Archive for the ‘Fitness Tips’ Category

10 Fitness Accessories to Always Keep in Your Gym Bag

Thursday, February 24th, 2022

Now that we are coming out of pandemic lockdown, people are starting to return to the gym. Keeping a gym bag packed and ready with oft-used fitness accessories makes it easy to get in a quick workout. Clean clothes, snacks and hydration, and personal hygiene products are vital tools when you’re running to the gym on the quick to squirrel in a workout.

gym bag Fitness Accessories

Here are ten things that should always be in your gym bag before you head out the door. 


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Heavy or Light: Shoulder Workout 101

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022
shoulder workout 101

Just like you should not skip leg day, you definitely shouldn’t go easy when it comes to your shoulder workout. Not that you need a dedicated “shoulder day” but at least try to hit them from all directions with proper intensity.

Properly building shoulder size and strength makes for a vital part of that lusted-after “V-Shape” body physique. That physique starts with a wide top, and big shoulders make up a wide top.

But despite the importance of training shoulders, they are often done wrong, which makes you vulnerable to injury and a frustrating lack of growth. It is very easy to stumble into a pretty severe injury if you train shoulders wrong.


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The Sounds of Disco and Workout Tempo Are a Perfect Match

Tuesday, January 18th, 2022
matching disco and workout tempo

It can be difficult to garner the motivation to work out. Between finding the time and overcoming the fatigue of day-to-day life, it isn’t hard to understand why committing to a regular exercise routine is so challenging. That said, no challenge is without a solution. Introducing some fun and excitement to the mix could be all you need to help make your routine effective and fruitful. Adding music to your routine is a proven way to elevate your experience and get you on the right track. Given the intense tempo of your typical workout and the righteous beats of disco, we can’t help but think the sounds of disco and workout tempo go together perfectly.

While music is highly subjective and a matter of taste, you may be surprised to learn that certain styles have characteristics that lend themselves to ensuring a fiery workout time and time again. Universally loved for its driving tempos, motivational lyrics, and energetic nature, Disco seems to be tailor-made for cardio, weight training, and more! 


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New Year, New You! Try These Workouts in 2022

Monday, January 17th, 2022
workouts in 2022

The start of a new year is the perfect time to improve yourself. Hitting the treadmill day after day can start to feel tedious and repetitive. This year, try something new to help you stick to your resolution. Of course, you can use a full-body workout routine, you can add HIIT to your daily routine, and you can try 3×5 workouts in 2022, but if you think outside the box you’ll realize there are a ton of other classes you can try.

Yoga, spin, kickboxing, jump rope, and even the hula hoop have conditioning benefits. If you’re ready to get in shape, here are the best workouts to try in 2022.


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How to Improve Your Body Composition With Diet and Exercise

Wednesday, January 12th, 2022
improve your body composition like this fit man

Carrying extra weight around has many negative side effects. It can lead to everything from serious health conditions to unnecessary pain. If you’re considering trying to shed some extra weight this year, dieting and exercise are crucial for long-lasting change. The effort should not necessarily be about “losing weight” thought, right? You want to focus on how to improve your body composition by losing fat and gaining muscle in order to keep your metabolism as high as possible.

Let’s think about a few of the most important lifestyle habits we’ll need to change in order to get our body composition moving in the right direction.


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How to Find An Effective Muscle-Building Workout on YouTube

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022
not an effective Muscle-Building Workout on YouTubes

YouTube is a great resource for free workout videos that anyone with a steady internet connection can use. Of course, it is important to know how to tell whether a video is more likely to help or hurt your workout routine. Below are some red and green flags to look for when trying to find an effective muscle-building workout on YouTube. You could obviously read some of the reviews to gauge the popularity and success, but these tips will help you formulate an initial first impression.


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Happy Swole New Year 2022

Saturday, January 1st, 2022
Happy Swole New Year 2022

You’re going to have a happy Swole New Year in 2022 because you have all the resources here that you need to turn the corner and live a healthier life. Live your best, fit life by adopting a maintainable nutrition strategy, a reasonable full-body fitness plan, and upgrading your healthy lifestyle habits to be even healthier.

