Posts Tagged ‘recovery’

5 Home Accessories That Could Help You Sleep

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019

Sleep is the time we take to recharge; think about your phone; can it work for you if its battery is drained? If we don’t get enough uninterrupted, quality sleep, most of us end up tired, groggy, and even dysfunctional throughout the day. That’s why it’s important for our slumber space to be equipped with everything conducive to a good night’s sleep.

Today we list the top five home accessories that you can try to achieve the perfect shut-eye and wake up refreshed, ready to take on the day.


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Can A Chiropractor Help With Training Injuries?

Saturday, June 8th, 2019
chiropractor training injuries

Regular exercise or training, whether for recreation or professional gain, may cause unexpected injuries. This is brought about by activities such as jumping, running, lifting weights, tackling and many more. These activities subject our bodies to wear and tear forces which makes us susceptible to muscle, bone, spine, and joint injuries.

A Chiropractor works to restore the normal functioning of your muscles, joints, and nervous system. They can also help to increase muscle strength, control, and coordination which will help you prevent further injuries during training.


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6 Ways A Hot Tub Will Improve Your Wellbeing

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019
hot tub health

Throughout history, people have been bathing in hot water to relax, and soaking in a hot tub is a great way for us to continue this tradition. However, many people don’t realize that there are genuine health benefits to using hot tubs. Have a look at 6 of the ways that soaking in a hot tub everyday will improve your wellbeing.


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6 Ways Yoga is Beneficial for those in Addiction Recovery

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019
yoga girl

Working through addiction goes far beyond the weeks spent in a rehab facility. As you begin your lifelong journey of recovery, you’ll see that sobriety is a lifestyle, not a destination. Many people in recovery are realizing how beneficial yoga as a regular practice is to their new sober lifestyle.

Curious to try it for yourself? Consider the following benefits: 


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Foolproof Ways to Bust Out of a Fitness Rut

Monday, December 17th, 2018

In every person’s life who’s devoted to their fitness regime, there comes a time when you just can’t do it anymore. It all goes around in circles, and you become fed up with your work out sessions. Instead of lifting your spirits and making you feel good, you just end up walking away more frustrated.

This is the point where most people give up and undo all their hard work. The truth is, all you have to do is overcome this point and you’ll be more productive than ever. Thankfully, there are some foolproof ways you can do this without wasting any time or energy.


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The Important of Active Recovery for Runners

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

All of these things are important elements and rituals for runners to perform. They all support a healthy, safe, and productive workout where you can push your pace and strengthen your craft. But the rituals you perform after your runs and on your rest days are equally as important as what you do on the road. Active recovery is an essential part of any runners training program. Not only does active recovery give your body and muscles the time it needs to heal and strengthen, but it helps prevent injury.

active recovery runners

Depending on your pace, distance, and terrain, running is considered a moderate to high-impact exercise. That’s because running places strain on your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. When done correctly, running is a full-body workout that incorporates core strength and upper body stability. Working your body and all its muscles at the same intensity every day isn’t always best. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise at all on your “rest” days”. In fact, you should perform some type of active movement 7 days a week. But knowing which type of exercise to do on your day “off” will help improve your performance the next time you lace up your running shoes.


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Make the Most of Your Post-Workout Shower

Friday, October 12th, 2018

So, you already know all the benefits of taking a nice, relaxing post-workout shower, but are you making the most out of those showers?

shower fitness

You push yourself through each workout, becoming stronger, healthier, and happier with your growth and accomplishments. However, it’s important to not let all that hard work go down the drain. Here are some important post-workout shower tips that can step up your workout routine:


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Gym injuries: how supplements can aid recovery and boost performance

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

How’s your fitness regime going? In summer, most of us take our workouts a bit more seriously. But did you know that taking the right vitamins and minerals can help strengthen bone, build muscle, prevent injury, and aid recovery — ideal whether you’re into cardio or resistance training?  

workout performance

If you’re a regular at the gym, you need to ensure that your body takes in what it needs to perform. Don’t underestimate the importance of nutrition — check out how vitamins and minerals can help you push harder in your next work-out session. (more…)

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Tips for relaxation after working out

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

Relax Fitness GirlAt Project Swole we are huge fans of post-workout recovery. Relaxation is a big part of recovery. You need to relax your muscles, ease your stress, and allow your body to heal. Today we would like to present a guest post written by a close friend of ours, who also owns and operates a Spa. Think of it this way, you go to a personal trainer to learn how to exercise, right? So we are bringing you this piece on relaxation, direct from a Spa industry professional. Sounds legit to us!

