Archive for the ‘Medical’ Category

Everything You Need to Know About Antibody Production

Sunday, October 3rd, 2021
antibody production

Antibodies are immunological proteins that develop in reaction to foreign substances entering the body. These invading molecules are known as antigens, and the immune system recognizes them molecularly, resulting in the creation of antibodies that can attach to the particular antigen. During antibody production, B-lymphocytes produce antibodies that circulate all the lymph systems, binding to their specific antigen and removing it from circulation.

So, what is the meaning of antibody production? The phrase “antibody production” has a broad and narrow definition. In a general sense, it includes the process of developing a usable specific antibody, which includes stages such as immunogen production, vaccination, hybridoma formation, collection, selection, isotyping, filtration, and tagging for immediate use in a technique.

In a more limited sense, antibody manufacturing refers to the processes building up to antibody synthesis but excludes different methods of isolating and identifying the antibody for specific applications. Read on to know the best steps and ways to produce antibodies commercially.


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Struggling to Understand How Family Floater Health Insurance Works? Read This

Friday, August 27th, 2021
floater health insurance

As health insurance becomes a necessity considering surging medical costs and a rise in lifestyle-induced diseases, many people have turned to family floater health insurancesecuring all their loved ones under one umbrella. Although individual plans have been the more popular choice, the shift to family policies has been mainly motivated by their affordability. So, what is a family floater health care plan? 


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Weightlifting Injury Prevention: Protect Your Back!

Wednesday, August 25th, 2021
Shaun Stay Fit

This is a guest post from Shaun Sinclair, founder, and author of Stay Fit Bug. Shaun is a former 100/200-meter runner and professional athlete.

Look after your BACK!
Because once that goes you are FINISHED!

It really is that simple.

The spine and the muscles surrounding it are the backbones to our physical existence ‘Pun intended’.

However, it is a part of our body that is prone to injury. Now, prevention isn’t a difficult thing to do. But one thing I am certain of is that trying to cure the issue of back pain is an entirely different matter (Yes… not always easy).

  • Good form
  • Good exercise execution
  • Embracing good posture

All of those things are highly important when it comes to protecting your back. Heck, embracing good posture isn’t even something you need to worry about in the gym only. In fact, that has a lot more to do with your activities outside of the weight room.

  • How you sit at your desk in the office.
  • In your bed and how you sleep (sleeping on the floor is still one of the best things you can do).
  • How you position your body when using a computer at home, which of course, is where most of us spend most of our time in today’s world on Facebook and the like.

These lifestyle habits are highly important in regard to back injury prevention. Now let’s see how you can change your lifestyle to proactively protect yourself from back injuries.


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The Complications Of Alcohol Consumption

Wednesday, August 25th, 2021
Complications Of Alcohol Consumption

Complications caused by prolonged and excessive alcohol consumption are diverse and highly problematic. And we’re not just talking about increased calories and fat storage, or reduced exercise recovery times. One of the consequences of this consumption is alcoholic neuropathy, which is a toxic effect of alcohol that manages to damage the nerves of human beings, preventing them from moving and feeling normal. Today, we explain what this condition consists of and what its symptoms are.


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Top 5 Side Effects of Elmiron Drugs and Why You Should Avoid It

Monday, December 7th, 2020
woman feeling ill

You may have heard of all of the Elmiron lawsuits currently being brandished about. The truth of the matter is that this drug has some serious side effects, often that people weren’t warned about before they began taking it. 


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Why You Might Need a Health Expert To Reach Your Fitness Goals

Saturday, November 21st, 2020
health expert

In the health and wellness world, it might seem easy enough to hit your medical goals with a regular workout and a solid diet. For many in the United States, that may work. However, depending on your hormones, stamina, metabolism, and other factors, achieving weight loss might not be as simple as you once believed.

Whether you’re looking to achieve weight gain through muscle mass or you want to simply improve your overall health, sometimes you simply need an added push. Even if you don’t want to become a bodybuilder, you might want to connect with a health expert so you can achieve your medical goals without any unwanted side effects.


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Treating Type 2 Diabetes: About Trulicity and Finding Coupons for Efficient Cost Treatment

Saturday, October 24th, 2020
Healthy Couple

Trulicity is a prescription drug for adults confirmed with type 2 diabetes to elevate blood sugar (glucose) level. This drug lessens the risk of significant cardiovascular diseases (complications relating to heart and blood vessels) such as death, heart failure, and stroke in people who have heart problems or various cardiovascular risks.

Trulicity is injected through a needle. You use it once a week by inserting the needle under the skin of various body parts (stomach, upper arm, and thigh). Use Trulicity in conjunction with the exercise and diet that your doctor has approved.


