One of the biggest concerns that many vegans and vegetarians face is making sure that they get enough protein into their diet. With meat being the highest source, it can be complicated to plan meals around your new requirements. However, it is possible. All you need to do is look into the different substitutes.
In this article, we are going to discuss six high protein alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. Interested? Then keep on reading!
Seitan is one of the most popular meat alternatives because it can be made to look, feel, and taste like the real thing. From chicken, sausages, and burger patties, it’s certainly versatile. Three ounces of seitan can give you 31g (Approx. 1.09 ounces) of protein, making it a great way to build muscle. Alongside this, it’s also low in calories. However, it shouldn’t be your only source, as it lacks essential amino acids.
Part of the legume family, soybeans are a complete protein that can be made into both milk and meat substitutes. High in fiber, lactose, and cholesterol-free, it has a variety of health benefits. One cup gives you 29 grams (approx. 1.02 ounces) of protein. In fact, the US is known for producing consistent quality soy, making it the perfect addition to your diet.
Quinoa has quickly become a popular protein alternative, as it is also gluten-free. Just like soybeans, it is also a whole protein, containing all the essential amino acids. Having one cup provides 8 grams (0.28 ounces), but it is also full of iron, B vitamins, and fiber. While it won’t give you enough daily protein on its own, when combined with other substitutes, it makes a delicious and excellent alternative. From quinoa tacos, yummy salads, and desserts, the options are endless!
Peanuts, almonds, pistachios, and cashews. Nuts are a great snack to keep up your protein levels. While the total amount varies between each type, 3.5 ounces of mixed nuts can give you around 20g (0.7 ounces). As well as this, they are loaded with other nutrients and antioxidants that can aid weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce risks of heart attacks.
Quorn is known as a mycoprotein that is fermented in vats from a fungus in soil. It might sound a bit strange, but this substitute is high in protein and can be used in a number of different ways. From ready-to-cook forms to full meals, it has become available in various countries throughout the past years. While it is not as popular as some of the other options in this list, it is still worth looking into.
Hemp seed
Coming from the Cannabis Sativa plant, hemp seed is another form of complete protein that is easily digestible. Per ounce, it contains around 10 grams (0.35 ounces) and is commonly sprinkled in muesli, smoothies and added to protein bars. Full of great extras, including calcium, zinc, and magnesium, it’s a perfect addition to your breakfast to give your day a boost. Check out these hemp seed recipes for inspiration!
And that’s it! These were six different high protein alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. What do you think? Are there any other great substitutes you would recommend?
Tags: high protein, protein, vegan, vegetable protein, vegetables, vegetarian