries, which will not only give the juice a sugary taste but also add antioxidants. Fitness enthusiasts and athletes should drink the juice around 30 minutes before beginning a workout session. Similar energy giving fruits include mangoes and papayas.

Reducing Inflammation

pre-workout fruit juice

Muscle soreness and joint pain experienced after a workout session are symptoms of tissue inflammation. These symptoms not only cause discomfort but also slow down the recovery process while limiting the fitness gains. As such, athletes and fitness enthusiasts should find ways of reducing the risk of inflammation and what better way to do this than consuming fresh fruits juices? Blends for this purpose are derived from oranges, tangerines and grapefruits. While oranges are low in calorie and carb content, they contain lots of water that is valuable during a workout.

Additionally, oranges are excellent sources of vitamin C, which boost the functionality of antioxidants in the body. This vitamin also goes a long way in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Vitamin C also supports the absorption of irons from other foods. For optimal results, people should take 8 ounces of orange juice before embarking on a workout session. Orange juice can also include grapefruits, which are loaded with natural sugars. One should take this juice 30-60 minutes before exercising. Aside from Fruits, you may want to try fish oil which is great for reducing inflammation.

Preventing Sugar Crash Mid-Session (Maintaining Endurance)

Exerciseinduced hypoglycemia occurs when the blood sugar in the body is used up too quickly. Blood sugar is obtained from food, and the body uses it as a source of energy. As such, when people don’t consume foods that boost blood sugar levels and go ahead to participate in vigorous exercises, they end up experiencing symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Drinking apple juice 30 minutes before exercising is an excellent way of minimizing the risks of sugar crash mid-session. Apples boast sufficient fiber content that helps to control the blood sugar levels in the body. This is not to mention antioxidants that go a long way in slowing down the digestion of sugars, ensuring that they aren’t used up too quickly. Also, apple juice contains carbs that provide the body with added energy. This juice tastes better after adding mint leaves and lime, and it should be taken 30 minutes before starting a workout session. As recommended, individuals should equip their kitchen with a juicer that is reliable so they can make the juice on the go.

Improved Performance

Improved performance during workout session goes a long way in helping people achieve their fitness and weight loss goals. While some supplements promise to enhance workout performance, they aren’t always ideal because they can be expensive. Besides, fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew melon are easy to obtain and blend into a tasty juice. They also contain numerous nutrients for boosting physical performance.

Watermelon juice, for instance, is rich in I-citrulline, a vital compound found in nitric oxide gas. This compound is converted into arginine, which helps with the removal of ammonia whose increased levels cause untimely exhaustion during exercise. Furthermore, citrulline widens blood vessels, significantly lowering the blood pressure and ultimately boosting cardiovascular health. Watermelon also contains carbohydrates, vitamin C and water, all of which are vital for the functionality of the body during an intense exercise routine. This fruit is incredibly nutritious, making it solely sufficient for making the juice.

Numerous, healthy fruits can be juiced to benefit individuals during a workout. Drinking these juices provides nutrients that are vital in reducing inflammation as well as maintaining endurance and stamina. Also, the body easily absorbs nutrients from fruit juice faster when compared to consuming the fruit wholly.  

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