Sandbag Training Video

Posted December 15, 2008 in Conditioning 2 Comments »

I recently discovered sandbag training. Similar to kettlebell training, Cross Fit training, and P90X training; this is a revolutionary form of training that should really be considered for functional workouts.

Now, you might laugh at me for calling any of those training methodologies ‘revolutionary’, but they are all training styles that fall outside of strict free weight training, cardio training, powerlifting, or any such well-defined training methodology fad. Of course, all of these idea have led to eye-opening, insightful ideas about training and conditioning.

So, let me introduce sandbag training. Allow me to entice you with this one video, and later I will write more about this methodology with some links to get sandbag training equipment. Anyway, check this out:

Sandbag Training Part 1

Sandbag Training Part 2

Sandbag Training Part 3

Sandbag Training Part 4

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2 Responses to “Sandbag Training Video”

  1. These sand bags would be a great addition to any functional training routine. We use similar imbalanced movements for MMA and Judo training.

    One observation though, was the sand escaping? I saw a lot of dust especially with the tossing movements.

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