Whatever You Choose, Give it 4 Months to Gauge Results

Start slowly, phase in more complex habits, don’t make yourself sick or sore in your first week. This is the only way to position your lifestyle enhancements for success. Too much, too soon, is a recipe for burnout. No need to go all-in, all-out, on January 1st – start slow, but start seriously. No need to wait until the next day, next week, or next month. Just start slowly, but start tomorrow (nearly no one starts anything on January 1st).

Once you are able to workout 3-4 times a week… once you understand basic macronutrient breakdowns… once you finally grasp calories in vs. calories out, you will be on your way to success in the Swole New Year 2022. Don’t start fast, but don’t wait to start, the faster you commit to healthier habits, the faster you’ll feel healthier.

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6 Activities Students Can Use To Stay in Shape Over the Holidays

Monday, December 13th, 2021
Stay in Shape Over the Holidays

Sticking to a fitness routine and staying in shape is important to your health, but if you’re a student heading home for the holidays, it can be tough to do so. It’s hard to find outdoor activities in the winter and you may not have access to the same fitness resources at home. Here are six activities students can use to stay in shape over the holidays.


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How Can I Stay Active During the Holidays?

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021
stay active during the holidays Santa

The holiday season is such a fun time of year. There are parties, decorations and so many reasons to enjoy life. But a lot of times, all the celebrations come with a cost. It can be easy to fall out of your fitness routine and healthy eating habits during the holidays. Here are some tips on how to stay active during the holidays. 


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Maintaining a Healthy and Strong Body All Year Round

Sunday, November 28th, 2021
Healthy and Strong Body male and female

When you are busy working, sometimes you may find that your levels of health and fitness can take a backseat. Often they take a backseat unintentionally. To regain and take control of your body and your overall health, you have to put in the legwork. Maintaining a healthy and strong body all year round requires dedication to a few lifestyle fundamentals.

  • you have to prepare for results – mentally and by keeping your body healthy
  • you have to follow a healthy, maintainable diet and nutrition plan
  • you have to follow a proven workout routine customized for your personal needs

If you do not have a mix of all of these elements, then you will struggle to get your body looking and feeling how you want it to. When it comes to getting in shape, there is no overnight fix. You need to put in the work, and you need to maintain the work to get visible results that last.


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9 Tips to Maximize Your Holiday Season Fitness

Wednesday, November 24th, 2021
holiday season fitness

Indulgence is often synonymous with the holiday season. You stuff your face during Thanksgiving and then attend various Christmas parties through the end of December. You may also skip workouts because you are too busy gift shopping and planning your own holiday bash. The best way to maximize your holiday season fitness is to pay attention to your habits each and every day.

It is no wonder that many people gain weight toward the end of each year. You do not have to fall victim to this pattern, however.  Here are nine ways to stay fit during the holidays.


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Change Is the Key to Overcoming a Fitness Plateau

Thursday, October 28th, 2021
Fitness Plateau

You have made a lot of healthy changes in your life. Perhaps you’ve changed your diet, taken steps to reduce stress, and started a consistent workout routine. In the beginning, you reaped the benefits of your efforts quickly and noticeably. But now something has gone wrong. Perhaps the weight loss has stalled or the growth in strength has slowed or even stopped. You’ve hit a fitness plateau.

This is a frustrating time for any health aficionado, especially those that are new to a fit lifestyle. The biggest danger of a fitness plateau is that it can lead to a loss of motivation and cause you to give up on the positive habits you’ve just developed. Don’t lose heart. A plateau is just a message from your body that it has adapted to what you are doing and that something needs to change. If you are experiencing a plateau, here are a few changes you can make to your current routine to get things moving again.


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Benefits of Working Out from Home – A Beginner’s Guide

Tuesday, October 26th, 2021
Working Out from Home

Exercise is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But it can be hard to find the time and motivation to go to a gym or fitness studio, especially if you’re not very good at socializing. Luckily, there are many benefits that come with working out at home. Let’s unpack what we mean by “working out from home.” 

It doesn’t matter how old you are – your exercise routine should always include some form of physical activity such as walking or running (or even doing crunches) for at least 20 minutes per day. If this seems like too much work, think about all the things you could do during those 20 minutes! You could walk laps around your block, jog through your neighborhood, or even do squats and lunges in your living room. If you’re feeling motivated enough, you could create an entire workout routine using either online video exercises or checking out this article for some workout ideas.


