Project Swole Now Uses CommentLuv

Posted September 17, 2010 in Business 16 Comments »

I’ve tried the WordPress plugin CommentLuv in the past on a different site and decided it wasn’t for me, but now I’m giving it another chance. From now on, if you register with CommentLuv and comment at Project Swole, you get a free backlink to your latest blog post. It’s easy and free.

If you run your own blog you know that it’s a struggle initially to get traffic and to rank high in Google for important search terms. With CommentLuv, you will get more people to your site who are looking to get free backlinks, which means more traffic for you, and being part of the ComLuv community, you will be able to leave comments on other ComLuv enabled blogs, which means more backlinks for you and better representation on Google.

Now you’ve got an even better reason to leave comments on Project Swole, but please… no more comments on the Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains thread! Save your questions for the forum – I’m going to try my best to launch it by the end of this weekend.

Go register now on ComLuv and then leave me some comments!

Thanks to the guys from Hive Health Media for reminding me about WordPress plugins that I’ve forgotten about.

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16 Responses to “Project Swole Now Uses CommentLuv”

  1. Blog Commenting is one of the most helpful methods for improving page traffic and ranking in SERPs…… It is tough to select high-PR sites to get quality backlinks…… Thanks for sharing the enormous list of Blog Commenting Sites……..

  2. Thanks to Project Swole for giving us the chance to commentluv. It is positive for both of us as we get the traffiq and available more than our competitor in google.

  3. Congratulations for using commentluv. Its a great way of building backlinks. A great plugin that every site in the internet needs.

  4. I’ve found Commentluv quite useful as well. We’ve found that connecting with fitness experts and enthusiasts about the awareness of stress incontinence in fitness to be very helpful. Many athletes are embarrassed by this and don’t realize how common it is.

    We try to increase awareness and give simple methods to assist with this issue. Our new product for women, gives back the freedom to run, crunch and press, without having to worry about having an accident.

    Have a great day!

  5. Steve,

    Glad to see that you’re giving Commentluv a second chance. For now, it’s still not nearly as well known in the health and fitness blog niche as it is in others.

    At Hive Health Media, we’re trying to connect quality health and fitness bloggers like yourself, so it should be useful as that progresses.

    I was a little weary initially when I tried it at the HHM site. It’s starting to catch on there and it has helped rather than hurt the site’s traffic and creating discussion.

    Lately, posting has slowed down at my own blog (see this commentluv link), but I did add Commentluv there too just recently. My dietary supplement blog has never really generated many comments. So far, Commentluv has been less effective at that site than at HHM.



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