Fitness trainers are often fitness enthusiasts who love to help people achieve their fitness goals. Despite good intentions, it’s not always easy to become a successful fitness trainer.
There’s a misconception that any ‘gym bro’ with bulging muscles can get a job as a Fitness Trainer. But in reality, there is a lot of work that goes into being a fitness trainer other than keeping yourself fit.
You have to get certified and develop your interpersonal skills as this job requires you to build close relationships with people. Unfortunately, very few fitness trainers make it past the early stages of their careers because of the misconceptions attached to this profile. However, don’t lose heart.
Read on to learn the 5 tips on how to become a successful fitness trainer.
1. Develop your skills
More than technicalities, a fitness trainer needs to be able to connect with their clients. You have to deal with people from every walk of life. Your clientele could include women who recently gave birth and are dealing with postpartum weight issues or people who are suffering from eating disorders.
Body image issues among both men and women are extremely prevalent in this day and age. It is your job as a fitness trainer to be respectful & compassionate when managing such clients.
You will need to be patient, inquisitive, inspiring, nurturing, and attentive to your client’s needs. If your clients are happy, you will have a smooth sailing career. You also need to be able to channel the emotions of your clients positively.
Moving on to more technical things; an abundant knowledge of the human anatomy, especially about the different bones and muscle groups and how they work is imperative. This way you can set realistic goals for your clients while preventing serious injuries.
The most important thing, however, is to stay in shape yourself. A fitness trainer’s expertise will never be trusted if they are not fit themselves.
2. Gather certifications
Most reputed gyms and fitness centers only employ certified trainers. If your resume showcases that you are certified with an NCCA accredited program, you will be a shoo-in. Two of the most popular certifications are the NASM and ACE. You will have to study and work hard to obtain these certifications, but they are worth all the effort.
A kinesiology degree will also come in extremely handy if you are serious about making fitness training your profession.
You can also find a school that provides hands-on experience as well as certifications in addition to a degree in a classroom setting.
3. Figure out your specialty
Just like with any other job, finding what you are good at and developing a career surrounding your niche will be more beneficial than sticking to a generalized role. Deciding early on what and who you want to work with will help you in targeting specific clientele and building a customer base.
As networking and referrals are majorly how fitness trainers gain new customers, catering to a specific group will help. For instance, a person with weight issues will probably trust a trainer who has experience in helping people achieve their weight goals.
4. Keep yourself updated
The hallmark of a great professional is industry-relevance. To be industry-relevant, you need to stay abreast of the latest trends in your niche.
You could do this by joining training organizations that host periodic seminars and workshops. These workshops are also an amazing place to network with people in the same industry.
Many of the certifications you hold may also require updating yourself and getting re-certified every couple of years, so make sure you don’t fall behind on that.
5. Start taking initiatives
Unlike the hiring process of an office job, you can simply walk into any local gym or fitness center to ask for a job. The turnout rate for such places is huge and there is often at least one opening at any given time. You still have to promote your business, but it’s always great to work off of a few initial clients.
Even if there isn’t, networking with the right people in the fitness industry will almost always land you a job. LinkedIn is perhaps the best place to build connections and network with the right people. So if you don’t know where to go, perhaps LinkedIn is a great place to start.
It can be difficult to land a job as a fitness trainer. If even after following the above-stated advice you still have trouble landing a job, take up a gym membership. Network with the trainers and the front-desk staff there. Tell them about your personal goals and show your dedication to fitness.
This is one of the easiest ways to start your career as a fitness trainer. Moreover, market your expertise as a trainer by building a website and getting active on social media. Start building a database of potential clients and start cold calling. Eventually, you won’t need a gym as the middleman and you will be able to run your own business as a fitness trainer.
About the Author
Aditya Sharma is a passionate entrepreneur, career expert, and fitness enthusiast, Aditya lives and breathes Hiration — an AI-powered online resume builder and platform to help job-seekers land their dream jobs in today’s highly treacherous job market.
Tags: success