Posts Tagged ‘lower back’

How to Perform Reverse Hypers or Reverse Hyperextensions

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
athlete with a strong lower back from Reverse Hypers

In weight lifting, the lower back does not always receive much attention, unless it is injured. Experienced athletes know enough to include deadlifts, stiff legs, good mornings, glute-hamstring raises, and pull-throughs into their routine, but maybe that’s not always enough. That’s where we introduce a game-changing exercise called Reverse Hypers (aka Reverse Hyperextensions) into our training program.

The posterior chain is used in many pulling and lifting movements, so making it a priority to strengthen the lower back will help prevent serious injuries in the future. Aside from those listed above, one exercise that can help strengthen, rehab, and prehab the lower back, is the reverse hyper. Additionally, the reverse hyper strengthens the entire posterior chain including the hips, spinal erectors, glutes, and hamstrings.

Let’s take a few minutes to examine why reverse hypers are so good for you, how to perform reverse hypers, and how to execute the movement without specific reverse hyper equipment.


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The Top 5 Best Lower Back Exercises

Monday, June 21st, 2021
best lower back exercises

While the lower back may be the easiest part of your back to acquire mass, it is also the easiest to injure. Think about all of the people with factory jobs spending all day picking up heavy boxes. These people will have very developed backs from doing this all day and they aren’t weightlifters or bodybuilders; they likely don’t do any of the best lower back exercises unless they are hitting the gym after a long, demanding workday.

The way people get injured isn’t necessarily the injured. I swear, you hear people all the time say all this shit about deadlifts being bad. This could not be further from the truth.

It is the way you perform the exercise. If you pick the bar off the ground with your back rounded like crazy, then yeah, of course, you are going to get injured.

Lower Back Chick

How to Get a Muscular Lower Back

Like mentioned above, this may be the easiest muscle to get built up. Obviously, the deadlift will be the best exercise to utilize to achieve this goal.

Deadlifts can also be dangerous since a lot of people just never figure out how to use the correct form. Either that or they will try to go too heavy to inflate their ego and sacrifice form in doing so.

Here’s a hint: if you have to round your back in order to deadlift 500 lbs, then you should probably lower the weight. Drop the ego and use the right form, please.


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How to Deal With Lower Back Pain

Saturday, February 15th, 2020
lower back pain

Today, a majority of people have experienced some kind of lower back pain. Acute, chronic, local or pain that is going all through your glutes’ muscles and legs to your foot. All of them are very intensive and they limit us in our everyday life.

So, what causes it, why and how should you solve lower back pain? Aside from adding a few of the best lower back exercises to your workout routine, here are some additional tips and tricks that can help you prehab and rehab a sore lower back.


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