4 Subconscious Behaviors That Might Be A Cry For Help

Posted September 19, 2022 in Mental Health No Comments »
a cry for help

Subconscious behaviors refer to automatic actions or reactions one becomes aware of only if one thinks about them. For instance, your ability to speak a different language, once you master a language, you stop thinking about which words to use or how to frame sentences. Yet, you become aware of what happened when you think about it. Our subconscious can cause us to exhibit behaviors that can be considered a cry for help, so we should train our conscious minds to notice these subconscious outbursts.

The concept of subconscious behaviors or mind was introduced to the world by Sigmund Freud, a psychoanalyst. He stated that human behaviors and personalities resulted from constant interactions of psychological forces that operated at three levels—preconscious, conscious, and subconscious.

Let’s take a look at how these psychological forces affect your overall body and well-being.

The Subconscious Mind Rules the Body

Studies show the subconscious mind accounts for 90 percent of your feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. The subconscious mind grasps all information a person encounters in life. And then it slowly starts taking charge of your life. For example, you have a project due the next day, and there is no time for happy hour. Yet, you choose to spend time procrastinating. However, you aren’t alone. A lot of people globally make decisions that don’t support their goals or intentions. Procrastination can be observed as a cry for help – whether it’s time management issues, inability to cope with reality, or substance abuse – we must try to notice these behaviors and fix them.

If you find your subconscious mind ruling your life, here’s how to determine and curb it at the earliest.

1.    Appetite Changes

Your hunger might be influenced more by psychology rather than physiology. According to experts, hunger isn’t always present but running in the background. It is more like a mood that is played out by your subconscious mind. However, the important point is that it can alter your decisions.

Imagine you are hungry, sit down to dinner, and think, “The pizza slice is too small. I will have to eat all eight slices to break even.” Now, what if you are full? The same pizza slice looks large. This is your subconscious mind playing games. Have you ever noticed that you feel thinner when you are hungry and like an elephant when you are satiated?

If you have recently noticed changes in your appetite—eating too much or too little—know it’s your subconscious mind. Letting your subconscious mind take charge of your eating habits can result in several problems, including losing or gaining weight, decreased energy levels, and mood swings.

So, put extra thought into your meals, and eat to survive, not vice versa.

2.    Negative Self-Talk

Sometimes, you program your subconscious to think you are flawed, incapable, and stupid. Your subconscious then takes on the job of focusing only on the negative aspect of every situation. As a result, you become too critical of yourself, always blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong.

Always focusing on negative thoughts can be extremely harmful to your overall well-being. It leads to decreased motivation, and a greater feeling of helplessness, pushing you to depression. For this reason, it is essential you reprogram your subconscious mind.

Consider meditating, practicing yoga, making affirmations, etc. The key is to take care of yourself. Whether that requires a change of environment or better practices, make time for yourself, and your subconscious will follow.

3.    Substance Use & Abuse

A lot of people use substances at some point in their lives and this is almost always a cry for help. Often it begins as a one-time thing, done out of curiosity or for experimentation. However, it soon becomes a habit as you get accustomed to the good feeling of substance use. Hence, it isn’t the need that drives you to use the substance but the unawareness of the “need.”

Substance abuse can lead to various risks like liver damage, short-term confusion, anxiety, mental disturbances, social withdrawal, etc.

To overcome substance abuse, turn to healthier activities like exercising, meditating, eating, listening to music, or spending time outside. These activities induce dopamine secretion in your body, just like substance use, thereby offering you the same sense of happiness. Nonetheless, if you suffer from severe substance use, consider visiting a top drug rehab center in South Florida.

4.    Loss of Interest

Do you often begin a project, hobby, or relationship with enthusiasm but lose interest quickly? For instance, you hear a friend speak a foreign language and choose to study it with great interest. So you find and join a course, but a few weeks in, you don’t find any motivation to learn, and you quit.

Chances are that your subconscious is resisting leaving your comfort zone. Something fires your enthusiasm. However, you quickly give up when you see the amount of work you need to do. You think you are good on your own, just the way you are.

To avoid dealing with such a situation, use common sense to think properly before starting a project. Additionally, understand that everything worthwhile will take time, hard work, and sacrifices.

Final Thoughts

Your subconscious mind might be controlling you now. However, there is always a way around it. Try to notice if your behaviors are a cry for help or just a series of bad habits. Take simple steps to reprogram your subconscious mind, whether that is positive affirmations, exercising, or reading positive quotes. Once you learn to believe in yourself, you will no longer be challenged by the fear of the unknown.

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