Posts Tagged ‘high-protein’

Matt’s Meat – An Atkins-Style High-Protein Meal

Saturday, January 20th, 2024
Matt's Meat - a high-protein meal

At times there can be a benefit to scheduling a zero-carb, high-fat, high-protein meal in your diet. You might consider going on a 3-week Atkins-style super-low carb diet to kick start a hardcore fat loss phase in your training.

For this, you will need to eat lots of meat, cheese, and vegetables, and not much else. I have the perfect recipe for this; it’s called Matt’s Meat and today I will share the story of Matt’s Meat with you.


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Halloween Recipes: Kitty Litter Protein Cake

Sunday, October 2nd, 2022
Kitty Litter Cake Recipe

High Protein Kitty Litter Cake Recipe for Halloween

This is one of the more disgusting Halloween recipes I’ve found. It is also not the healthiest recipe on Project Swole, but it is definitely fun for the kids. Just don’t let Fluffy near the final product or you might end up with more ‘Tootsie Rolls’ than you thought.

In an attempt to get as much protein into this recipe as possible, I am literally adding scoops of protein powder to everything and substituting protein bars for candy whenever possible. The recipe might not come out that great if you use every one of my substitutions, but you can pick and choose which substitutions to use based on personal preference.

I’ve also listed several substitutions for the cake recipes. If you use them all, the cake might not be that great, but using applesauce in place of oil never seems to ruin any recipe that I have ever tried.


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What Are the Side Effects of Protein Powder?

Monday, December 5th, 2016
Your Questions

I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the contact form.

Generally, I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.

From now on I want to take a more proactive approach to answer your questions by posting them separately in the blog. This way we can be sure that everyone benefits from the Q & A.

Russel wrote:

“I’m 19 and am just starting to try to build some muscle. I was wondering what happens when you consume too much protein and your liver or kidneys can’t handle it, what are the side effects?”


First of all, there really are no side effects to using protein powder, as long as you use it intelligently. There’s no reason to eat more than 40 grams of protein in a meal. There’s also no reason to live on protein supplements.

side effects of protein powder

Real food will help keep you healthy.

Protein powder is just a ‘supplement’ to your normal whole food diet. Muscle Milk is definitely the best product to choose to ‘supplement’ your diet with extra protein, but you don’t want to base your entire nutrition plan around it.

That said, I want to examine this question from the following three angles:

  • regarding the digestion of lactose
  • regarding the digestion of excess protein and developing kidney stones
  • regarding your body being in a state of ketosis

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Halloween Recipes: Caviar Crescent Moons

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

A high protein gourmet Halloween recipe.

Crescent Moon Recipe

If you’re hosting a Halloween party this year, chances are, you’re serving your guests a few Halloween inspired treats. Typically, the quality of the appetizers gets sacrificed in the name of this fun filled holiday. Why not try something different this year, and opt for a healthier, more refined gourmet foods hors d’oeuvres table.

With domestic prices on gourmet goods at an all time low, you can achieve this without breaking the bank and with these tips, you won’t have to worry about having to skip on any the fun ghoul and goblin spooky flair. Instead of the endless amount of sugar cookies caked with sugar and frosting, why not invite your guests to partake in delicious puff pastries or blinis topped with crème fraîche and orange Salmon roe and black caviar to look like pumpkins. This way, your guests will feel guilt free because they are eating a high protein snack, rather than a fatty cookie.

Keeping with your Halloween gourmet theme, substitute your bagged chips for tasty Crescent Moon inspired toast topped with sour cream or a low fat aioli spread and then topped with black caviar. The caviar will give your moons just the right amount of that Halloween feel.


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Deep Dish Protein Pizza Quiche

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

How to Make Deep Dish Protein Pizza Quiche

Pizza Quiche
Pizza Quiche

Pizza quiche fortified with protein.

How can you go wrong?

Pizza is so good. I don’t care who you are or what kind of diet you are on, right now you want to eat pizza. I do too. That’s why I am showing you today, a super-tight recipe for protein fortified deep dish pizza quiche.

There is a ton of protein in this recipe and quite a bit of fat if you choose to use the original ingredients. I have suggested ways to eliminate fat by substituting lower fat versions of cream (milk), eggs, cream cheese, and cheese. You can use the full fat versions for a fattier, tastier, greasier pizza quiche.

You are encouraged to experiment with toppings as well. Meat and vegetables are great toppings for pizza quiche!


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