Posts Tagged ‘health insurance’

5 Things to Know About the Mexican Medical Insurance System

Monday, March 7th, 2022
Mexican Medical Insurance System

Going to Mexico for a short, long, or permanent stay? It is critical to learn about Mexican medical insurance before settling in to help you in the event of a medical emergency or any other medical issue that might force you to go back home for treatment. Regardless of where you are coming from, acquainting yourself with medical insurance in Mexico will greatly help you determine if you can get the help you need while away from home.

Now that the US Medicare is not available in Mexico, how do you ensure you are covered when away from your state?


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Struggling to Understand How Family Floater Health Insurance Works? Read This

Friday, August 27th, 2021
floater health insurance

As health insurance becomes a necessity considering surging medical costs and a rise in lifestyle-induced diseases, many people have turned to family floater health insurancesecuring all their loved ones under one umbrella. Although individual plans have been the more popular choice, the shift to family policies has been mainly motivated by their affordability. So, what is a family floater health care plan? 


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Do Black Americans Receive Equality in Health Care?

Monday, March 30th, 2009
Black Doctor
Black Doctor

Different studies have been focusing on how racism has affected the health industry in the United States all over the years.

Will this term, under President Barack Obama pose positive changes, given that he is the first black president?

We have to remember American history to examine the trends of racism and how it affected the health industry of the United States.

The United States Census Bureau and the Federal Office of Management and Budget, define race as self-identification of a person or group of persons as a result of physical characteristics, geographic location and ancestry. Race has been used interchangeably with ethnicity, which refers to a larger categorization which includes the language, diet, religion and political factors.


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