Posts Tagged ‘tricep training’

How to do Dips

Monday, June 10th, 2024
bodybuilders show how to do dips with plates added

Dips are listed in a Swole post as one of the top 5 best triceps exercises. They can be useful for both chest and triceps training but to make them work for us we have to learn the ins and outs of how to do dips and how to do them properly to work with our personal goals.

Based on the principle that exercises in which you move your body through space are better than the exercises that keep you in a stationary position, dips are better than push ups. It is also easier for you to add weight to your dips than it is to add weight to a push-up.


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The Top 5 Best Triceps Exercises

Saturday, November 12th, 2022
Arnold uses the best triceps exercises.

We frequently end up having to answer questions about which exercises are the top 5 best triceps exercises of all time. Literally, the two most common questions you will hear from male weightlifters are:

  1. How can I get bigger arms?
  2. How can I bench press more weight?

Normally I would scoff at such questions, except that the answer is a lesson that most young weightlifters need to learn. Because your triceps comprise two-thirds of your arm, the answer to the first question is: train your triceps.

Because your triceps are often the weakest link in the chain of muscles that facilitates bench press, the answer to the second question is: train your triceps.

This brings me to the point of this whole post: how best to train your triceps.


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