Archive for the ‘Social Networking’ Category

Guest Bloggers Wanted!

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Wanted: guest bloggers, guest posters, guest authors!

Attention everyone! I am looking for guest bloggers you can write intelligent content to post on Project Swole!

Promote yourself and your website to 10,000 unique readers a day, network with other bloggers within the industry, collect potent backlinks to your own online content for SEO benefits.

Guest Post
Write a Guest Post!

Who Should Submit Content?

Anyone really, but I would especially like to hear from people with experience in the industry:

  • experienced coaches
  • those who specialize in any sport, equipment, or technique
  • doctors
  • nutritionists
  • book authors
  • dietary supplement innovators
  • personal trainers who have a clue

I would also like to hear from anyone who owns a sports, health, or fitness blog. If you can contribute something, anything, useful to Project Swole readers, I want to hear from you! Got it?


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Project Swole on Facebook

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

I’m not 100% sure where I’m going with this, but Project Swole is now on Facebook with a very basic Facebook Page. Soon I’ll get around to pimping it out and I’m currently learning a bunch of different ways to post to it. To become a fan, go ahead and click on this link: Project Swole on Facebook.

The new design will have an easy-to-find Facebook badge so if you forget to join, there will be ample opportunities at a later date.

In the meantime, let me know how best I can utilize the new Facebook Page. I have some ideas, but would like to hear from you all as well.

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Project Swole’s First YouTube Video

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

It is a milestone for Project Swole! This is the very first Project Swole video anywhere. Unfortunately I outsourced it to someone in India and it just might be the very worst video I have ever seen in my life. Go ahead and watch it but I don’t blame you if you hit ‘STOP’ after just 10 seconds.

Let’s hope the next Project Swole video at least has music or a voice over. Yikes!

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A Guest Post on Diets in Review

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Look, now I’m turning up in other places online!

Somehow gave me an opportunity to write a guest post. You can find it at How to Train Legs part 1.

I had originally written a 1500 word article for this, but ended up having to shorten it to 2, 500 word pieces. Now I know what it feels like when a Hollywood director is forced to cut 20 minutes off of his movie to be able to get his R rated movie down to a PG-13 rating.

Thanks to Diets in Review for giving me my first chance to write a unique guest post on a high profile website.

I also published a guest post from Heather Ashare of Diets in Review fame. You can find that post at Yoga for Men. Thanks Heather!

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Health Ranker Bookmarklet For Your Browser

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008
Health Ranker
Health Ranker

I am a social networking and social bookmarking addict. I have profiles on both Facebook and MySpace, and I bookmark URLs on such sites as Digg, StumbleUpon, Mixx, Propeller, Reddit, Delicious, and HealthRanker. Some of those sites such as Delicious are simply for bookmarking, while others like Digg are for voting on, and commenting on, popular news stories.

Health Ranker is one of my favorite social bookmarking websites due to its health and fitness theme (I hear a new site is coming out soon targeted specifically for exercise and nutrition, but that’s a discussion for a different day). I’ve just never been able to get my hands on a browser bookmarklet for All that changes today…


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