Posts Tagged ‘diets in review’

A Guest Post on Diets in Review

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Look, now I’m turning up in other places online!

Somehow gave me an opportunity to write a guest post. You can find it at How to Train Legs part 1.

I had originally written a 1500 word article for this, but ended up having to shorten it to 2, 500 word pieces. Now I know what it feels like when a Hollywood director is forced to cut 20 minutes off of his movie to be able to get his R rated movie down to a PG-13 rating.

Thanks to Diets in Review for giving me my first chance to write a unique guest post on a high profile website.

I also published a guest post from Heather Ashare of Diets in Review fame. You can find that post at Yoga for Men. Thanks Heather!

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