Posts Tagged ‘ripped abs’

How Long Does It Take To Get A Flat Stomach?

Thursday, October 13th, 2022
The man wanted to get a flat stomach, so he did.

Losing stubborn belly fat can be a huge dilemma for most people. Setting out to get a flat stomach is not rocket science but involves several steps like creating a calorie deficit, exercising, and staying consistent. Each individual is different, and how a regimen works for one may produce different results for another.

Tips From A Trainer

Losing all the fat in your belly is not necessarily healthy. Only losing extra weight is essential for good health. 90% of body fat is subcutaneous, which is present right under the skin to keep the body warm and aid other functions.

The remaining 10% is visceral fat that accumulates beneath the abdominal walls and in the empty spaces between organs. This fat is dangerous and can lead to health issues like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Crash diets and supplements may work at eliminating fat, but this could be a loss of healthy fat instead. Even spot reduction is impossible with these.

Your best bet is to lose excess body fat healthily to tone your body and achieve a flat tummy. This also helps eradicate visceral fat, which you need to eliminate.

So, if you are interested in achieving a flat stomach and are willing to put in the right amount of effort, you are at the right place. Today, we shall look at the science behind stomach fat loss and the factors that come into play. Let’s get started!


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A Fat Burning Workout to Strengthen Your Core

Thursday, November 11th, 2021
Strengthen Your Core

Everyone wants a flat stomach but we don’t always get what we want, such is life: we have to hustle for the muscle. To get rid of excess body fat and lose unsightly belly fat, it is important to do both conditioning as well as weight training exercises. Stubborn belly fat cannot be targeted by spending extra time on ab exercises. Instead, you need to focus on how to strengthen your core and build up the supporting foundational blocks to influence the aesthetics of your v-shaped, chiseled midsection.

Of course, nutrition is responsible for 75% of your fat loss results, but you still need to strengthen your core by performing the exercises below. Perform all the exercises in a single day by pairing larger muscle groups (chest, back, legs) with smaller muscle groups (shoulders, triceps, biceps, abs), or spread them out across the week, adding additional exercises to further target a specific muscle group pairing each day, for example:

  • back, bis, abs
  • chest, tris, abs
  • quads, hamstrings, calves, abs

Now, let’s take a look at our 7 awesome exercises and variations for strengthening your core, and how to use them together in a circuit to bring out those six-pack abs.


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How to do Windshield Wipers for Ripped Abs

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

I’ll get around to writing up a more detailed explanation shortly. For now, here’s a great video showing you how to do windshield wipers. It’s not an easy exercise but it will pay off with wonderous results.

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