What You Must Do After the Workout – Relax…

The feeling that a person gets after working out is both exhausting as well as of being pumped. Getting tired is one of the reasons why a person must do something relaxing after an hour-long session of workout. Here are some of the things, which you can try out after a workout session: (more…)

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The Importance of Balancing Workouts with Periods of Rest

Monday, April 16th, 2018

rest and recovery
It’s been a long cold winter and you’ve noticed you’ve gained a few inches, all in the wrong places. When the days are warm and sunny you’re out there running daily, hitting the gym and going to extremes trying to compensate for those lazy days where you didn’t feel like braving the cold.

Even a trip to the gym in below freezing temperatures keeps you indoors and unfortunately, overdoing it to compensate could be (and probably is) doing more harm than good. Here is some of what you need to know about the importance of periods of rest between workouts – strenuous exercise of any kind.

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The Importance of Proper Recovery From Your Workout

Thursday, March 29th, 2018

While getting in enough exercise is essential to keeping healthy and in shape, the same is true of making sure you take time to fully and properly recover from your workouts. It might not always feel like it, but your muscles grow and your body’s health improves while you aren’t running, doing push-ups or lifting weights. It’s important to understand the specifics about what you have to gain by allowing your body to bounce back between workouts.

post workout recovery

Understanding What Happens While You’re Recovering

When you stop working out, what happens is that your body starts to adapt to the rigors of your exercise routine. Recovering properly ensures your body is able to build up your energy reserves so that the next time you exercise, you’ll be able to finish your desired workout rather than feel worn out 10 minutes into your routine. You might also damage tissue as you’re exercising, and taking enough time off allows your body to repair those tissues.

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Top Advice For Quality Massage Experience

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

The purpose of having a body massage is to help a person relax, calm his body and mind. It is important that the massage room is comfortable and clean or else it can make one very unhappy. Creating the right environment and temperature in the new massage room plays a significant role in providing a ‘more than just expected massage.’

massage therapy

The massage therapist knows how to put pressure on the correct pressure points of the body. This helps in releasing all the tension in the muscles, nerves and calms the person. People go to a massage parlor with the expectation of feeling better and therefore it is necessary for the massage therapist to help the customer heal their body and mind.

Here is a some advise that you can keep in consideration before entering a massage therapy center: (more…)

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Importance of Quality Sleep for Athletes

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

Fatigue makes cowards of us all

A lot of people are sleep deprived… Everything from last minute travel to anxiety prevents people from getting a good night’s rest on a regular occasion. While sleep deprivation is nothing uncommon, you’d be surprised to know just how many people don’t get enough sleep…

Last year, Pegasus Capital Advisors teamed up with ResMed and Dr. Oz to from SleepScore Labs, an organization that aims to enables us to understand our sleep and deliver the first clinically proven standard for measuring sleep in our homes.

Back in January, they organization conducted the largest sleep study in the history of the United States, which looked at sleep information from more than 20,000 people and a collective 1.5 million nights’ worth of sleep. And they discovered that sleep is chronically neglected by most Americans.

Just check this out – according to data from the study, almost 80% of US citizens aren’t getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Moreover, men in the US average only 5 hours and 45 minutes of sleep each night, while women are slightly better, with 6 hours and 9 minutes. (more…)

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Tips For Making Sure That You Are Not Over Training

Monday, July 17th, 2017

carbohydrates for recoveryAre you in the gym day in and day out, but feel like you just are not seeing results like you used to? Well, it is completely possible that you might be overtraining, which is a lot more common than you might imagine.

Overtraining means that you are training so hard your body does not have the time to rest and recover, as it normally should. This condition can lead to a slew of negative side effects, like muscle atrophy, motivational loss, and mood swings.

