Posts Tagged ‘pizza’

Deep Dish Protein Pizza Quiche

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

How to Make Deep Dish Protein Pizza Quiche

Pizza Quiche
Pizza Quiche

Pizza quiche fortified with protein.

How can you go wrong?

Pizza is so good. I don’t care who you are or what kind of diet you are on, right now you want to eat pizza. I do too. That’s why I am showing you today, a super-tight recipe for protein fortified deep dish pizza quiche.

There is a ton of protein in this recipe and quite a bit of fat if you choose to use the original ingredients. I have suggested ways to eliminate fat by substituting lower fat versions of cream (milk), eggs, cream cheese, and cheese. You can use the full fat versions for a fattier, tastier, greasier pizza quiche.

You are encouraged to experiment with toppings as well. Meat and vegetables are great toppings for pizza quiche!


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