Posts Tagged ‘core’

The Top 10 Best Abdominal Exercises Part 2

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024
Two guys with ripped abs who use the best abdominal exercises we discuss below.

Here is the long awaited follow up to the Top 10 Best Ab Exercises Part 1 and the precursor to the Top 10 Best Abs Exercises Part 3. Let’s take a look at 5 of our favorite 10 best abdominal exercises, that you can use to get 6-pack abs look. Do these exercises regularly, mix it up, use different speeds, tempos, angles, and positions to get a full workout. Always try to progress from workout to workout.

Here are 3 ways you can gauge progress with abdominal exercises:

  1. Try to complete more reps in a given time period. For example, do as many fold ups as possible in 60 seconds. Try to break your personal record (PR) each workout.
  2. Try to complete more total reps each time you perform the exercise. For example, week one do 3 sets of 10, week 2 do 3 sets of 12, week 3 do 4 sets of 10, week 4 do 3 sets of 15, etc…
  3. If it applies, try to add weight to the exercise by holding a plate or dumbbell on your chest or behind your head, or use a weighted vest. You can also add weight to your legs with ankle weights. Try to use more weight, or complete more reps with the same weight, each time.

Let’s skip any additional small talk here and get on with the exercises.


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The Top 10 Best Abdominal Exercises Part 1

Thursday, July 4th, 2024
ripped abs bodybuilder uses the best abdominal exercises to train his core

With the prevalence of six-pack abs in the media by everyone from Hugh Jackman and Matthew McConaughey, to Janet Jackson and Beyonce Knowles, society as of late treasures that elusive flat-defined stomach look, and they must know the secrets of the best abdominal exercises, right? We can thank high resolution for our cultural transition from portly praise to abdominal admiration.

Best Abdominal Exercises

After all, before Hollywood got huge in the 1900s, as a culture we appreciated a little meat on our bones because it represented comfort, success, and good health. Now that we get to feast our eyes daily on tough-guy actors, beautiful actresses, rock stars, and supermodels, we’ve come full circle into the Washboard Era.

Quick Links:
10 Best Ab Exercises Part 1
10 Best Abdominal Exercises Part 2
10 Best Abs Exercises Part 3


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How to Perform the Anti-rotational Press

Wednesday, November 16th, 2022
Man performing an anti-rotational press.
The Standard Anti-rotational Press

The core performs many important functions, such as energy transfer and stabilization. There are many core exercises that athletes use to make their cores stronger. However, many people who lift as a hobby, and even some professional bodybuilders and athletes, look at the core from a more aesthetic point of view. So, they only do exercises that promise a six-pack rather than highly effective core exercises, such as Anti-rotational Press, which strengthens accessory muscle groups rather than just 6-pack “show muscles”.

One thing to note is that the core is more complex than a six-pack. To optimally maximize core usage, you not only need exercises like crunches and hanging leg raises. You also need to work your inner core; the parts that connect to the lumbar vertebrae (located around the lower back).  

This is where core exercises like the anti-rotational press come in. In general, anti-rotational movements work the core by forcing it to stabilize your body regardless of strong resistance from one side. In the process, they work other muscles in your core apart from the rectus abdominis (the six-pack muscles), such as the Erectus spinae, transverse abdominis, and your obliques. 


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What is the Best Waist Trainer for Weight Loss?

Monday, June 27th, 2022
Pilates girl training after using her best waist trainer for weight loss

When it comes to waist trainers, there are many options available in the market. How do you know which is the best waist trainer for weight loss based on your goals?

In this article, we will discuss the different types of waist trainers, and help you determine which one is best for your needs. We will also talk about choosing the right size and how to train your center trainer to get the best results possible.

The best waist trainers are made of high-quality materials and fit well. It is also important that you properly wear your waist trainer to get the best results possible.


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A Fat Burning Workout to Strengthen Your Core

Thursday, November 11th, 2021
Strengthen Your Core

Everyone wants a flat stomach but we don’t always get what we want, such is life: we have to hustle for the muscle. To get rid of excess body fat and lose unsightly belly fat, it is important to do both conditioning as well as weight training exercises. Stubborn belly fat cannot be targeted by spending extra time on ab exercises. Instead, you need to focus on how to strengthen your core and build up the supporting foundational blocks to influence the aesthetics of your v-shaped, chiseled midsection.