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Importance Of Testosterone – Can You Really Buy The Male Sex Hormone?

Monday, April 20th, 2020

The human body requires a good balance of hormones in order for everything to function properly. One of those is, naturally, testosterone. It is known as the primary male sex hormone, but producing sperm is not its only purpose. The importance of testosterone for maintaining good health, particularly in middle-aged and older males, should not be ignored.

Get yourself informed:


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Using Coolsculpting As An Alternative To A Tummy Tuck

Friday, February 21st, 2020

Every day, millions of Americans are looking to improve their bodies using some type of cosmetic surgery. Of course, there are those that are active and look to exercise to get rid of excess fat, but what about those stubborn patches of fat that don’t want to cooperate? There are several types of surgeries you can use to get rid of them. Two of the most popular options are Coolsculpting and the Tummy Tuck. Both get rid of stubborn fat that wants to linger around in your body but, only one of them is the better choice. It is Coolsculpting. 


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5 Natural Solutions to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

Thursday, November 28th, 2019
Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

Climacteric, midlife crisis, mental pause, or the “big change”– whatever you call it, the term itself frightens women who are slowly approaching the menopausal stage. With different stories of hot flashes, mood swings, low sex drive, night sweats, and weight gain, more and more women are somehow getting terrified to reach this stage in life. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can reduce menopausal symptoms with fitness, diet, yoga, and a few other health strategies.


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Why You Should Get Educated on MTHFR Gene Mutations

Tuesday, November 26th, 2019
MTHFR Gene Mutations

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or also called MTHFR is a particular type of enzyme that breaks down the amino acid homocysteine and folate (aka folic acid). Both of these substances have their pros and cons. Excessive homocysteine is not so good, while folic acid is a B vitamin that’s important for cell growth and metabolism. A person with MTHFR Gene Mutations will suffer from too much homocysteine and not enough folate.

Homocysteine is an amino acid found in your blood. Eating meat is the most typical way to get it through diet. High levels of homocysteine are linked to the early development of heart disease. In fact, high homocysteine is a specific risk factor for heart disease, and is associated with low vitamin B6, B12, and folate, and is commonly linked to renal disease.

MTHFR has the potential to mutate, and it can either interfere with the enzyme’s ability to function normally or entirely inactivate it. People have two types of MTHFR genes that they inherit from each of their parents. It can affect one heterozygous or homozygous of these genes.


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How to Go Back to Working Out After Pregnancy

Friday, November 22nd, 2019
working out after pregnancy

Have you finally delivered and cannot wait to lose the baby weight? Working out should part of everybody’s lifestyle. When you have just had a baby, working out after pregnancy can help you recover fast and boost your strength. Since pregnancy comes with hormonal changes that affect you emotionally, exercising can also boost your mood.

Every pregnancy is, however, different, and checking with your doctor before starting is crucial. New mothers are advised to engage in postpartum abdominal exercises that can help in toning muscles and reducing weight. Enrolling in this fitness program can help you learn how to work out safely after childbirth. It aims at helping new mothers in America maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve effective results after pregnancy. 

Today we will talk about tips for easing into post-pregnancy fitness and provide a series of exercises you can use to get started.


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5 Steps to Hearing Loss Intervention for Children

Monday, November 18th, 2019
Hearing Loss Intervention

There are three out of 1000 American children who are born with hearing loss at a detectable level on one or both ears. Many of these children are not getting the proper help and might be at risk for behavioral, emotional, and learning difficulties. Watching for signs helps you execute hearing loss intervention when it matters most.


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Top Tips for Parasite Prevention – What You Should Start Doing Today

Monday, November 11th, 2019
parasite prevention

The growing body stress levels and deteriorating environment have alarmed the world population to look for preventative health treatments. Not essentially to treat any ailment specifically, but to safeguard health against potential dangers. One of the major health concerns today is parasite prevention, given their increasing immunity to conventional medicine and the standard western diet.

Everyone wishes to be at their best health regardless of their age and gender. And as the popular proverb goes, ‘precaution is better than cure’, following an appropriate healthcare and wellness regime is important. Fortunately, the Internet does not lack a source for health tips and illness prevention, this website not excluded.

Almost a decade ago, wellness products were considered as fads but awareness about their benefits has flipped the coin, and their popularity is still growing with more and more practices coming into the limelight. Supplements, whole foods, shakes, berries, and herbs are promoted everywhere you like, but what works, what is safe?

Here are the top trends in the wellness and healthcare industry that you can witness in the year 2020.


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How Ayurvedic Medicines Can Help Boost Male Health

Friday, November 1st, 2019

A very wise individual has very rightly said, “Happy wife, happy life.” True, indeed. If you are successful in keeping your wife happy, the rest of the problems will fall in place, like magic. Smart men get this trick and are in a pursuit to please their better halves. Yes, the guy in your bay who glows all the time has a happy wife. It kind of shows on his face, right? Ayurvedic Medicines can help you glow too!