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Benefits of Exercising from Home – Your Ultimate Guide

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021
Exercising from Home

How often do you find yourself with nothing to do, no one to hang out with, and nothing on TV? When those moments hit do you stop to consider how the benefits of exercising from home can improve your lifestyle?

The truth is that sometimes the best workout plan for us is just sitting around. That’s because when we’re bored at home, our bodies naturally move more than they would if we were completely entertained. And more movement means better health.

This article will help you figure out how to use your downtime as an opportunity to get some exercise. We all know it can be tough getting motivated enough to go outside for a run or head down the gym every day- so why not take advantage of those moments where you have time on your hands? 


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7 Common Mistakes Made By Workout Beginners

Tuesday, October 19th, 2021
workout beginners

If you’re looking to get into shape and bump up your level of physical fitness, that is great news! Deciding to get started on improving your physical fitness is your first step in your journey. But, there are a few common mistakes that you may find yourself making along the way. By learning about typical mistakes made by workout beginners, you can get a head start on workout out the right way. These mistakes can hinder your progress and delay the goals you have set for yourself.

Here are seven of the most common workout beginner mistakes to watch for and extinguish before they become a habit.


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12 Benefits of Working Out in the Morning

Monday, October 4th, 2021
working out in the morning

Working out is very beneficial for both your physical and mental health.  Even if you don’t go to the gym, but just workout at home, you’ll see that it’s really rewarding. However, exercise can be hard to fit into a busy schedule, as most people tend to not wake up early enough to go to the gym before work.  But the benefits of working out in the morning far outweigh that extra hour or two of sleep you can get by going at night.

There is a common misconception that morning workouts are bad for your health. In reality, exercising first thing in the morning can lead to all sorts of benefits including:

  • better sleep
  • improved metabolism and weight management
  • increased focus and productivity at work
  • better mental and physical performance 

The best part is that you don’t even need to exercise for more than 10 minutes! All it takes is just 5-10 minutes of light cardio before breakfast on an empty stomach. The key is to not eat anything after 8 pm or within two hours of bedtime because this will simply slow down your metabolism and make it harder for you to lose weight. Otherwise, you can do whatever activity you want–just make sure it’s not too intense–and that you fit it in before work.


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8 Things You Need to Be Doing to Develop 6-Pack Abs

Friday, September 17th, 2021
Mermaid Abs

The desire to have a fit, toned physique and defined 6-pack abs may seem out of reach, but it’s actually an attainable goal – if you’re willing to put in the work to reach that goal you too can develop 6-pack abs. Washboard abdominals do not come easily to most, and the straightforward fact is that you’ll have to work hard to achieve and maintain that chiseled midsection.

Here are 8 lifestyle and training strategies you can use to make the trip to Shreds-Ville that much easier.


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How to Better Support Your Workout Routine

Monday, September 13th, 2021
Support Your Workout Routine

Are you trying to get in the habit of working out but just not feeling motivated? Or, maybe you’ve been working out for a while and you’re not seeing results. There are many factors that can lead to that sluggish feeling and to a lack of results. Here are a few tips and tricks to better support your workout routine.


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Can High-Intensity Rebounding Workouts Transform Your Body?

Friday, August 6th, 2021
rebounding workouts

Rebounding is an aerobic exercise that entails jumping on a trampoline. It is an ideal option for all ages, especially as you can go for gentle rebounding or up it to high intensity following your needs and situations. From kids to older adults, rebounding workouts can transform the body, making it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Much like any workout, the more you put into it, the better results you’ll realize. The best part is that rebounding is fun. You can hardly mask that smile as you jump on the trampoline, making it an ideal option even for those who don’t enjoy working out. High-intensity rebounding workout’s popularity continues to grow by the day. Let’s look at how it can transform your body, making high-intensity rebounding workouts a favorite among many.


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Beginning Boot Camp: Tips for New HIIT Training Students

Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
boot camp tips

You just signed up for your first fitness boot camp. Congrats! You’re on your way to a better, stronger, and healthier you. You’re new to HIIT training and group fitness. You want to slay your workouts, but you’re nervous, and you’re not sure you can keep up with the rest of the class. Did you know that your pre-exercise routine is just as important as your workouts? Here are some boot camp tips for getting your body ready to work hard and accomplish those big fitness goals.


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