Of course, nutrition is responsible for 75% of your fat loss results, but you still need to strengthen your core by performing the exercises below. Perform all the exercises in a single day by pairing larger muscle groups (chest, back, legs) with smaller muscle groups (shoulders, triceps, biceps, abs), or spread them out across the week, adding additional exercises to further target a specific muscle group pairing each day, for example:

  • back, bis, abs
  • chest, tris, abs
  • quads, hamstrings, calves, abs

Now, let’s take a look at our 7 awesome exercises and variations for strengthening your core, and how to use them together in a circuit to bring out those six-pack abs.


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Weightlifting for Equestrians

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

Some of you might have raised a few eyebrows when you read the title of this article, after all, who associates horse riding with weight lifting? Well, you should have a real think about that – can you imagine the strength it requires to not only mount a horse, but stay on one and control it as it gallops away? Here are a few key pointers to consider when strength training as an equestrian.

equestrian fitness (more…)

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Five Exercises to Strengthen your Core

Saturday, March 18th, 2017

Strong CoreSome people have difficulty getting six-packs, and others have trouble believing that abs are made in the kitchen and not the gym, but this doesn’t downplay the importance of exercising and strengthening the core. Having strong muscles in your abs and back make it easier for you to do everyday tasks; from lifting your kids (and pets) to carrying your groceries.

A solid core can also help you to maintain good posture and prevent back pain. As important as exercising the core is, crunches are boring. Keep reading to find out five great exercises you can use to strengthen your core. (more…)

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40 Minute Abdominal Workout

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

This is a 40 minute abdominal circuit. I also refer to this type of workout as a HIRT routine.


5 minutes of non-stop kickboxing combinations, jump rope, or calisthenics

Circuit 1

Try to perform this abdominal circuit at least four times in a 5 minute time period without resting between exercises or sets. You should attempt to complete the required reps for each set before moving onto the next exercise. When you finish the last exercise, start at the top again until your time is up.

Once the first 5-minute circuit is up, rest for 2 minutes, then repeat this circuit again.

Gauge your progress by counting the number of circuits you can complete in 5 minutes.

  1. Windshield wipers (or Russian twist holding a medicine ball if you can’t handle it) – 10 wipes or twists
  2. Sit-ups with medicine ball on chest – 20 sit ups
  3. Flutter kicks – 40 total kicks

Circuit 2

Try to perform this abdominal circuit at least four times in a 5 minute time period without resting between exercises or sets. You should attempt to complete the required reps for each set before moving onto the next exercise. When you finish the last exercise, start at the top again until your time is up.

Once the first 5 minute circuit is up, rest for 2 minutes, then repeat this circuit again.

Gauge your progress by counting the number of circuits you can complete in 5 minutes.

  1. Crunches with punches: throw a punch past your opposite knee with each crunch – 30 crunches
  2. The Captain’s Chair (vertical leg raise) – 10 leg raises
  3. Ab wheel roll outs to the left, straight, right, repeat – 15 roll outs (5 at each angle)

Cool Down

5 minutes of non-stop kickboxing combinations, jump rope, or calisthenics

Stretch for at least 5 minutes.

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Gyroscopic Fitness Machines?

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

I received a press release the other day and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

Gyro Core Trainer
Gyroscopic Core Trainer?

A company called DynaFlex International has apparently used gyroscopes to create some grip training devices and now I guess they have a core training device.

After browsing to the company website and reading up on some of their products, I’m still not sure what to make of it. It appears to be a grip trainer of some sort, although now they have a core trainer too. Interesting.

Have any Project Swole readers tried this thing? If so, please leave a comment.

I don’t quite get it. If anyone from DynaFlex is reading this, send me a free sample so I can figure out exactly what the heck you are selling. I will review the product in a separate post if you do.

Anyway, let the press release begin:


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