Ayurvedic Medicine

While some may be successful, others fail for unfortunate reasons. It’s essential to bear in mind that only materialistic things cannot buy one happiness in their conjugal life. You need that special connection that can only happen when you have a satisfactory sexual relationship. 

Some men fail in this regard as they suffer from low libido, which significantly impacts their sexual drive. According to Ayurveda, the loss of libido in men results from either erectile dysfunction issues such as premature ejaculation or excessive nightfall. But why does this happen? Maybe a few strong reasons will help you answer this critical question.


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Twelve Signs of Low Testosterone In Men

Monday, September 30th, 2019
Lean Man

What Exactly is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone produced by our bodies (yes men and women both have testosterone) that is responsible for most bodily functions including growth and sex drive. However, it’s mainly produced in men’s testicles. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for giving men a more “manly” appearance, and for their sexual development. Testosterone stimulates sperm production and increases a man’s libido or sex drive. It also helps in building muscles and bone mass. 

As men age, their body’s ability to produce testosterone gradually decreases. According to the American Urological Association, 2 out of 10 men over the age of 60 have low testosterone levels. On the other hand, 3 out of 10 men get lower testosterone levels once they reach the age of 70-80. But what is the median T-level, what levels are defined as high and low?


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Tips for Recovering After a Head Injury or Concussion

Friday, September 13th, 2019

The Symptoms of Brain Trauma

Fitness Brain

Head injuries may be caused by any number of trauma situations, ranging from accidents or athletics to fights or simple shaking or whiplash. But the result of a blow to the head is often the same: some level of brain injury due to an impact between the brain and the skull. And commonly, head injuries lead to concussions. This type of temporary brain injury may start with a loss of consciousness or a period of blackout, although this is not always the case.

The victim will likely suffer from one or more of the following symptoms:

  • confusion
  • inability to concentrate
  • headache
  • blurry vision
  • nausea
  • fatigue
  • sadness
  • anxiety
  • sleeping issues
  • memory loss
  • and more…

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5 Ways Proper Dental Care Can Help Athletes Avoid Illness

Monday, September 9th, 2019
Proper Dental Care

We tend to separate the health of our teeth and mouth from the health of the rest of our body. But in fact, taking care of your teeth can have a great impact on your general health, likewise ignoring good dental care can hurt your health. Furthermore, given that we beat up our bodies with intense exercise, proper dental care can help athletes avoid illness.

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, more than 90% of all systemic diseases show oral signs and symptoms. Systemic illnesses are those that affect the entire body and not just one particular organ, such as diabetes where a mouth infection can make it more difficult to control this disease.  

Taking care of your teeth means keeping bacteria under control so that it doesn’t reach levels of oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Here are 5 ways that dental health can affect your fitness and what you can do to improve oral hygiene.


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What Mental Health Benefits Can I Get From Exercise?

Friday, July 26th, 2019
mental health female athlete

Exercise isn’t simply about muscle size and aerobic capacity. Of course, exercise can help to improve your physique and physical health, add years onto your life, improve your sex life, and trim your waistline. However, those are not things that motivate most people to remain active. You might be surprised to realize that you can get several mental health benefits from exercise.

Individuals who exercise on a regular basis have a tendency to do it because it provides them with a great feeling of well-being. They have a tendency to feel a lot more energic throughout their day, have sharper memories, sleep much better at night, are more relaxed, and feel more positive about their lives and themselves. It is a powerful medicine as well for numerous mental health issues.  

Exercising on a regular basis can have a very positive impact on ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other condition. It also gives your overall mood a boost, helps you sleep much better, improves your memory, and relieves stress. It also isn’t necessary to be a total fitness fanatic in order to enjoy the benefits. According to research, even modest levels of exercise can make a big difference. NO matter what your fitness level or age is, you can learn how exercise can be used as a powerful tool to help you feel better. 


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Proven Ways To Increase Testosterone Levels

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

proven ways to increase testosterone levels

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in any male’s life. It is responsible for masculine virility and pretty much every component of masculinity starting from muscle growth and expression of hair distribution, energy levels and sexual performance among others. Testosterone is also available at lower levels in women. This crucial hormone peaks during puberty in both men and women and its production gradually drops with age. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to increase testosterone levels.

In older men, testosterone is responsible for fitness, muscle growth, fat loss and disease prevention. It is recommendable to keep your testosterone levels up into your 30s, 40s and old age if you want to remain fit and healthy. Fortunately, there are various ways to naturally increase your testosterone levels. Below is a look at five of them.


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