Overtraining can even diminish the results that you worked so hard to earn, so it is imperative that you never let this happen to you. Stick to the following tips and information to ensure that you never over train. (more…)

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When Should You Push Through Knee Pain?

Friday, June 30th, 2017

Knee pain can impact many people, especially if you’re the type of person that rarely skips a workout. That sort of dedication is priceless when it comes to achieving your fitness goals, but it can also be detrimental to your health.
knee pain
Many people who are that committed to their fitness often continue to push themselves long past when they should stop and rest. Knees are some of the first casualties of an overactive lifestyle or improper form.

Given that, how can you tell the difference between when you need to take it easy and when you can just keep going?

The Type of Pain

First of all, no type of knee pain should be completely ignored. Pain’s function is to let us know that something is wrong and to compel us to avoid that behavior in the future. However, different types of pain indicate different things. (more…)

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Top 5 Benefits of Massage for Weightlifters

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Rock Massage

Weight lifting is one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world. Millions of people hit the gym every day to work out in the weight room and strive to achieve their own ideal physique. Rigorous weight lifting results in a lot of stress on muscle fibers – in fact, this is exactly how resistance training works!

When the routine is right, the results are usually impressive. Sometimes the rigors of training can cause lasting tears in muscle tissue. The damage done to muscles in the process can be a serious problem for some. It is highly recommended that weight lifters make regular appointments for massage therapy. (more…)

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An Active Recovery Day

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Another Blast From the Past

Looking back in my archives, I found this post from 2008; roughly 2 home relocations ago. About 8 years have passed, the ‘kids’ are teenagers now, the beach is in the backyard now instead of across the street, I still have those Powerblocks, and still love sprinting.

Rest dayToday however it’s about 30°F out, 3 days before Christmas, and it’s snowing. Sprints will be much more difficult, biking is nearly impossible, and the unheated garage is freeeeeezing! I’ve been working diligently as a personal garage gym builder though, and now I also have a doorway pull up bar, push up equipment, an ab roller, springs, and big ole rubber tubes that work great for dynamic resistance training.

If you’ve no idea what I’m talking about, read the follow piece that details my thoughts on active recovery in 2008 and what I accomplished on a warm sunny day in June. I still feel the same way about active recovery, and if you’re not using it on the occasional rest day you’re missing out on fun activities that can help engage your friends and family, burn extra calories, and improve the recovery process from your strenuous gym workouts.

Even medical journals documenting active recovery research have found that, “active recovery can be prescribed and still retain performance benefits over passive recoveries”. Don’t you miss out!

June 21, 2008 – A Day of Active Recovery


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Top Ways to Enhance Recovery from Intense Training

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
post workout recovery

With goals to achieve and a dream ahead, most bodybuilders tend to ignore the time required for the body to recover from intense training. However, this is crucial step is actually highly recommended by experts. The body’s cells experience minute tears and fatigue during such activities which, when accumulated for long, can lead to shock or any other complication people do not want to go through. So, what should one do to enhance body recovery? This article will tell you more.


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Why Rest and Recovery Is Important for Athletes

Thursday, May 9th, 2013
Exhausted Fitness Girl

When you first set out on your journey to bulk up and build the muscular physique that allows you to look and feel your best, or even pit yourself against other athletes in strength, endurance, and overall fitness challenges, you might be focused on working hard in order to build muscle and advance as quickly as possible. While this is certainly an important part of the equation, over time you’ll learn that there’s more to bodybuilding than simply lifting weights.


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How to Relax After an Intense Workout

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Relax Fitness GirlThere’s nothing like pushing yourself to your physical limits and leaving it all on the field, so to speak, when you exercise. Not only does it make you feel like you accomplished something, but it also gets you one step closer to meeting your fitness goals, whether you’re shooting for 20-inch biceps, you want to bench press your own body weight, or you’re training for a marathon, just for example.

A good workout can boost endorphins, making you feel energized and amazing throughout the day, and it can also help you to sleep better at night. Unfortunately, it might have just the opposite effect, making you feel fatigued but amped up at the same time. If this is the case, you might be looking for a few good ways to recover and relax after an intense workout.

Here are just a few strategies that might help.


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