You may have heard of all of the Elmiron lawsuits currently being brandished about. The truth of the matter is that this drug has some serious side effects, often that people weren’t warned about before they began taking it.
(more…)You may have heard of all of the Elmiron lawsuits currently being brandished about. The truth of the matter is that this drug has some serious side effects, often that people weren’t warned about before they began taking it.
(more…)Often at Project Swole we think about the effects of mental health on physical health. Without proper mental health, we are unable to lead a healthy lifestyle, possibly even ignoring fitness altogether. Today we would like to discuss one method of camouflaging mental health issues and mental distress – using the prescription drug Xanax – how and why you might use it, and a brief explanation of the risks involved.
Studies reveal that more people are taking medication to deal with stress, anxiety, mental disorders, and insomnia among other discomforts. A huge chunk of this population consists of people who do not bother getting prescriptions for the right drug and the right dose.
Are you one of those individuals who take drugs based on your friend’s ailment?
That is wrong and creates a serious risk to your health!
Antidepressants and Benzodiazepines are medical drugs that are used to relieve some mental glitches and illnesses. The fact that they target your brain and how it sends transmissions throughout your body makes it a dangerous affair to self-diagnose and self-medicate. Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin are popular benzodiazepines that are used to produce a calming effect once they act on your nerves and brain.
A human body is made up of different physical parts that come together to form a complex system. All these body parts will not be able to function if they are not facilitated by certain chemical bodies such as enzymes and hormones. These chemical bodies exist both in males and females and allow the body to perform various different functions. There are growth hormones, sexual hormones, and reproductive hormones among many others. The hormonal activity in a human body within itself is a very complicated one. It is important that the hormone level is maintained at a certain level in order for your body to be able to perform its functions normally.
(more…)When it comes to lifting weights, most people have the wrong perception. Weight training does not necessarily equate to bodybuilding and its benefits are not limited to aesthetic muscle growth either. It is a principle that can be used to achieve a variety of goals for both men and women. In fact, all kinds of athletes and sportsmen use different variants of weight training to boost specific aspects of their game. As the general consensus is that the only ones who lift are the people who want to get jacked, let us take a closer look at what else weight training can do to help your health. (more…)
I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the contact form.
Generally, I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.
From now on I want to take a more proactive approach to answer your questions by posting them separately in the blog. This way we can be sure that everyone benefits from the Q & A.
“I’m 19 and am just starting to try to build some muscle. I was wondering what happens when you consume too much protein and your liver or kidneys can’t handle it, what are the side effects?”
First of all, there really are no side effects to using protein powder, as long as you use it intelligently. There’s no reason to eat more than 40 grams of protein in a meal. There’s also no reason to live on protein supplements.
Real food will help keep you healthy.
Protein powder is just a ‘supplement’ to your normal whole food diet. Muscle Milk is definitely the best product to choose to ‘supplement’ your diet with extra protein, but you don’t want to base your entire nutrition plan around it.
That said, I want to examine this question from the following three angles:
A right turn can always lead you to the destination quicker and safely. This is the best thing about knowing what is best for you. When it comes to body building and physique there is no doubt about the significance of using the right medication.
There are several people who you might have heard suffered serious side effect and it caused then issues. All of this can be avoided with proper care and the perfect use of right products that help your demands. Mass gains are hard to come by if no particular attention is paid to nutrition and supplementation.
Use the best
Trenbolone is quite popular among gym goers for the unique ability of the product to deliver massive gains. It is one of the most effective injectable forms of anabolic drug that have given many a body builders their dream physique. Trenbolone is banned in many countries as the abuse has led to tipping point and there is only one legal way. (more…)